March 21, 2011

Concrete Expect

'Cause something's changed
You've been acting so strange
And it's taking its toll on me
It's safe to say that I'm ready to let you leave...

We had a meet-up. By we, I mean Fae, Nina and Mors. But sadly, Mors couldn't make it coz he had some other plans. It's kinda sad right..? I know. Ended work at 8pm. We were suppose to meet at 9pm but I went out from Sentosa at 9pm. Had to count some cha-chings. I arrived at 9.45pm close to 10pm. Oh what the hey, I still made it, didn't I? Haha.

Anyways, we talked and talked. Long story, short, we talked the whole night. A little laughter this time coz it was a heart to heart talk. Whoah! I'll repeat.


Period. They give us the hardest time. Nina's woman is... Dumb... And mine is... Actually they're both dumb ass-es. And such cowards. Gosh! Really vented like it's no one's business.

We played with Quorra. Some question and answer session. We discovered some hidden 'excuses' behind one of these two. Nope, not reasons. EXCUSES! LOL! What did they do to deserve this? I have no idea.

Just imagine two years, TWO YEARS, of waiting. And I had three months. They are like wild horses. We play nice with them, they'll be fine but when we say/do the wrong things, they'll run. Mine is more towards the wild boar side coz she sleeps the whole day through. Haha!

I asked Nina if I should ask her out again but after we found out the answer, Dr. Ninakh advised me to take a step back. Nina was really considering whether to ask her woman out to the movies. Knowing her, when she starts considering means she will do it. Her woman's 'soon' is the same as my woman's 'one day'. If you're not gonna go out, then don't give us false hope. Can't blame them. They ARE women after all. Only the opposite species will tend to be straightforward.

We sat at White Sands McDick's till about 2-3am. Awesome! I didn't wanna go home actually but I had to coz there was revision class the next day.