January 7, 2010

Burok Lah Fae!

As usual, Nina, Mors and I met at Paris Mcd. Gosh! It feels like we don't have a life. haha. We have been sitting at that same place for the past two years now. We'll be there every Friday at 7 plus pm all the way till midnight. For those who wanna stalk/meet us, please feel free to. Nah.. I don't mean that. Seriously.

Mors wasn't working coz of some doctor's appointment. DIER NAK PASANG TETEK! haha... No lah. He had this.... *shall not say it*. So after he went to the hospital to get his check-up, he went to Toys R Us alone. WTH! Aper steam jer dekni gi sorang-sorang..? Mcm sex-maniac. hahaha..

I met Mors first before meeting Nina coz she will be late buying some project stuff. Around don't know what time, our GILER dah mula. I started to become very pervert-ic. And it was very extreme. hahaha! Berbual punyer berbual, Mors started to make his burok face while eating ice-cream.

Nina wanted to say "Burok lah Mors!", it became "Burok lah Fff". She actually wanted to say "BUROK LAH FAE!". OMG! The word burok has been associated with me. Well.. I didn't get sad because it has come to a point where I have to accept that I AM burok. *a few seconds of silence* HAHA! Wanna make the story sad and dramatic.

I think I should make a book of my own. "Faezah's Dictionary; First Edition". LOL! Every word that you'll see inside will be accompanied with a picture of me. hahahah.... I'll inform you people a.s.a.p. when the book is published. MCM PHM. (: