January 14, 2011

Dhoom Her Tits

Oh what's love got to do, got to do with it?
What's love but a second hand emotion
Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken...

Woohoo! It's Friday babe!
Met up with Mors at 4.30pm to get a ring. After that, we just chilled under the void deck while waiting for Nat. She had a really bad migraine but Mors healed her. Magic...? Yeah, you can say that. Haha.

Talked a lot of nonsense. And I really mean NONSENSE! We talked about tits here and there, and the funny laughter of an old man. I'm sure all of you have heard the old man, Uncle Joe, laugh. I think he has the most contagious and hilarious laughter ever!

Yes yes. It's funny.
Nina came later at about 7.30pm and the nonsensical conversation got worst. I have no idea what I did, I forgot, but Nina threw a can of tea on my head. Ouch. Actually, no it doesn't hurt at all. Haha. Next was Mors. He chased me just to put a sock in my mouth. His used, smelly sock! Only a dumb person would still be in their seat and let a sock be inserted in their mouth. Haha!

Joke of the day would be about an old Chinese woman who feeds cats. In Singapore we call these type of women, 'Nyonya'. She was busy calling for the cats and I had to comment on her floral blouse and her lips that were like Angelina Jolie's. Haha.

This 'nyonya' reminded us of the woman that I wanted to unclothe. And... lay her on a mattress. I know it's disturbing. Somehow every 'nyonya' we see, that image will just pop up in our heads. Tainted! Such innocent old ladies. I just had to make them 'naughty'.

Talked a little bit more. Played with a kitty cat. Awww.... Such a cute cat. If only we had a house of our own where we can raise cats. Hahaha... Not a field, filled with Olives. The cat bit Mors' cheeks like he was a soft toy. That's a pretty big soft toy you got there, kitty.

Oh ya! I was telling them about celebrities with armpit hair. OMG! Seriously..? I mean I don't really care if women want to keep their pit hair till their elbows but... Celebrities?! Really?

Nat had to leave early. Why?! If only you could stay longer and listen to more of our crappiness. Hehe. Dr. Ninakh made an appearance today to share some stories and gave love advices. Very useful that woman, in this kind of situation.

"If you wanna get into the pants of another person of the same sex, you're definitely GAY" - Dr. Ninakh

Such a powerful quote. This is for those of you out there who are... ehem... confused.