April 6, 2011


But you can't feel me disappearing
And you should take this for what it's worth
This is it and it fits
And it feels like this is good enough for me
Could it be that the grass is always green?

Oh I feel like passing out due to sheer excitement!
Okay I shall start with yesterday's meet-up first...

It was a damp cold evening... I wanted to meet up with Nina and Bam at White Sands McDick's but I couldn't make it coz I have to do babysitting duties. Sighs. The meet-up on Monday I had to pass and guess what happened? I felt damn guilty that I dreamt Nina came attacking me with a meat cleaver around my house. Now I'm wondering how the hell she got into my house. Stupid guilty conscience.

Anyways, I met up with her. She came over to my crib to do a little audio recording. I did a profile page for our band The Queery Fools on Reverbnation. Still under construction due to audio upload and schedules of performances. Haha! We have to wait a long time for that to happen. After we did a few recordings on Nina's Iphone, recordings that needed a lot of work, we went to have a breather.

Got under the void deck and talked about our music career. Most importantly, Callie's reply to producing our music. It has been half a month! Feels like forever. Boohoo. Nina asked me to twit her but I don't wanna be those girls who keep bugging the celebrity. How about a direct message? Came out with a bunch of right words to say to her. Don't wanna be too gay about it. Ended up not doing it because I wasn't on the com.

News on G!
Finally Callie Moore replied.
I went to check my e-mail to see whether Nina had sent me the audio files and lyrics. Then I saw Callie's name. Yay! Was just talking about her the day before. It proves that we really have salted lips.

"Sorry to take so long. That offer still stands! When Dave is back from the US next week and sorts out his schedule I'll contact you about a good time to come over and meet. The first time we can just brainstorm and you can play the song for us, we can show you you our equipment, and we can plan a time to get a song done!

Love Callie
I'll keep in touch."

Thank you Callie & Dave. We'll be waiting...


April 2, 2011

Mind Eff-ed

What to do with this love that I'm in?
I have given you all of my soul
Hang on to me tight, and a rose in the wind
Will be with you wherever you go...

A beautiful Indonesian woman who is now staying in France.
She's French! Go Anggun!

Woke up from sleep at Nina's crib around 1plus in the afternoon. We fell asleep around 7 to 7.30am okay.. Don't judge us! Haha. Nina was still asleep. Played with her cat for a while, washed up and went on a guitar searching rampage. It wasn't really a rampage. I was bored and I didn't dare to on the television. I wouldn't know if suddenly Nina just appeared out of nowhere asking me to off the television. That's creepy.

Found the guitar in the room and started strumming away. The sound quality of the guitar wasn't what we wanted. It doesn't have the Queery Fools' element to it. It sounded more like the guitars played by the Mats under the block. Very crispy kinda sound. Yucks!

Spent some more time lazing around the house, watching The Fairly Oddparents till 5pm. Nina went to take a bath... And I continued rolling around the bed. We had to leave to run some errands at White Sands before heading to my place to do some music brainstorming.

I love how our newest song has a "rock" feel to it. Like Breaking Benjamin and Hinder; sad and rock. It won't suit my voice of course, but it can definitely fit Nina's voice. We audio recorded some of our previous songs. Did a little touch-ups here and there, addition and cancellation of words, and chords for the bridge. Darn! We hate the bridge. Bridge is the part where your message is really brought across to the audience so that they could feel the emotions. Umph!

We should make more "rock-ish" sounding songs. That will be fun to sing. Nina has this fierce thang going on and with this kinda songs, it shows a different side of Queery Fools' music. It'll be far from what we used to do. This reminded me of Kate Nauta from Transporter 2. She's the armed and dangerous bitch.

Look at how scary-psychopathic-fierce-looking she is. She's hot actually. Started modeling since 15 and now she's 28. At the end of the post, I'll put up a video and maybe by then, you will get what I mean. Different.

Nad reached my place at 10pm. We talked about our "Series of Unfortunate Events". It's sad really. Explained to her about my unreasonable job situation. I'm considering on taking another job. Job that doesn't involve screwed up management. PISSED! Aniways, we were thinking of going to Play today, which is Saturday. Had to cancel because Mors has to work night shift. Scheite!

"I was born in a Muslim country. I am Muslim.
But I'm very concerned that my country is becoming backward in this way.
Because Islam is known as a tolerant religion.
I don't support countries that frustrate the young generation."


April 1, 2011

So Much For Setting The Floor On Fire

If you go hard you gotta get on the floor
If you're a party freak then step on the floor
If you're an animal then tear up the floor
Break a sweet on the floor
Yeah we work on the floor...

That is one hot mama right there!

Nina, Mors and Safia went to Play. I'm so jealous. It was kinda last minute. I didn't get any messages coz my phone couldn't receive any calls or texts. Nina reached me through Twitter. I really wanted to go but I have no idea what to wear. Plus, I'm lazy! Haha. What?! A girl can't be lazy on a Saturday night..?

Nina went after she ended work. Reached there at about 1am. The party was still ON! No warm-ups, just on. Haha. It was Gay Night. There weren't any hot ladies to hit on, so I've heard. Mostly 'Chubsters'. I'm so screwed for saying this. Chillax, I'm a chubster too. Used to. Teehee.

Not so sure how they ended the night but Safia had some tongue action and, Nina and Mors had drinks offered by straight guys. The irony... Straight guys hitting on girls in a gay club. Hello.. the girls may not even be straight.

On this glorious night! Nina, Mors and I wanted to try our luck partying on Ladies Night. Free for ladies of course. Every Wednesdays and some clubs on Thursdays. We were already hyped up to get on the dance floor until we reached St. James Powerhouse. We were refused in! WTF! The bouncer didn't even checked our identification cards. He wouldn't explain the reason. Son of a holy fuck! To cut the story short....

Plan A: St. James Powerhouse
Plan B: Azzura Beach Club
Plan C: Play
Plan D: Rebel
Plan E: Le Noir
Plan F: Le Baroque
Plan G:

Tell me who wouldn't be pissed. Six plans and it's either no entry, empty or CLOSED! Except for the last plan, which is McDonald's. We asked Quorra about it and yes, that night we weren't fated to dance. Haha. Should have danced in McDick's itself. Bam tagged along with us. At least she got to drink at Le Noir. We have to bring her out to party with us the next time. She was fun to be with especially when she's tipsy.

After Powerhouse waiting for Bam's reply

In Sentosa, on the way to Azzura Beach Club

Queuing up to get into Rebel

We feel that our luck really wasn't on our side. Sheesh! We still couldn't find any valid reason on why some of the clubs were closed. Especially PLAY. It was Lesbian Night.

We sat at McDonald's from 2.45am all the way to 5plus. Waited for our "Break-Donald's". Bam was perspiring and feeling crazily dizzy. Durh! That woman was tipsy. She looked effin' pink. Haha! But, I have to say that we had so much fun walking around Singapore. It would have been better if we danced that night.

Thought of taking the first train but Bam wanted to grab a cab and Nina's toe was blisterizing. We shared a cab to Simei then Paris. Mors alighted with Bam while I crashed at Nina's crib. It was all gooooddddd...