June 27, 2010

Makcik Convention!

I tumbled out of bed
And stumble to the kitchen
Pour myself a cup of ambition...

Hellllloooooo my bitches!
It's been a while since I last blogged.

Goodness... I can see the blog crumbling any time soon.
But, Fae's here!

I know. I know.
But what's the similarity in here..? Makciks.

26th June 2010:
Nina had a family barbecue cum chalet at East Coast. We didn't meet the day before because I had a last minute overtime. Errgh.. talking about work. Okay, okay no work.

I was so darn tired that I did not check my phone. I woke up at 2pm and realized that Nina texted me that she's having a family gathering thingy and I have to be there at 3pm. Oops.. I was 2 hours late. But what the hey, I was there.

Mors has already reached before me. Whoah! Fast. I was suppose to walk all the way to the row of chalets and meet them at the gate near the swimming pool. Nina asked me to wait at the gate but, unfortunately, Nina and Mors stood at a different gate and I was at another. How nice..

Nina called me and said that she didn't see me.. Well of course. I was on the other side. My gate had a nyonya standing next to it. HAHAHAHA! So anyways, we met Nina's mum and aunt on the way to her place. Funny conversation.

Nina's mum: Look at my arm. Different right?
Fae: Errmmm... Huh?
Nina's aunt: Just say yes. Just say yes.
Fae: Yes? Yes!

It was funny. I thought something happened to her arm but actually she was trying to show me her muscles. Firstly, I don't go checkin' my friend's mum's arms. Oh, that is so wrong. And secondly, I have been called a perv so many times that just by looking at Nina's mum's arms will prove them right. HAHAHAHAH!

Got to the chalet, I started with my 'Peeping Tom' story. He is the real perv in this story. Stupid man! I think he's a man. If she's a woman.. hmmm.. Make her hot and I'll be fine with the whole peeping thing. Ewww... Disgusting Fae! LOL!

There was kuih tart, wafer from Giant, otak-otak, satay, hot-dogs, chicken wings, etc. I think if I were to name all the food here, I'll get hungry again. hehe. After munching a few snacks, Nina, Mors and I went to go buy some ciggies. What a day!

We walked to the nearest deserted chalet and sat, story tell about our assholic work life. OMG! Puffing our lives away was a damn good idea at that time. We talked for about an hour, got up and went back to the chalet.

We 'menjamu selera' again. haha. Ikan pari bakar. Yumyum! Snapped some pictures here and there. The three of us got a little practice on the swaveboard. It looked easy when the others were on it but it was difficult as hell. Balance is the key.

The first try for me was such a disaster. I tergolek like some makcik falling down the stairs. It was embarrassing. Apparently, after that 'tragic' fall, all the little kids started playing with me. Hmmm... Conclusion, kids like adults who fall. LOL!

Played a little catching with this cute cousin of Nina's. Swaveboard a little bit more. hehe. Mors didn't even ride that board. He just put his foot on the board and went "Takut..." HAHA! Mors, Mors. Nina was good at it, after a while. We got some inspiration from the boys. Well, you know boys. It seems like they know everything. In simple terms, adults like us call it "Show off". hahaha... We understand.

We were so tired after the whole playing session. Mors' eyes were red from the contacts he wore plus his shag-ness. I don't know how he can tahan. After watching the news, we watched Incredible Tales. That series was traumatizing me a lot, with the Sir taking pictures of the maid in the toilet and all. Wrong timing.

Mors and I left the chalet after the show, 10.30pm. Walked down the beach, peaceful. We should have a GONGZ chalet soon.