January 27, 2010

As The Bells Chime.. The Wind Blows.. Across The Epic Beard

Hello WORLD! Fae's here!
Went to bed early yesterday. Was too tired coz of my eyebags.
They are having the best times of their lives growing under my eyes. HAHAHA!
Oh well... aniways...

We had a FULL HOUSE GONGZ meeting at Paris McD. Woohoo! Finally! It's like once in a blue moon that ever happened.
Nadiah was there too. As mentioned by her, "The G Word featuring Nad". (:

We all met as usual at 6pm around there. Nadh, Nina and Au bought food.
While eating, got to snap some pictures - burok and un-glam Fae.

Started our meeting at 7plus. It was about GONGZ chalet! Yay!
Nina was the one who did most of the talking while I was busy playing with Nadh's Iphone. haha.
Very addictive game.

Eh, I was multitasking ok. I heard what she said.

Our budget will be $100, to buy all the foods and drinks.
$90 will be used from our GONGZ fund to pay for the chalet.
We'll be doing a little bbq-ing and maybe at night, we'll catch a movie. Most probably Dear John.
Playing games is a MUST! If not, I'll start disturbing anyone of you.
Better watch out! Muahahaha!
No lappies allowed.
Oh yeah! And Nadiah, will be joining us!
That's about it I guess... I'll update you people again when the list is done.

Nat, Nad, Nadh and Au had to leave at 9.30pm. Nina, Mors and I were left.
We started to talk about beards! Mors and his casing. Hahah! Tak habis-habis.
Dengar-dengar orang dulu-dulu pakai gel eh Mors. Bukan kat rambut pulak tu. Kat janggut.
Hais.. Sakit perut ketawa. Waduh!

The thing that is jutting out of his chin is the casing we were talking about.

Ok. Now moving on to a more serious topic. Let's be honest here.
We know it has been awkward lately.
I don't want anymore of that! No no! I want us. The old happy-go-giler us. Actually we still are. hehe.
Fae! Stay on track!

*Clears throat and serious mode*
Dengar eh anak-anak, yang pentingnya Mak Jah taknak tengok nie semua. Kalau nak kawan, kawan. Jangan gaduh-gaduh. Nanti Mak Jah lempang korang semua satu-satu. Faham?!

Fuh.. Lega sikit hati Mak Jah.
Kan the mother in me dah keluar.
Ingat! Jangan masuk telinga kiri, keluar telinga kanan.
Dah sudah. Mak Jah mintak diri dulu.
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu.