December 24, 2010

After three months...

I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn...

This song has been stuck in my head ever since Mors kept singing it every time we sang our song.

YES! I know, I know. It's been three months. Are we missed? I guess not. Anyways, a lot has happened. And I really mean A LOT. Duh.. What do you expect from The G Word, right? There will always be happenings in our lives. NON-STOP.

A few weeks ago... Was it a few weeks ago? Never mind, I forgot. Mors P-O-P-ed. It's actually a passing out parade for his batch. I have no idea how to even start to explain what is POP. It has something to do with him marching in, forward and out. Hahaha.. That sounded about as wrong as I could make it to be. Well, coming from Fae.. Tsktsktsk.

See what I mean now? No. Okay, forget it. So after the whole "passing out" thingy was done, we went for the reception which according to Nadh, they served Nasi Lemak. Niceee. I didn't know they will be serving that for the Guest-of-Honor. LOL! Yes, back to the exciting part! We got to surprise Nina. Finally! Our wish came true. *wait 5 seconds* Or maybe it's just mine. Hahahaha...

The whole process was exhausting, especially when you're the organizer. Sheesh! This woman can really make your heart jump out. You wanna know what happened..? Of course.

Nadh, Nat, Mors and I planned her birthday surprise at the very last minute. It was like three to four days before. Mors and I planned it on MSN whereas with the rest, it was on Facebook. We were really lucky because Nenek actually replied. Hahaha.. Good job. So we planned everything out nicely and it was settled.. Until SHE had to ruin it! NINA! We were suppose to buy the cake on the day itself when all of a sudden, she told me she will be roaming around Tampines. WHAT?! WHY?!

Plan changed. Nadh went to buy the cake the day before. Cake plan done, a few more plans to go. On the day of Mors' POP, Nadh brought a huge-ass bag to put the cake. In the train, this girl had to touch the bag here and there. Keep your hands to yourself, woman. Hahaha. That was fine, but my mouth happened. I couldn't shut it. I had to say that Nadh has a nice/new camera. *smacks head*

Guess what? She wants to see it. Nadh started to give me the look. Ooops. My bad. So yeah. Troublesome much? Yup! But it was all worth it. We had an awesome time. Oh, before I forget, we got to snap a few pictures with Mors' and his hat. Not any kind of hat, a police hat. Cool huh..?