January 29, 2010

I Am Maghrab Sinus!

Boo! Aaarggghhh! Hahaha!
Ok. That was so unnecessary. (:

Mors, Nina and I had a very last minute meet up today. Nina ended school at 5pm and Mors finished work at 1pm.
What about me..? Well, I had an MC. Went to school to take a test but I ended up crying and banging my head on the table because of a MASSIVE migraine attack. Geez! Got to resit for my test another day.

After a whole lot of resting and sleeping in the library, went to meet Mors at the station. Walked around TM, TMone and Century Square to shop for clothes.

Do not go into SAN Bookshop. Just

Terserempak with Nina's aunt at Times. I'm so proud to announce that Mors bought a book for $32.10. A BOOK! But it's not a storybook. Some AVATAR crap. HAHA!

Around 6plus, we met Nina at Simpang. Go eat lah then do what. haha.

Laugh, laugh and laugh. Every small little thing also laugh. Aper entah yang kelakar sangat. A freaking fork BROKE and we laughed. WTH!

Even though I wasn't laughing in this pic, doesn't mean I wasn't laughing before that.

Laugh so much until our stomach hurts. I couldn't finish my food but was stuffing it down pasal sayang kan... Chey! Nina didn't finish hers. Mors was busy wiping snort off his cave. HAHA! Sampai meleleh kat meja. YUCKS!

Then we talked a while. Mors sedang khusyuk menonton televisyen and there was this cute little boy! Oh, so the cute!!

The datuk had to hold his head because he was moving too much. LOL! Budak-budak kan. By the way, the datuk looks like Mufasa.
I mean James Earl Jones.

Mufasa (left) ; James Earl Jones (right)

We went to the playground to get some fresh air. Love life stories here and there. Played a little monkey bar. Nina and I got blisters! And I, apparently, have blisters on my knees too. hehe. I started to walk like a chimpanzee according to Mors.
A chimp with a voice of Chubaka... UUUHHHGGG-rrrrRRR!