August 7, 2010


Deep in my heart I just know
Right from the start, we will grow
Look where we are, we've come so far
And there's still a long, long way to...

*waving our lighters in the air*

Aren't we patriotic? Well, we ARE Singaporeans after all. Okay enough with the speech! Let's get on with the story.

Today, we went to town! Yay! What's so fun about that...? Nothing, just telling. Hehe. There was the National Day preview at Padang. We didn't know at first. I was waiting for Nina to arrive at City Hall when I realized there were lots of barricades and policemen. No no.. They were not tall, dark and handsome. They were OLD! *jeng jeng jeng*

After Nina came, we took a breather at the parapet when this OLD policeman started to usher us off because apparently we were blocking the "way". Yeah right.. So we shifted. Not far. Just a few meters away. Haha. We waited for Mors. Gosh! Waiting for him was like waiting for snow to fall in Singapore. See what I did there? Jokes concerning the country. HAHAHAHA!! Stop it Fae.

Our purpose going to town was to watch the fireworks but our plan went down the Singapore River, *stops to laugh*, because we were busy eating. We thought of sitting in the open area where we can get to see the fireworks. There were too many people. We figured they sat there due to the same reason we have. We don't blame them. Typical Singaporeans... *smiles*

What else were you expecting right, other than an artistic picture of FOOD by Mors..? Hahaha.. We sat inside instead, enjoying the yummy-ness. A few minutes into our food, we heard booming sounds. Dagnabbit! Was that an earthquake?! Nah.. It was just the fireworks. They started without us. Boohoo... At that point, almost everyone in the banquet were running outside trying to snap pictures. What the... In Malay terms, 'Jakon'. HAHAHA!

After we were done, we headed down to sit near the Esplanade. Such a beautiful sight. LOVE IT! We were expecting Mors' friend. Oops, forgot his name. He is a 'her'... It's complicated. Forget it. I shall not try to explain it. Just look at the picture.

See what I mean..? Hard to explain. Anyways, he's nice. Wait, she? Ah whatever! We spent the whole night by the bay. Snapped some disgusting pictures. No surprise there. Do you wanna see them?? I guess not. I shall keep it in the gallery and make this post a decent one. View it at your own risk, away from the public's eye. Haha.

As usual, at around 11plus, we walked back to the train station. Snapped more pictures there. Still, GROSS! Hahahah... Sorry.


August 6, 2010

Lawatan ke Ladang Zaiton

23rd July 2010:
A day of hell of a laughter!
It started out pretty bad because Mors wanted to go clubbing with his buddies while Nina and I had planned to go shisha-ing. So we thought that Mors wouldn't be coming and left only with the two of us. But we still went with the plan.

At about 7pm, Mors decided to tag along. Yipee! He wouldn't have the heart to abandon us. Chey... MCM PHM! We reached our destination at around 7.30pm. Went upstairs to take a breather and did a little story-telling. Literally 'story-telling'. It's this new TV show called 'Pretty Little Liars'. It's effin' interesting and I'm still have yet to watch it. I need to find time!

For those who haven't watched yet, please do:

Right after Mors reached, we walked straight to THE place. According to Nina, it's nice and YUP!
It is.

"Hey Fae, where is that place?!"

It's Nabins. Doesn't it look more like Mabius instead. Nina told me about how she saw it as Mabius. I thought it was only her but if you were to look carefully, it does. The shisha is cheap. But the food, hmmm... I can say that it is expensive. Well, the freakin' place looked like a restaurant. Of course the food would be expensive.

The ambience was nice. We sat on top instead of below because they only let the people upstairs have shisha. Downstairs are for romantic dinners, business and stuff that does not have shisha in the picture. Haha! That was just a big guess.

The place was so comfortable. There were cushions everywhere. Smart Nina went to sit on the 'pillows' instead of putting it aside first. Nanti ada bisul macam mana..? LOL! While waiting for the food to arrive, we snapped a bajillion pictures. Mors bought a new camera!!

Mors took some pictures, Nina took some and I.. I took none. Apparently, I couldn't bring my camera anywhere nowadays since my attachment in Jurong Island. Sheesh!

When our food came, we started to menjamu selera. And the laughter began. I swear I felt like kicking Mors because he made me laugh so hard until I couldn't eat anymore. The joke of the day was about ZAITON! Hahahahaha! Zaiton is the Malay translation of Olive. There were so many jokes about Zaiton that I won't be putting up here. Like duh!

Sampai besok pun tak habis! If you wanna know and feel the excitement, come join us. Haha! I think I have done this twice now - promoting ourselves in public. Oopss.. Hehe. You are welcome to join us because the people we invited, MOST OF THE TIME, didn't turn up or gave some excuse not to turn up! LOL! Bukan marah, seronok.

There was a performance put up by this hot babe. We were just staring at her instead of watching her dance. She has nice assets for a Chinese lady. *give me a moment* Hahaha.. I'm not horny okay! Just stating the fact that she's hot and she can dance. She can be as hot as the sun but we would still make fun of her. That's the way we roll.

We slacked for a few hours shisha-ing our miseries away. What a feeling! Now, this reminded me of the moment we had on the way home in the train. I have no idea what we were talking about but it came to a point whereby we were talking about Mrs Menon. It's nothing bad, really. It's just this.

Cute huh??
Mors said that her hair have been maintained since the day we got in and left Siglap. We once saw that her hair was like this even when we weren't in the school yet. WOW! How did she do it?? Hair spray??

That's what Ms. Jamie Lee said during C'est La Vie, with confidence. In conclusion, she's a healthy woman. Haha! Seriously.


August 1, 2010

The Party Didn't Start Even We've Squeezed In

So we back in the club
Get that bodies rockin' from side to side...

16th July 2010:
Woohoo! We went partying babe!
There weren't any hot guys, or even girls, I must say. Pfft. But Nina saw a mixed-blooded woman that looks kinda hot. Haha.

I met Nina after work. She had a rough day; went to the zoo with the kids and all. NIGHTMARE! Mors wanted us to meet earlier at the very last minute when Nina haven't even siap yet. We were hungry so before we went out of the house, we ate. Haha! Sempat.

Dropped down at Tanah Merah, waited for Mors to arrive so we can board the train together. And... You know what we always do in the train..

Goodness.. Look at my face! Slim body but then, my hair looks like Frances Yip. WTF! According to Nina that is. Haha. We reached a little early, actually a lot. So we went to get our chops first. Took a breather while walking to Vivo to grab a bite. Okay, maybe 'a bite' is an understatement. We grabbed a meal. That's more like it.

We sat at Burger King to eat even when we've already eaten. We were hungry! Haha. The fun didn't stop there. We took some pictures to add some laughter while we were eating.

The first picture; Nina and I looked so makcik. The second; Mors was concentrating trying to cut his sundae. Hmmm... I didn't know that you need fork and spoon to eat a sundae pie. Haha!

We left at around 11.30pm. Walked slowly to Powerhouse thinking that the dance floor had started but nooooo... It didn't even start at all. The three of us were standing around the podium waiting for the right music. Ooh, before I forget, we saw our long lost secondary school mate, Wan Ting. It's good to see her again.

What was I talking about just now?? Yes, the song did not start even after one and a half hours have passed. Geez! Boring! We forced ourselves to be on the podium because of two reasons. One, we get fresh air and it's cooling. Second, we can scan everyone from on top of the podium. Hehe.

After dancing for about 2 hours, we got some drinks. Since Mors is not a student anymore, he had to pay cover charge. Every cover charge, two free drinks. Yeah! Mors got his cranberry juice, and Nina and I got Red Bull. We don't drink! Alcohol I mean.

The both of us went down the podium, and guess what?? Nina got sexually harassed! Eww.. Disgusting Indian dude. But then again, he is Indian so can't blame him. It's in his genes. I have no idea what's that supposed to mean. Haha.

Got our drink, sat at the stairs. We chilled for a while before dancing again. It's tiring okay! We had to take a break. Haha. The day ended normally. The song stopped around 3.45pm, we walked out and took a breather. Mors slept peacefully in the front seat of the cab. Hish, that dude. Sleep only...

It started drizzling when we alighted. It got a lot heavier when we sat at Anana's Cafe. Our hair were all standing because of the cold weather. It was killing us slowly. Mors continued sleeping after eating his cookie whereas Nina was trying to make herself feel warm and cozy...

We headed home around 7am. Talked and talked non-stop when Mors was happily sleeping and drooling away.