January 18, 2010

Legends Of The Hidden-nary Temple

Damn! It feels like it's been a long time since this blog is updated.
Anyways, Fae's here. (:

Had an awesome day! Mors and I met first to get his eyes a "MAKE-OVER". Now, Mors is a new person. Not really. Only his self-confidence ada up sikit. haha! Waited for his eyelashes to get fixed like about an hour plus. Sampai tersentok-sentok aku kat kerusi. Lucky I never snore. So the sleepy...

After that, we went to Marina Bay to meet Nina. Where else can we go, right..? Apart from MARINA BARRAGE! Woohoo! Like finally we got to see that place together. On the way there, I, with so much confidence, thought that the shuttle bus was a mini-van while Mors thought it was some random VAN with a sliding door. LOL!

Upon reaching, look here and there. Hmms, there was nothing much. We can go for a picnic there probably.
Sandwiches. Kite. Mors' kain meja. haha.

As usual, we took pictures. Well. That's a MUST!

We were supposed to meet Nad and Arif at Simpang. Since there was nothing, we went back to the station. In the bus, we laughed as if it was ours. Made fun of black pearls. AND. We saw Genghis Khan!

With so much confidence AGAIN, I said that he wasn't wearing his crown. Dengar-dengar, Genghis pakai crown per.
Didn't know he was a king. LOL!

Reached Simpang on the dot but Nad and Arif were late because they had to go find parking. See! That's one of the reasons why I don't want to ride bikes. Parking! We ordered first of course. Satu-satu semua dah lapar gila babots.

After Nad and Arif arrived, we talked. Laughed. I think that's normal for us to talk and laugh while eating. If none of that happened, there must be a huge problem. haha!
Mors started to talk crap. Standard. I'm officially a Bayam Lembur'anj that rears prawns. (:

Babi + Ayam + Lembu + Beruk + Anjing = Bayam Lembur'anj

Around 10 plus, Nad and Arif went home and we headed to the playground.

Spent some time there. Got to talking again. Hais.. Tak penat ke mulut kita nie..? Apparently not. Our stories are always never ending and we usually don't run out of topics to talk about.
This time we went home at 12 plus. Woooots!