March 20, 2010

Tepuk Commando!

Friday babe! GONGZ day!
Just a small reminder for the members of Gongz;
From now on, Nina won't be texting us whether we will be coming down on Fridays because by now we all would've known that every Friday is specially for GONGZ. Unless we are told otherwise.

Apart from the three of us; Nina, Mors and I, Natashah came down to meet us. Nenek couldn't make it because she had attachment/work till late. Oh not forgetting about Nat's friend, Amin. He came down with Nat too. Nice boy. Very decent. haha.

Okay... Yesterday, it was raining the whole day. We thought of meeting at Simpang since you know, Friday, can go home a little late. But the venue changed to Paris McD instead. The actual time to meet was at 5.30pm and I was at McD alone waiting for them to arrive. Nina came at around 6plus. We bought food first while waiting for Mors.

After we finished eating, Mors texted Nina asking us to go to his place. So we went to the interchange, board the bus, texted Nat and already on our way to Mors' place. In the bus, we talked and laughed about Nadh and all her funny comments on Facebook. That woman cracks me up all the time. HAHA!

When we reached Tanah Merah, Nat got into the bus but she didn't see us. She was concentrating on her phone. Hais... So the serious. As we alight, dekat depan pintu jugak Nat had to introduce us to her friend. haha.

We walked under the shelter till we reached under a block. We sat down there and waited for Mors to come, at the same time making fun of a woman exercising at the fitness corner. The woman was very semangat on the walking course. After a few minutes, we saw Mors walking under the shelter with his baggy orange shirt. HOT STUFF!

We moved to another seat under the block and automatically started talking. Nina wanted to buy some Reds so Mors directed her to a shop leaving me behind with Nat and Amin. Amin didn't talk much, end up only Nat and I talking. Results for TP and RP already came out. Sad. Stressed. Angry. All the possible emotions there is.

When Mors and Nina came back, we laughed some more talking about Kota Tinggi, Nat's cheer at camp, malay dance and a lot more. I've got to say, when you're stress, you HAVE to meet GONGZ. If not, you will just be more stressed.

Nat had to leave early because she have to reach home by 11pm. Curfew. Anak Ustaz kan. We talked a little bit more about life and berangkat at around 11.45pm. And! Mors! Your house is like so AWESOME! teehee.