February 25, 2010

Priceless.. Classic.. EPIC..!

WOW! I feel like the blog macam dah berhabuk!
*kesat-kesat dengan tissue*

After a while of not going out, finally keluar jugak. Nadh, Nina, Au and I went to watch Dear John. Woohoo! It was a preview before coming out in theatres tomorrow. Nina had waited since December and it was all worth it. She was the one who cried the most. Went out of the theatre, tengok-tengok ada Rudolph next to us. hahaha...

It was a sad romantic movie. Sungguh menyedihkan. But, the movie got quite a lot of bad reviews even though it knocked Avatar off the box office list. Hmmmm...??

I read some of the reviews and some sounded ridiculous.

"Halfway through the movie, I decided a better title for this weepie contraption would be The Hurt Letter. Tatum is stolid and semi expressive, Seyfried widens her eyes to saucer size."

"Indecently exploits 9/11 and throws in autism and cancer for unscrupulous measure."

"The biggest surprise here is Tatum, whose butch reticence has never been put to better use: His saddest farewell isn't to his lady but to a man even more uncommunicative than he is."

I got to agree with the latter. Never mind. I shall not give out any spoilers. For those of you who haven't watch it, go watch it. But if you don't like crying, then don't. hehe.

After the movie, the four of us went to Fish & Co because Warung Pak Mail dah tutup. There wasn't any chairs and all the stalls were cleaned. Boohoo. We're gonna miss that place so much. I still remember the times we went there to break fast. Almost everyday. Let's hope that they are just renovating the place.

We sat there till 10pm and headed to White Sands. Nadh had to go home. Nenek katakan. Must go home to clean her dentures. HAHA! Chatted with Gordon. Talked about a lot of stuff and one of them was about bunnies. Gosh! Vet Tech students, they only know how to dissect innocent animals. Gordon, you should just stick to killing those monkeys out there. Follow your dream. Teehee.