March 25, 2011

Remedy of the Broken Souls

Hey Juliana
Will you give it up and come to me?
Cause everything's gonna be alright
Time to be a little be more dangerous
Cause this is all about tonight...

Can't believe this band no longer existed.
Love their music.
Miss you Acceptance!

Finally! A day where I could bring my guitar and we could jam. The usual place - Paris Interchange. Met up with Nina at the CPF building in front of KFC. I was with Nelly while waiting for her. We had quite a good laugh when I asked Nina to buy me a G-string. I know what you people are thinking...

Her reply was,

And then it went to,
"What size..? LOL!"

Geez! I felt like smacking her face but... it was funny. In the first place, why would I even ask her to buy me a G-string? Of course it was for the guitar. Tsktsktsk. The three of us took a breather before heading our separate ways.

Dragged the guitar from Tampines all the way to Paris. Very convenient, I suppose. Sat at the back of the interchange, jammed a little, waited for Nat and Nad to arrive. We thought of recording but it got dark. Gosh darn it!

Mors came later. Wasn't really in a good mood. Saw a few of his Facebook statuses but didn't really quite understood what he was referring to. At first I thought we were being irritating. You know, it's that feeling when you're down and all your other friends are happy, you just feel like punching their fats outta their face. Yeah!

Found out that he was sad about a dude at work. So we combined the three of our lovers' names and it became "Juliana". Nat actually believed that Mors was feeling tired after waking up from his beautiful sleep. With us, there's no hiding. When you're sad, you're sad. Don't give us that tired or sleepy crap. Just pour it out to us babe. Don't be afraid....!

Look at the girl on the left, Nat. She has pretty much fallen head over heels in love with her boyfriend and still is doubting him. I have nothing to say about that. I can see the difference in their faces. The girl on the right, Nad, is wondering whether her best friend is falling for her. NOT ME! I know I'm her bestfriend but the one I'm talking about is a guy. She's straight and I don't fall for friends. Haha.

After Nat left to visit her granddad, Mors started talking. It's about time boy! And mostly, we don't have much time even though we kinda meet almost every day. Haha. Our stories can never end. If we ever run out of things to talk about... That will be a sign that we are no longer friends.

We felt sad for Mors because the guy he's crushing on is acting weirdly in front of him. No more Bubbly Brian. Quorra was there to help. Mors didn't wanna know the answer but Nad and I wanted to know. She texted to us the answers and we were like, "I see..." Poker face mode switched on. While Mors was pouring his heart and soul, Nina and I were being irritating. Playing a tune and blasting out some music. Music that didn't even fit the situation. Hehe.

We came up with a few reasons why he was acting that way. Nad was giving some ideas but Nina went on to give different ones. If I were him, I'd be confused. You have to understand. These ideas are coming from two different sexual orientated people - straight and gay. Whatever the case maybe, listen to what Nina said. It's her forte; giving love advices. We call her Dr. Ninakh for a reason.

Aniways, I would like to dedicate this video to my dear Gees.
We are only freaking 20 years old and we've gone through so much.
Rather than think of us as 20, think of us as "The G Word 2.0" LOL!