July 17, 2010

After 6 months...

Don't need reason, don't need rhyme
Ain't nothing I would rather do
Going down, party time
My friends are gonna be there too...

10th July 2010:
Nina's mum invited me along to Le Baroque with her and her friends. Awww.. Thank you. She missed the Shagies. Me too! Actually, Abang Globe. HAHA! Not him, him. It's him playing the guitar moment. If you get my drift.

So, I'm supposed to meet them in front of Le Baroque at 10pm but apparently, when I reached, they just got into a cab from PaRis. How nice.. I waited for quite a while outside, looking at hot girls walking to and fro. *dreams* Okay, snap out of it! Hehehe...

I sat down and I saw the other band members coming in; the drummer, the bassist and Abang Globe! Yay! Alas, he didn't recognize me. He just stared at me for some time and went in. I felt so sad. Boohoo..

A few minutes later, Nina and company arrived. Like FINALLY! I was falling asleep out there, literally. We went in and got a seat at the front. Woohoo! Abang Globe smiled at me! He said he didn't recognize me without my glasses. No wonder he just stood at the doorway, squinting. Hmmm..

We sat down and they've just finished their second song in the first set. They were awesome, as always. After the first set ended, Olynn went down to talk to us. It's been so long! Wirda, Kak Kai's friend, was there too. She's funny! Love her!

Look! A 'burok' picture! They are not GONGZ but they know what to do when there's GONGZ. Hahaha... MCM PHM!

Nina and I went out to take a breather. Wirda and Kak Kai went to McD because Wirda was really hungry. Nina told me that she was stuffing twiggies into her mouth in the cab on the way here. Cute or what? Mors didn't come along to see The Shagies because he doesn't like bars, or watching live bands. He said that it makes him sleep. Unless there's some special occasion, then he'll be there. For example, Halloween Night.

While we were outside snapping some pictures, a dude came over and 'self invited' himself to the camera. Creeeepyyy... In my head, all I was thinking was he wanted to run away with the camera. Well, he have that potential 'camera-stealer' face. Haha.. I don't even know if there's such a term.

He gave up taking our picture because he thought that the camera was spoilt. Phew! That's a sign. Change to a new camera. Hahahah...

Wirda and Kak Kai came back. We snapped some pictures and went in after that. Nina's mum requested for 'She's Gone' and her friend requested for 'I'm Yours'.

Both of the songs were sung. Yipee! 'She's Gone' was... indescribable. Absolutely phenomenal. Goosebumps everywhere. Yanee, you do the best cover ever! Once the second set was done, Olynn, Yanee and Abang Globe went down to talk to us. Group photo!

A lot of bull and crap happened. Funny ones I mean. Kak Kai start sniffing Olynn and was really amazed by her armpit. Goodness.. Nina's mum was teasing me with Abang Globe. Why..?? What did I do wrong..?? Hahahaha... Nina and Olynn joined in the fun and played along. WTH! You people are mean.

Nina and Olynn started talking with Nina's mum. All three of them were like some makcik talking about supplement and what not. Haha. While they were being makciks, Wirda and Kak Kai were bullying me. They made faces and poked me. I felt like an object, not knowing what to do.

In the third set, a whole lot of teasing were happening on stage. I have no idea where to put my face. So embarrassing! It went on till the very end. Errgh..

Nina's mum went home with Kak Kai. Wirda and the rest had went home earlier. Left Nina and I. We wanted to watch the soccer game, so we hung out with Olynn and her gang. haha. They saw our burok-ness and we saw theirs. Cool isn't it? Behind the scenes of a musician.. And of course, us.

All I can say is, "What a night!"
After the soccer match, Olynn sent us home. Awww... so sweet. We were kinda worried too because we could see that Olynn was tired. Making an appearance now is MAK JAH! She would say, "Buat susah-susah ajer..." HAHAHAHAH!!


Chey Tap Toli!

Hey man! I'm tired of working all day.
I'm turning into a day-sleeping walking cliche.
Hey man! Let's wait until daylight fades,
And we'll join the dreamers and renegades.

I apologize for the late blog post.
Work is really taking most of our time. We feel so lifeless.
Wake up in the morning, off to work. Return home at night eat, and sleep.
That is how the cycle goes every effin' weekday!
Off to an awesome note!

09th July 2010:
We celebrated our Nenek's birthday. Haha. Our hip nenek from GONGZ. Now we can literally say that she is OLD, by a year. Hehe. Nina and I posted some happy birthday shout-outs going to our beloved NENEK. I even saw someone calling her Khatijah. Such a kampung name. Geez..

Anyways, we planned on meeting at 9pm. Nadh said she wanted to meet us earlier, like 8.30pm? Yeah right. When I alighted the train, I saw Nadh and Nina at the station. They were on the same train as me! Nina walked towards the escalator and saw NadH. I saw both of them from afar and started surprising them. Hehehehe... Mors reached quite early. We apologize for the lack of punctuality.

We walked slowly to Simpang because everyone was blowing puffs. Of course, except for Nadh. She's the nenek. It will be bad for her health. Hahaha! Like real...

Awww... Such a cute family. Maybe I should write about the history of GONGZ, how it was first 'founded'. Hehe. I think that will be interesting! It will take up the whole blog. Seriously. Opps.. A little sag-way.

We got a table and asked for the 'ME-NOO'. According to Mors, durh. Every Friday, he will eat his heart out. That's good. He doesn't really eat right in NS. He claims that everything there tasted bland. So when he books out, he will tend to have a particular craving and he will try to fulfill most of them. If can, ALL of them. HAHA!

While waiting for the food to be served, we watched the second telecast of the Spain vs. Paraguay and we were ranting about how Fernando Torres isn't that good of a player. He only played for the last fifteen minutes of the game and didn't even do much. I think that's basically it..

In the GONGZ family, everybody plays a role, in a way. The known ones would be, Nadh as the Nenek. Mors as the Datuk, Nadh's husband. In this picture, as you can see, it's Nadh, Nina's mother.
"Like mother, like daughter"

LOL! There were a few pictures of both of them being snapped. What kind of daughter doesn't want to take a picture with her mother on her birthday...? Not anyone in the GONGZ family I can think of, for the time being.

Maybe the last one is a little un-glam. Candid shot, I suppose. By who? MORS! He gets pleasure by snapping random candid shots of us and when he sees something 'burok', he would zoom in. Zoom in until he could see it clearly and laugh his eyeliner off. Like I said before, it wouldn't be a GONGZ photo snapping session if there aren't any 'burok' pictures. So there you go.

After we were done with our food, Mors was craving for something at Shop N Save. He and his cravings. We laughed non-stop, talking about diapers, pears, kiwis, tea and milk. That was one hell of a laugh.

I was irritating Nadh all the way from Shop N Save to the playground. You should see how she's like when she was in secondary school. Almost everyone didn't like her because she was too fierce. I didn't have a choice though. Knowing me, an irritating bitch, she became less fierce, or to say, not fierce at all. HAHAHAH! She lived with me for three freaking years. WOW!


We celebrated it with a cute cake. But before that, there were funny and supernatural stories being told. Hehe. We snapped some pictures with the cake. And not forgetting with her! Hahaha... Just kidding. Our beloved Nenek.


We talked and laughed till midnight. It was a blast getting to see Nadh after so long and celebrating her birthday. YAY!


July 10, 2010

Shisha on a Friday Night

Yawning, stretching, try to come to life
Jump in the shower
And the blood starts pumping...

2nd June 2010:
Our initial plan was to go clubbing on that night but instead we went for a shisha. I was really worried that I couldn't make it on time because my workplace is kinda famous for giving last minute overtime. Sheesh! But I was there a little too early.

We met at 8.30pm, Bugis MRT Station. We went to get some ciggies on the way to the shisha place. As we walked, we saw quite a lot of people. We didn't realize that they were going to show the world cup match; Brazil vs. Netherlands. It was totally packed that they gave us the seats outside a tattoo parlor. Hmmm..

We took it, like durh. We had no choice. Their priority were on the customers that were watching the soccer match. We sat there for quite a while waiting for someone to serve us. It felt like a nightmare.

All of us were hungry. Plus, we looked like zombies. Okay, maybe just me. haha. We waited and waited till Mors came and rescued us. Like some kind of hero like that. With his manliness now, it really helped the whole situation. Looking a little angry was all he needed to do. While waiting, we snapped a few more pictures.

Here it is:

You think after some deletion of photos and snapping more, the server came. Noooo... He didn't. We were looking around at people and the ones sitting next to us. I would like to say that it was boring at that moment but I don't think it was. I forgot what we were doing.

Oh yeah! I took out my biscuits. Too hungry I guess. Hehe. After the lights went out, and half an hour had passed, the server came. We felt a little relieved after ordering but, the waiting time for the shisha to come. Dagnabbit! We went there for the shisha. That must come first!

Anyways, it's over now. We got our food and after, shisha. As we were 'menjamu selera-ing', we enjoyed ourselves by watching the match. See! Should have put us at the top. We watched it too. I think what's funny was whenever any vehicle went through the alley, the fans watching the match would make a hell lot of noise. hahaha... WTH!

You might be wondering... How come every photo look so decent and nice? hahaha... If you know GONGZ very well, every photo-taking session there will always be a "burok" moment. Not yet. We did a lot of catching up about our lives. Mors with NS, Nina with teaching kids and me with chemicals. Three whole different lives altogether.

The only time we can meet now is every Friday or Saturday. See how it goes. We meet Mors once a week. So that one day of meeting up with him and the rest is good enough. Complete.

Now, drum rolls please.
The "burok" moments...

I think that's enough. There are more but I wouldn't wanna traumatize all of you further. HAHA! We got to shisha for an hour plus. Boohoo. Not enough. We should do this again some time, only this time, LONGER! hahahaha... We left at around 12am.

We were lucky that we get to catch the very last train. AWESOME! We took a few more pictures before we alighted at our respective destinations.