February 11, 2010

Most Of Us Are Potato Couches, Not Couch Potato

Faeee Zhaaa isss hhheeerrreee.. *Suara wayang pekji*

Just got back from Simpang. Woohoo! Macam best pulak balik lambat gini. hehe. Mors and I went shopping at TM and Century Square before meeting Nina at Tanah Merah. Mors wanted to buy Victoria's Secret perfume but he ended up buying some Paris Hilton perfume.

I had the first one, so he bought the second one. Smells really sweet. I can't put the smell here of course.. DURH! haha. We went to Montip to buy cekak. Apparently Mors calls the shop MonDip. Weird. After we bought it, he complained that it wasn't the same as mine. Cerewet betul tau ini anak.

We met Nina at around 5plus pasal shop here, shop there. In the bus, Mors asked me to text Nina that he couldn't make it last minute coz he had stomachache. What a lame excuse! I know! But for some reason I was freaking out to face Nina. All because of this stupid prank.
Geez! It's Nina people! She could have just used her "devil" hands to pancung my head!

We ordered our food and didn't really sat there for long coz we finished our food fast. Define long.. One to two hours at least. hehe. We laughed A LOT! What to do.. This is what we are good at. Talk. Laugh. Errmm.. There's more.

Anyways, I've been getting jittery lately.
First, there was this Apek who sells tissue for a living and he came to us. I was like, "OMG!"
Second, the freakin' menu flew and I went, "OMG!"
Third, a bee passed by and hit my hand. "OMG!" again.

That was just at Simpang, belum lagi tempat lain. haha. We walked to the usual playground and on the way there...

A kid cried plus a dog barked. I jumped and ran in a very Lady Gaga manner towards a tree while at the same time stepping on Nina's foot.
Next, still shocked by the whole thing. A car horned. I screamed at a low voice, "Errgghh" and wanted to run some more.
Lastly, with a group of ITE boys at the back, an effin' bug had to jump on my cheek. Tepis punya tepis, nothing was there.

Hais... I'm sorry guys for embarrassing you. Tak sengaja. I have no idea what's wrong with me. At the playground, we sat and Datuk Morsad bercerita while I played the monkey bar. Story-telling till 11pm coz Nina had to pee real badly. We can't look at Wak Haji the same way anymore. HAHA!

Relieved ourselves at the MRT station toilet and a freaky ass shit had to happen in there. SCARY!
Continued our story, took a breather and went home after that.