March 26, 2010

Oh My God!

Ya Ha-BABI Yallah...
*to the tune of Meet Me Halfway by BEP*

I apologize for not updating the blog.
Have been doing a lot of sleeping. Teehee.

The three of us took a trip to Pulau Ubin!
It was AWESOME! We planned before that we wanted to go cycling. Doesn't matter day or night, just cycling. And FINALLY! We fulfilled it. There's still a long list of things we want to do. We shall find time.

We met at 11am when we were supposed to be at Changi Village at 10am. I was late. Oops. Mors was practising his speech for me to hear. Not really an angry one. You get my point. He usually practises everything before he said it, like ordering food. hahaha...

We went to the boat place to go to Pulau Ubin. Searched for a while but we got it in the end. When we arrived at the boat place, it's like somehow they were waiting for us. The Uncle asked us whether we were going to make a trip to Pulau Ubin. We said yes and he called for the other passengers to board with us. Efficient. I like it.

Once we reached our destination, we were acting all tourist-ish. haha. We were snapping pictures here and there, with the beautiful scenery. It's nice to step outside of Singapore for a change and away from Paris. There were mostly apeks around, fishermen.

We went to the information counter to get a map. I think going in without a map is like inviting trouble. haha. It was hot as hell. We haven't even start cycling, not even rent a bike yet, we already got all sweaty. Geez..

We surveyed all the rental shops to find the cheapest bike we can get. It ranged from $2-$5. Walked some more and found the cheapest we could get, $2. It's not bad for a bike at that cost especially when it is for the whole day.

We checked our bikes before we got on it. Nina and Mors checked the height of the seats while I checked the wheels. I was afraid that it couldn't carry my weight. hehe. Hey, you'll never know when the wheels would give in and burst in the middle of our trip. Better safe than sorry.

There were vans going in and out of this little path. Goodness. They should make it bigger. We were so excited that we didn't know which route to take. We followed our instincts, so we took whichever route possible. Of course not the creepy looking ones.

It was 12pm. There were not many people cycling. We went up the hill, back down, right turns, left turns and finally reached a dead end. A toilet was located there. Altogether 5 people there including us, lost. When the two of them left, we were left alone. We went to relief ourselves before riding back to where we started.

It was such a good work-out I must say. After a long time of not working out, I think this was a killer. We were sweating like pigs. Wait, I don't know about them but I was. It was tiring but fun! We enjoyed the breeze there. Nice!

Continued cycling about half an hour when we ended up at the same place twice. That was scary shit! I thought something paranormal happened but nah... We just cycled the same place. It was almost 1pm and there's no one there. Just imagine that we were there in the afternoon. I don't know what will happen to us if we were cycling at night. Dam-dam-dam!

We had to ride up this steep hill. OMG! The Chinese dudettes in front of us were pushing their bikes. We continued our journey till we found a shelter at the end of the island. Not really at the end but it was the end in our map. We killed time there. Had our lunch, listened to some music, talked crap and don't forget, LAUGHED!

Mors was happily feeding the ants his bread. GROSS! Nina brought sandwiches which some of them tested like soap. It was good, just tasted 'clean' that's all. haha. I tasted it but the rest didn't. Weird.

It started drizzling after a few minutes there. Some cyclists got to the shelter but we were occupying the whole place. haha. They wanted to stop but then they turned and rode back. We treat the shelter like our little house. Lied down, smoked and what not. Now it just sound like the pakciks at the coffee shop. LOL!

We got out of that place after 3pm. Found out the shortest way back. What the heck. Rode in like some mad person and got out so fast. Less than half an hour. There were more people there apparently. Anyways, it was great fun!

We waited for the boat. Got to snap some pictures. Everyone looked like zombies and our thighs were sore like fuck.

We reached Changi at 4plus. Got up the bus, and went straight to Paris to meet Au and Nadh. We sat at McD, waited for the two of them. I was freakin' hungry but wasn't that hungry after Nadh came. I think I waited too long till the hunger went away. Good.

Nadh reached around 7plus after her work ended. What else can I do when she comes? IPHONE! haha. Updates, of course. Talked crap and laughed again. Mors was kinda busy at the end of the meet-up. Businessman.

Nina introduced a song to Nadh. Funny song. Okay, it wasn't funny but I made it funny. HAHAHA! The song was from the movie 'I Can't Think Straight'. I watched the movie and it was so touching. The movie is about a woman, Tala, who is going to get married. When she saw Leyla, they fell in love. That's when complications happened because both of them are women.

Nina is going to lend me the book when it arrives. She bought it online as it is not sold in Singapore. Damn! If only Singapore legalized gay marriage, I would totally go for it. But I don't know what my parents would think about the marriage. Hmmm...

This is the trailer for those of you who haven't watch the movie.