February 20, 2010

Temple Of The Apes

Finally, it's Friday!
And what day will that be..?
GONGZ Meet-Up Day!

This is what I'm good at I guess. Oh muka burukku.. What the hey. Nina, Mors, Nat and I sat at White Sands McD today. No. Yesterday. Yups people, you heard me. Only Nat was down. Nadh couldn't make it because of the reason, which I didn't know and still don't. Au wasn't there too. Seriously, I have no idea why she didn't meet us. Hmmm..

Mors and I met first at my place before going to Paris. Apparently he didn't know where to go after he finished work. Well.. Clarke Quay and Sengkang is on the same line after all. hehe. Nina ended her paper early. I thought she would be finishing at4.30pm but she only took an hour. WOW! I saw her question paper and honestly, I will take the whole 2 hours given to finish the paper. Very the hard. Like durh Fae, you don't take that course. haha.

Nat was late because she had to run some errands. So, we had our dinner at KFC and of course, you all can predict whatever happens next. Talk. Laugh. Dance. Mating call here and there. The usuals. HAHA! Mors bought a pack of ice-cream after that which he didn't finish and called a bunch of people to meet him at McD just so he could give them the leftover ice-creams. Gross Mors!

We sat at McD and continued on with our merepek-ness. And this time when I say merepek, I really mean MEREPEK! Nina and I did a little interpretive dance when the song "My Immortal" by Evanescence was on. Yes yes, there were people watching us. We didn't care. Got used to it already. haha. Then after a few minutes, I embarrassed myself by talking to a girl who did not talk to me at all. MALU! She had a nice bod but face.. boleh lah tahan. hehe.

We got to jiggle Mors' babat. NICE! For those who haven't tried jiggling it, you should. Macam tengah promote pulak. HAHA! We also disturbed him when he fell asleep. Kesian. The poor boy is tired. Morning shift, that's why. We left early, before 10pm. Siang kan..? We know.

Oh. Oh. The final piece for GONGZ crest is done. Thanks to Mors for being a great artist and Nina for that cute gryphon. I forgot to explain why we chose the gryphon. Gryphon is the hybrid of the "king of birds" and the "king of the jungle". Senang kata, ruler of both land and air lah. Macam malas pulak aku nak explain. Tidak mengapa. For those of you who wanna read more, click here.

I don't know about you guys, but I feel that the font macam kelakar gitu. Like not fitting. Maybe it's just me. What do you think..?