February 2, 2010

It's Alive!

Tired. Pain. Urrgh.
I. No, not I. Nina, Mors and I officially have no life.
Nina has assignments that needs to be done. Mors has work. And I have training, tests and more tests. ):

But there is still time to meet. hehe. That's the only way that we can stay sane. Yeah right! When we meet, we always become insane. As in not in a mental way. Good insane, if there is such a term.
Like the photos below:

We spent our time at the end of Paris interchange. The old hangout place. Good times, good times. Bought some foods and drinks from Value at White Sands. Very cheap. While Mors was sharing some tales, we saw this very cute kid. haha! Everywhere we go, there will always be some cute kid.

But according to Nina, I didn't capture his cuteness in this picture. His lips looks like fish. Ada-ada jer si bacin tu. We think that he can pass to be Mors little brother. hehe.

Syafique joined us after that coz he was from ITE Tampines and he didn't want to go home yet so might as well. Finally he wore something different. If not, I'll see him in the same shirt over and over again.

Chilled. Talked. Laughed. Took a breather. Then we went back to Paris McD. Sat there and ate ice-cream. Started to talk about childhood memories of sleep walking/talking/peeing. HAHAH! Mors' story of his sister peeing was the best!

Okay people, lesson learnt. Before you pee, stand in front of the toilet and pose. LOL!
And then, we went on to talking about X-files and Tales from the Crypt. Oh how I miss these shows especially the latter.

Tales from the Crypt Intro: