February 1, 2010

We Belong In The Old Kids Home

Yay! No school tomorrow for me!
Nina has school and Mors has work. ):

Okay.. Just got home from meeting Nina, Mors and Syafique at Paris McD. Who the hell is Syafique?! haha! He's my cousin.

He was with me, from school. We thought of catching a movie together but Mors wanted to meet, so the plan was off, and he tagged along. Nina was a little late coz she had to send her sis to the doctor. Awww.. poor little child.

Get well soon Kamilia! Don't forget to take your medication.

Meeting was as usual. Talked. Laughed. Snapped pictures - decent and ugly. Nek Jah was there a few times. Wanted to make an appearance lah katakan. haha...

Nina and I told Mors that he should make a book about kerepeks.
"Withdrawal Symptoms of Kerepek: How To Overcome Them"

Since every time he starts glaring at me, his lips will quiver. We are suspecting that he is addicted to kerepek. Macam drugs. LOL! And, Le Baroque should start serving kuih! At least kuih is not that expensive. When you're hungry, just order then eat. haha!

Remember this..? Priceless! It was candid. Didn't know that Syafique does his burok face all the time, even not on purpose. Hmmmsss... You all can see the resemblance now and how it explains so much that he is my cousin. HAHA! Hi-five!

Aniways.. if anyone of you is free, would you like to join me for a movie..?
I wanna watch The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus.
Rest in peace Heath Ledger.
Here's the trailer.