February 18, 2010

Laddie In The Sewage

Now I just like small children.
Hi... Do you kids want some candy..?

Come for a ride in my van! I got some candy and a pony.

Okay. That was just effin' hilarious. Me and my pervertic/pedophilic face. Gosh! Let's take a look at Mors' interpretation of a pervertic face. He was inspired by me. hehe.

HAHA! All I can say is.. Good job there boy. haha.
Aniways, Nina and I met at McCafe DTE today. While waiting for Mors, Nina studied and I was.. Well, I was busy trying to find a nice comfy place to put my legs so I can sleep. I'm tired! These few days both of us have been studying so much. At our own time of course. I had my exams already and there are 3 more papers to go. Nina is having hers tomorrow.


By the way, we have been discussing about a GONGZ crest. We came up with a few ideas here and there. By we, I mean Nina and Mors. I'm just the follower. hehe. The person who sees what goes well with what. It's still helping okay..!

This is just a draft. Cool huh..? There's a picture of a gryphon in the middle overlapped by a crescent moon and a Sun. The moon and the Sun represents us hanging out in the day till the late night. Woohoo! We should make some GONGZ merchandise or maybe a T-shirt. Whoah! Pure awesomeness!

I almost forgot about one thing. The Powerpuff Girls! Actually more to The Gang Green gang!
Each of us owns a character.
Mors is Big Billy, Nina is Snake and I am Grubber.

A clip from Powerpuff Girls - Super Wedgie: