May 30, 2010

Joget Chubaka

One quick question,
Have you seen a monk wearing a 'fernando' before?

Neither have I.
Well don't worry, the time will come. hehe.

See this picture..? This will happen to Mors in about a week. He's going for National Service. Awww... We're so gonna miss him! You might be wondering why this picture. HAHA!

It is because Nina and I gave a suggestion to Mors that since his hair is too precious to him, he should bring a 'fernando' when he book out to cover his you know, baldness? hehe. So Mors, if you're reading this, picture this man with a fedora instead of the silly hat he's wearing. Sorry, no offense. Nina also suggested to Mors to walk around with an orange robe around him after his stay-in. Isn't that hot or hot? HOT. HAHAHAH!

Nina, Mors and I met at White Sands around 7plus. That was when we started to talk about this whole NS thingy. Mors is gonna book in on 8th June! This is unfair! There's so much to do with so little time. Dramatic much. haha.

The three of us started feeling hungry. Not really much of hungry actually, we just wanted to munch something. Anything. So we went down to NTUC. As usual, Mors bought his ice-creams. 4 sticks and a tub. You decide whether that's a lot. Nina and I walked around a little, searching for something to buy. And finally, we decided to buy Subway.

Nina and I bought our tuna sandwiches and bubble teas. Headed to the interchange. That place really brought back gazillion memories. From secondary school all the way to the times we played the guitar and made some crappy music.

Yup. This is one of the stupid things they made me do. Laughed so much talking about serious massive random shizz and the weird sounds that we made. I swear to God the sit-ups that we do will be enhanced by the laughter that we did. HAHAHAH!

We brainstormed for some songs we're gonna cover. This time we will start doing covers and making songs again. We are going to try aiming to be P-H-A-M-O-U-S! And YES WE CAN! *Obama's voice in the background* hehe.

Beyond Belief: Fag or Fig-tion
Joget Chubaka is an art form that generally refers to movement of the hands and knees, used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual setting. The dance was performed by a species of 'walking beards' called the Chubakas. It first started out as a mating call. The male Chubaka would engage in a specific series of elaborate movements which will then be performed by the female Chubaka to judge their fitness as a potential mate. This was then witnessed by Fae, a loyal warrior from the Underworld. She found this dance rather weird but interesting and now has opened a dance center for little kids to help express their emotions through the dance. There is also music accompaniment by Trista the Cowardly Lion. (watch video above)


May 28, 2010

Check Out That Tight Ass!

Nina, Nadh and I went to watch a movie. WOOHOO!
Lagu terakhir...

"Life was much like a song. In the beginning, there is mystery. In the end, there is confirmation. But it's in the middle where all the emotion resides to make the whole thing worthwhile."

The three of us have read the book, we cried, and O-M-G, the movie made us cried some more. Hais...

We planned on meeting at 6.15pm but guess what..? I was late AGAIN. I seriously think that I have a problem. From now on, I'll try to be punctual. TRY. haha. Anyhoo, the movie started at 7.15pm and I wasn't there yet. Went in at 7.25pm. Oooopppssss...

10 minutes! Of course Nadh didn't get to see the first 10 minutes while Nina and I have watched it. This is our second time but we still cried. Boohoo! I was crying so bad and darn it, I didn't bring any tissue. In the middle of the whole crying process, finally Nadh offered her packet of tissue. It took her a while. haha.

"Why didn't you ask?", she said. Oh how the hell would I know that she was holding it. I was concentrating on crying. LOL! For those of you who don't want to watch it because Miley Cyrus is acting in it, you should seriously watch. Put aside your hatred and watch it with an open mind. Make peace. HAHAHA! Terlebih paham.

Trailer for 'The Last Song'

After the movie, we went to KFC for our dinner. Talked and laughed as usual. Awesome shizz.. Sat in there till 10pm. Goodness. And we headed to White Sands. Berangkat at 11.40pm.


May 22, 2010

We Feel Conscious. Are you..?

It's finally Friday, we're free again!
It's finally Friday, we're going out of control!
Forget the working blues and let the good times roll...

And I'm sure you guys would have known by now what day it is.
GONGZ meet-up day!

Nina ended school at 6pm. Not sure about Mors. I was at home sleeping like a pig after a 12-hours night shift for the last two days - 8pm to 8am.

We planned on meeting at 7pm, Tanah Merah, but I was late. Again. I apologize for being late. I was tired. I met them at the usual bus stop at 8pm and went straight to Simpang. On the way, laughed and laughed. About ghost disguising themselves as nyonyas and what not. Don't ask. HAHAHA!

Before we got to the seats, we went in Shop n Save to withdraw money because there wasn't any in my wallet. Maybe some dust and unimportant receipts. hehe. We queued up behind this dude while he was withdrawing money. He was at the ATM machine for quite some time. Picit punya picit, he turned and told us that there wasn't any money in it. What the hey, I went to withdraw still. Just trying my luck. And yup, like he said, no money. Well, at least I tried.

With no money in hand, we still went to eat. When it comes to food, no postponing for that. haha. Nina wanted to eat Roti John so we went to sit at the orange-tabled area. Mors was sad because there wasn't any steak. Tsktsktsk... The food there were expensive. One plate can cost up to $9. Crazy or crazy?! Crazy. Hahaha!

End up Mors ordered Mee Goreng. This was a funny moment. Mors could still ask whether the Mee was going to be white or red when it stated there clearly 'Indian Kitchen'. LOL! Of course, Indians always serve Red Mee.

While waiting for the food to arrive, we talked about the stall that just opened. I heard from a friend of mine that the stall sells rice with alcohol *malay accent*. Something to that effect. Not sure of that cause all the stalls there are HALAL. Mixfused. Hais...

After the food arrived, talked a bit more before we headed to Shop n Save. Mors wanted to buy Air Kacang Soya. Walked around just to get that drink. As we were walking, Mors was making up his mind on whether to buy ice-cream or not. I really don't understand this whole ice-cream issue that he has. haha.

Mors didn't buy his ice-cream. While waiting at the counter for Mors, looking at condoms, funny moment happened. I accidentally elbowed a woman thinking she was Mors. For some reason I wanted to lean on Mors but after the elbow, I just had to turn to confirm whether I got the right person. Nooo... it wasn't Mors. Luckily. I don't know what would have happened if I had leaned on her. Get a slap on my face..? Get kicked..? Being called a pervert..? All three..? Maybe.

Next stop, 7-11. Did some rounds in there and got out without buying anything. Wasted some precious time when Mors was already late to meet a blogshopper. Got on the train at 9.30pm. Mors' meeting with the blogshopper was at 9.30pm and by the time we reached Kembangan, it was 9.40pm. Forget it. We alighted and took the train back to Tanah Merah. So cartoon...

We did our little business in the toilet while Mors did a little bit more. haha. Waited for him until we made up some stupid story on the billboard. Really stupid. Walked slowly back to the playground. Talked about some Siglap teachers and the funny moments about them. Good old days. It all started with Mors singing the 'Lollipop' song and it reminded me of Mr. Bob.

Songs related:
Mrs. Shirley Goh - Torn by Natalie Imbruglia
Mrs. Menon - Staying Alive by Bee Gees
Miss Ng Kiew Ling - Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls
Miss Wendy Wong - What A Feeling by Irene Cara
Mr. Robert Chen - Lollipop by The Chordettes

I hope I didn't miss any other teachers that deserves to be mentioned. Those with a song that is. Ehem ehem... haha.

News on G!
Nina, Nadh and I are planning to watch The Last Song next week. Not too sure about the day and time but Nina will confirm again. For those who haven't watched it yet, don't watch it first. For those who have watched it, watch it again. hehe. Nadine might be tagging along.


May 13, 2010

KaRRRimah and FRRRiends...

Don't you remember the fizz in a pepper..?
Peanuts in a bottle..?
Me too.


Helloooo wonderful people! Fae's back with a brand new intro!
Rambling first before story time!
Wait, that's what I do all the time... Oh what my heck. hehe.

As all of you can see, the blog is kinda dead. KINDA?! Nooo... It's ALREADY dead. But chillax, it's just the blog, not me. LOL! After a trip to Pulau Ubin and two meet-ups, here I am. Sorry about that.

Oh anyways *wiggly movement*, we had a meet-up today! Well.. technically yesterday because it's already two in the morning. AND I'M NOT ASLEEP! I'm gonna be doomed tomorrow. Okay back to the story, yeah, we had so much fun. People, if you wanna unwind or distress *wonders whether the two words are of the same meaning*, you should meet us! You just have to sit in front of us and voila, you'll start laughing out of no particular reason. That's how powerful we are. HAHAHA!

No, seriously.
*tries hard not to laugh*

After a long day at work and at a friend's birthday celebration, all of us met at McCafe. Reminded me of the good old days. We planned to meet at 7pm but I reached at 6plus. So there I was sitting alone. Guess what I was doing.. You'll never guess it right. I was.... studying. Jeng-jeng-jeng. Yups. And coming from me, whoah! That's like a HUGE thing. HAHAH!

So, Syed Morsayad and Nadh came, and I started telling them a BOOMS story. Quite a big thing that happened. It wasn't bad, it was funny actually. I could hear only us making the most noise. Laughing that is, not any other funny noises. hehe.

After telling the story, talked a little bit about the recent video that has been circulating around the net. I'm not gonna say much about it. For those who have watched the video, all I have to say is that I'm not here to shame him but just to create a strong awareness that violence doesn't solve anything and will just put you in a very bad position at the end of the day.
Okay, I have to stop being so makcik. haha.

Nina arrived and took a seat. Less than 3 minutes, Syed dah nak berangkat to Fish & Co. He was really hungry, including Nadh. We went to Fish & Co. Nina, Nadh and Syed ordered food and the laughter began. Laughed non-stop hits till we were done, still laughing.

Took some pictures - glam and unglam. Normal of us. Went over to the toilet to take more pictures because according to Syed, the lighting was nice. Well.. it is. Nadh and I depressurized our relieve valves. haha. What I meant is, pee. Both of us had a stupid moment outside the cubicle.

Headed to White Sands to slack at Mcd. Talked more crap there. Laughed even more. Hais... cramped muscles everywhere - cheeks, stomach,etc. I must say that it's been too long already since we last met and yes, we had a great time. Tiredness all drained out from our fingertips and toe-tips. haha!

We jumped from one topic to another. It was so fast. I can remember us talking about "Salted Lips". That phrase has to be put out to the whole world to see. Lol. Even Mdm Priya used it back then. If an English teacher uses that, everyone should. Let's just hope that she uses it in Australia so that the Australians can help us spread the word. hahaha... Damn! Come to think of it, we should have copyrighted that phrase. HAHAHA!

We mentioned a bit here and there about some holiday plans coming up. Ooooh.. Can't wait for that.

Beyond Belief: Fag or Fig-tion
KaRRRimah also known as Nina, a writer, alongside with Syed a.k.a Mors, a comedian, are the founders and the producers of one of the best children's television series, KaRRRimah & FRRRiends. It is the pioneer of the contemporary educational television standard, combining both education and entertainment. It is well known for its characters created by Fae and Nadh. Furthermore, many of the songs written for KaRRRimah & FRRRiends have become "timeless classics" and one of the notable ones include 'Put Your Nuts In Your Mouth' which became a hit for The G Word in 2006.