January 4, 2011

Welcome to EVOKE 2011

So wild, so beautiful and pure
All elements divine
The essence of all life
Savage but glorious...

What a day!
Like I said, blog post for every meeting. So here it is!

Today. What happened today? Where do I begin...? *sings a tune from the Godfather* Ah-ha! We met at Nina's house for a ritual. Okay, not really a ritual but it looks like one. And no, it's not a witchcraft ritual.

It started off with Mors spending time at the library reading about crystals. How about you Fae? I was in bed. Hahaha... I met up with him. Eventually. Nina and I tried texting him but he wouldn't reply. I thought he fell asleep waiting for me. NO! He was too engrossed reading. MORS reads?? Yup, surprising right. I was like a surprised Komodo dragon too.

Back to the meeting. I went to buy Nina her bubble tea and we went over to her home. Ritual started. Nothing much happened there. It's classified! Haha! While Mors was waiting for the tea lights to burn out, he slept by the way, I was playing Nina's game on her Iphone. Nina was just doing her work.

Boring much? It was so-so. After the whole thing ended, Nina was still not done with her work so Mors and I slept. More of a nap actually. We ate for the second time before we headed down to chill and took a breather.

Chatted about Mors' new guy. Oh yeah... And some love advises from Dr. Ninakh. LOL! Mors had to leave at around 10pm coz he had to iron his clothes, pack his stuff and what not for the next morning. Sighs. He forgot his flippin' ciggies! GEE-ZUS CRIES!

Wait wait! The day ended with me embarrassing myself. You know how it feels when you can't control your bladder anymore and then.... Well, fill in the blanks yourself. Fa-La-La!