February 10, 2011

Paranormal Swift

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for the night
And I'd go back to December all the time...

Taylor Swift in Singapore! Woohoo!
We didn't go, of course. But I heard it was a blast.

I admit it. Taylor CAN sing. Only that her voice is lower, but in tune. We might be covering this song. We'll see. Can't wait for the performance on the 20th of February. Those of you who have heard of us or just wanna come down, please do. We need all the support we can get. And gain a little fan base. Haha!

My phone died. Again. Geez! They're so dumb. It's okay, I'll deal with them later in the morning. It was hard to contact anyone. In the meantime, contact me through Facebook or Twitter. (:

We thought of meeting, so I texted Nina but she have to do some project thingy with her friends till 6pm. While waiting for her, I went home first to grab my guitar and do some other stuff. At around 3-4pm, as I was watching TV, I heard this loud flapping sound next to me followed by this blue fiery ball. What my heck?! That fire ball zoomed into my room. I don't think that's normal at all.

The color wasn't this light. It was a little darker. Like durh, I was shocked! All the hair on my body was standing and couldn't stand anymore. The second I turned, my ring burnt my finger! That will be another, "What the phuck?!" Exactly!

I quickly took off my ring and threw it. It went right under the bed. Yes, Mors. This is creepy shit! Even I'm scared too. Aniways, I'll start a story that doesn't have paranormal sheeze in it. Nina and I met at the interchange around 7.30pm. Sorry to keep you waiting, Nina. I whipped out my guitar and we composed a new song. Yay! Nina got to write another song whilst awaiting for my arrival. Haha.

We rehearsed 'Try'. It was the rock version. We liked it. Nad came after to listen to our little performance. It's unbelievable when she said that she's a FAN of our band. Never in my entire life being friends with her that I've ever heard her say she's a "fan". Wow! That's huge. I think she's more towards the groupie side. LOL!

It's interesting how a song going out for a woman from another woman can be felt by a woman for a man. No, you don't understand? It means that our songs are 'versatile'. Everyone from any gender, sexual orientation, race or religion can listen to it and cry. Haha! Ignore the last two.

After rehearsing, we went to eat at 10pm. Uhhuh, that's right. 10pm. We got ourselves some Anana's. Nad doesn't like KFC and, Nina and I didn't wanna eat McDicks. Burger King is too ex. That's how we eliminate food places. Haha.

We talked a little but moved over to McDicks to get a breather, and we continued talking there. About the ring thingy, Nina felt it was a sign for me not to wear it. DANGER! I shall not wear it then coz it's triggering something I don't wanna see. Jeng-jeng-jeng.