February 6, 2010

The Beginning Of A Broken-Hearted Gay

It's already been two days since this blog was last updated.
OMG! I've lost my touch! Haha...
Fae! It's only two days. Not two months.
But still...

Last Thursday, Nina, Mors and I met to discuss about GONGZ chalet. There were a few complications. Nadh and I can't make it on the 25th and 26th because of attachment and exams respectively. So Nina thought of doing it on 26th, 27th and 28th - 3days, 2 nights, but some of us are considering the price. Hmmmmsss...

Aniways, lepak at Paris McD for a while and then went to the end of the interchange to eat. We bought Anana's of course before that. The way I say like as if there's a hawker center at the end. HAHAH! After sitting for a few minutes, finished eating, we went back to McD pasal si dugong tu nak ice-cream. Gatal betul!

We left at around 10plus coz Mors dah mula ngantuk. Si dia tu, besarkan tidur jer! Kumpul lah taik mata banyak-banyak. HAHAHA!