May 28, 2010

Check Out That Tight Ass!

Nina, Nadh and I went to watch a movie. WOOHOO!
Lagu terakhir...

"Life was much like a song. In the beginning, there is mystery. In the end, there is confirmation. But it's in the middle where all the emotion resides to make the whole thing worthwhile."

The three of us have read the book, we cried, and O-M-G, the movie made us cried some more. Hais...

We planned on meeting at 6.15pm but guess what..? I was late AGAIN. I seriously think that I have a problem. From now on, I'll try to be punctual. TRY. haha. Anyhoo, the movie started at 7.15pm and I wasn't there yet. Went in at 7.25pm. Oooopppssss...

10 minutes! Of course Nadh didn't get to see the first 10 minutes while Nina and I have watched it. This is our second time but we still cried. Boohoo! I was crying so bad and darn it, I didn't bring any tissue. In the middle of the whole crying process, finally Nadh offered her packet of tissue. It took her a while. haha.

"Why didn't you ask?", she said. Oh how the hell would I know that she was holding it. I was concentrating on crying. LOL! For those of you who don't want to watch it because Miley Cyrus is acting in it, you should seriously watch. Put aside your hatred and watch it with an open mind. Make peace. HAHAHA! Terlebih paham.

Trailer for 'The Last Song'

After the movie, we went to KFC for our dinner. Talked and laughed as usual. Awesome shizz.. Sat in there till 10pm. Goodness. And we headed to White Sands. Berangkat at 11.40pm.