July 17, 2010

After 6 months...

Don't need reason, don't need rhyme
Ain't nothing I would rather do
Going down, party time
My friends are gonna be there too...

10th July 2010:
Nina's mum invited me along to Le Baroque with her and her friends. Awww.. Thank you. She missed the Shagies. Me too! Actually, Abang Globe. HAHA! Not him, him. It's him playing the guitar moment. If you get my drift.

So, I'm supposed to meet them in front of Le Baroque at 10pm but apparently, when I reached, they just got into a cab from PaRis. How nice.. I waited for quite a while outside, looking at hot girls walking to and fro. *dreams* Okay, snap out of it! Hehehe...

I sat down and I saw the other band members coming in; the drummer, the bassist and Abang Globe! Yay! Alas, he didn't recognize me. He just stared at me for some time and went in. I felt so sad. Boohoo..

A few minutes later, Nina and company arrived. Like FINALLY! I was falling asleep out there, literally. We went in and got a seat at the front. Woohoo! Abang Globe smiled at me! He said he didn't recognize me without my glasses. No wonder he just stood at the doorway, squinting. Hmmm..

We sat down and they've just finished their second song in the first set. They were awesome, as always. After the first set ended, Olynn went down to talk to us. It's been so long! Wirda, Kak Kai's friend, was there too. She's funny! Love her!

Look! A 'burok' picture! They are not GONGZ but they know what to do when there's GONGZ. Hahaha... MCM PHM!

Nina and I went out to take a breather. Wirda and Kak Kai went to McD because Wirda was really hungry. Nina told me that she was stuffing twiggies into her mouth in the cab on the way here. Cute or what? Mors didn't come along to see The Shagies because he doesn't like bars, or watching live bands. He said that it makes him sleep. Unless there's some special occasion, then he'll be there. For example, Halloween Night.

While we were outside snapping some pictures, a dude came over and 'self invited' himself to the camera. Creeeepyyy... In my head, all I was thinking was he wanted to run away with the camera. Well, he have that potential 'camera-stealer' face. Haha.. I don't even know if there's such a term.

He gave up taking our picture because he thought that the camera was spoilt. Phew! That's a sign. Change to a new camera. Hahahah...

Wirda and Kak Kai came back. We snapped some pictures and went in after that. Nina's mum requested for 'She's Gone' and her friend requested for 'I'm Yours'.

Both of the songs were sung. Yipee! 'She's Gone' was... indescribable. Absolutely phenomenal. Goosebumps everywhere. Yanee, you do the best cover ever! Once the second set was done, Olynn, Yanee and Abang Globe went down to talk to us. Group photo!

A lot of bull and crap happened. Funny ones I mean. Kak Kai start sniffing Olynn and was really amazed by her armpit. Goodness.. Nina's mum was teasing me with Abang Globe. Why..?? What did I do wrong..?? Hahahaha... Nina and Olynn joined in the fun and played along. WTH! You people are mean.

Nina and Olynn started talking with Nina's mum. All three of them were like some makcik talking about supplement and what not. Haha. While they were being makciks, Wirda and Kak Kai were bullying me. They made faces and poked me. I felt like an object, not knowing what to do.

In the third set, a whole lot of teasing were happening on stage. I have no idea where to put my face. So embarrassing! It went on till the very end. Errgh..

Nina's mum went home with Kak Kai. Wirda and the rest had went home earlier. Left Nina and I. We wanted to watch the soccer game, so we hung out with Olynn and her gang. haha. They saw our burok-ness and we saw theirs. Cool isn't it? Behind the scenes of a musician.. And of course, us.

All I can say is, "What a night!"
After the soccer match, Olynn sent us home. Awww... so sweet. We were kinda worried too because we could see that Olynn was tired. Making an appearance now is MAK JAH! She would say, "Buat susah-susah ajer..." HAHAHAHAH!!