October 11, 2011

Got-Ham City

Excuse me (Excuse me)
And I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight
And I might take you home with me if I could tonight
And baby Imma make you feel so good tonight
Cause we might not get tomorrow!

It was Shisha Night! We don't have a shisha night. I just made that one up.
So anyways... Nina, Mors and I didn't have any plans last Saturday. Mors decided that we could go shisha. Ohhh... We went to a new place. Was it Sufi or Sifu? I'm not sure. I think it's Sufi. Sifu sounds like a rodent with long mustache.

We met at around 7plus at Bugis. Before that, Mors told us to dress appropriately. Hmmm... The shisha place is at Bugis which is somewhere near Arab St. You tellin' us to wear a thawb and head gear Mors?! I can't imagine us walking around in that outfit and having a photo shoot. MAY be awesome but not. We'll be looking a lot like this parading around Bugis.

Okay enough! Once we got seated, my legs were cramping, Nina's and Mors' stomach were straining - menstrual and IPPT reasons. Respectively of course. Like DUH! We ordered a really really strong shisha for ourselves - grape mint. Oh, it was so worth it. It felt like weed. Not that I've tried. Ask Nina. Haha. We talked while snapping pictures of dilapidated buildings in the background. LOL!

We sat there till about 10.30pm. Wow! Actually, I'm not surprised at all. Remember the time we sat at McDonald's from 7pm to 7am? Yup! We are so capable of just sitting down and talk till the wee hours. And when I say talk, I mean TALK! We can't run out of things to say. If ever, *touches wood*, we run out of things to say, then that will be a huge problem. It's either one of us is sick or there are some politics going on. DUN-DUN-DUN!

Nah. We've passed that. If there were ever be politics, we'll talk it out. Don't bottle it up man. It's not good for ya. Back to the shisha-ing, we went to Parkview Square. As we call it, Gotham Tower. Seriously, it does look like it belonged in Gotham City.

While we were walking, Nina came up with crap. Instead of "Got Milk?", she said "Got Ham?". Haha. And the mustache is suppose to be ham instead of milk. What the! Tsktsktsk. We found a place for Mors to snap some pictures and I was the "BAGman". I took care of their bags while they were running around posing. LOL! See what I did there? BAGman in Got-Ham City. No? Forget it.

There's no picture of me. Boohoo. What? I was the BAGman remember? Haha. We left at 11plus to catch our last train. The stupidest thing happened in the train. It was Mors' stop but the train doors that not open at where Mors was standing. I was facing the opposite side so I didn't see the whole thing, when I heard Mors' voice. I turned and there he was still in the train. I thought Mors was suppose to alight? Yeah, he was. He tapped Nina and said, "The door didn't open". Haha. He had to alight at the other door. Stupid stupid. I meant the situation, not Mors. LOL!

Here's a video of our childhood Batman series (90's):