June 27, 2010

Makcik Convention!

I tumbled out of bed
And stumble to the kitchen
Pour myself a cup of ambition...

Hellllloooooo my bitches!
It's been a while since I last blogged.

Goodness... I can see the blog crumbling any time soon.
But, Fae's here!

I know. I know.
But what's the similarity in here..? Makciks.

26th June 2010:
Nina had a family barbecue cum chalet at East Coast. We didn't meet the day before because I had a last minute overtime. Errgh.. talking about work. Okay, okay no work.

I was so darn tired that I did not check my phone. I woke up at 2pm and realized that Nina texted me that she's having a family gathering thingy and I have to be there at 3pm. Oops.. I was 2 hours late. But what the hey, I was there.

Mors has already reached before me. Whoah! Fast. I was suppose to walk all the way to the row of chalets and meet them at the gate near the swimming pool. Nina asked me to wait at the gate but, unfortunately, Nina and Mors stood at a different gate and I was at another. How nice..

Nina called me and said that she didn't see me.. Well of course. I was on the other side. My gate had a nyonya standing next to it. HAHAHAHA! So anyways, we met Nina's mum and aunt on the way to her place. Funny conversation.

Nina's mum: Look at my arm. Different right?
Fae: Errmmm... Huh?
Nina's aunt: Just say yes. Just say yes.
Fae: Yes? Yes!

It was funny. I thought something happened to her arm but actually she was trying to show me her muscles. Firstly, I don't go checkin' my friend's mum's arms. Oh, that is so wrong. And secondly, I have been called a perv so many times that just by looking at Nina's mum's arms will prove them right. HAHAHAHAH!

Got to the chalet, I started with my 'Peeping Tom' story. He is the real perv in this story. Stupid man! I think he's a man. If she's a woman.. hmmm.. Make her hot and I'll be fine with the whole peeping thing. Ewww... Disgusting Fae! LOL!

There was kuih tart, wafer from Giant, otak-otak, satay, hot-dogs, chicken wings, etc. I think if I were to name all the food here, I'll get hungry again. hehe. After munching a few snacks, Nina, Mors and I went to go buy some ciggies. What a day!

We walked to the nearest deserted chalet and sat, story tell about our assholic work life. OMG! Puffing our lives away was a damn good idea at that time. We talked for about an hour, got up and went back to the chalet.

We 'menjamu selera' again. haha. Ikan pari bakar. Yumyum! Snapped some pictures here and there. The three of us got a little practice on the swaveboard. It looked easy when the others were on it but it was difficult as hell. Balance is the key.

The first try for me was such a disaster. I tergolek like some makcik falling down the stairs. It was embarrassing. Apparently, after that 'tragic' fall, all the little kids started playing with me. Hmmm... Conclusion, kids like adults who fall. LOL!

Played a little catching with this cute cousin of Nina's. Swaveboard a little bit more. hehe. Mors didn't even ride that board. He just put his foot on the board and went "Takut..." HAHA! Mors, Mors. Nina was good at it, after a while. We got some inspiration from the boys. Well, you know boys. It seems like they know everything. In simple terms, adults like us call it "Show off". hahaha... We understand.

We were so tired after the whole playing session. Mors' eyes were red from the contacts he wore plus his shag-ness. I don't know how he can tahan. After watching the news, we watched Incredible Tales. That series was traumatizing me a lot, with the Sir taking pictures of the maid in the toilet and all. Wrong timing.

Mors and I left the chalet after the show, 10.30pm. Walked down the beach, peaceful. We should have a GONGZ chalet soon.


June 5, 2010

The Day We 'Membapokkan Diri'

When you look me in the eyes...
When I look into your eyes...
Whenever, wherever...

Thank God it's Friday!

Mors planned to cut his hair and he did! We met at 6pm at Tampines MRT station to go to Snips Avenue. We waited for an hour just to cut Mors' hair BALD. We sat outside the salon talking about gay stuff. A lot of gay stuff. While talking, we saw this dude who was irritating Mors, only by his presence. Because he was too gay till Mors couldn't take it. haha. It's possible.

At around 7plus, we went inside and continued our conversation. This time, our conversation was being heard by this two gay girls. One of the girls was listening but was not discreet about it. We caught her looked at us and laughing along. What my heck. Weird... Anyways, Mors was called to cut his hair.

Mors: I want to cut my hair botak because I'm going NS.

Dude: Type 1 or Type 2?

Mors: Got type one ah?

What an interesting conversation. hahaha.. The first hair that fell was traumatic for me. I think the thought of him being bald was too extreme for me to handle. Mors asked the dude to cut his hair from the back first because he did not want to see himself bald. I understand.

Mors becoming bald

It took Mors only a few minutes to accept that he was bald. Mentally prepared I guess. Now he looked MANLY! He doesn't have that gay look anymore. Awww... That's sad. He can so fit in well with all the other guys in camp. haha.

We were an hour late to meet Nina at Tanah Merah. She was really hungry. If I were her, I'll be really mad. A hungry woman is an angry woman. 'Somebody's gonna get hurt real bad'. LOL! Nina saw Mors' head. After a while, it wasn't that funny funny anymore. I got used to the baldness. He didn't look that bad actually.

Nat came after we ordered our food and drinks. She got lost for a moment. Played a little hide-and-seek behind the staircase. hehe. While we were talking, the rain fell. Everybody who sat outside were running for cover, including us. Nat ordered her drink but it didn't come after her food finished. Nice...

There were updates here and there. We filled Nat in on ours too. Apparently she missed a lot. Never mind. At least you came down today. Woohoo! We started reminiscing on our secondary school days especially the Hari Raya moment in Au's home. About that fridge which stinks so bad. Mors with so much confidence thought it was Au's fringe that stink. WTH! But it was still funny none the less. HAHAHA!

Laughed some more till our stomach hurts. Damn! Nek Jah should have stayed inside instead of making an appearance. hahaha... If we had continued on laughing, I think each of us will have abs by the end of the day. We left to go to 7-11 to buy some drinks.

Sat at the usual playground for a few minutes before I had to go home. Sobsob. Today was the Friday when I had to go home early. It's Friday for God's sake! Well.. I got to see the lovely amigos and also, I hope not the last, to see Mors before he goes off to camp on Tuesday.


June 4, 2010

Spawn Of The Thirsty Rhinosaur

Underneath the froth, there's an endless story.
That's the drink I chose.

Jamming session babe! The three amigos met at 5plus. Wow! I feel so the rock star-ish. I don't know why. teehee.

Anyways, we've decided to focus on one song to cover and perfect it. That song will be 'Need You Now' by Lady Antebellum. I am so in love with them! They are what I call TALENTED musicians. For those of you who are way behind in the music industry, listen!

Back to the jamming session, we sang some of our originals that had been collecting dust for a while. Songs like 'Never Again' and 'Gone'. While Mors and Nina went to buy Subway sandwiches, I was busy coming up with a tune for 'Gone'. The previous tune sound a little National Day-ish. haha.

We jammed till about after dusk at the interchange. Talked about House and House-isms when suddenly it turned out to be a very funny conversation.

Nina: I hate Amber. She's trying to act all sexy when she sat on House. *barfs*

: (Confident) Is she Chinese?!

I wasn't sure if Mors was listening to the conversation or just plain slow. Maybe both. What a moment. We discussed about Mors buying a jellyfish hat and he wanting to cut his hair botak. His reason was 'try to get use to it'. When he explained how he wanted to cut his hair I laughed. He wanted it bald except for the fringe. Hmmmm...

I think this will fit him perfectly. HAHAHA! Oh, I'm melting already. LOL! I'm sure I'll get killed for this. But what the hey.. We walked to White Sands because he wanted to buy his hat. Went round and round, still no hat. We gave up and sat at McD. Conversation started, the laughter too. Look at our creation! Kacip Mak Jah! *slurpss*

We played with matches, some sachets of sugar, ice lemon tea and serviettes. And voila! It is guaranteed that this will make your bones stronger especially for those in between 60 to 80 years of age. hahaha...

There was also another conversation whereby Mors mentioned that Mrs. Rajan is pure Japanese and Mrs. Menon is pure Chinese. Hais.. What is happening to our friend? I think he's too stressed out about his NS. Chillax... You still have 4 more days left.

Oh! We're so gonna miss him! His meanness, vain-ness, slowness and whatever that made him, HIM. 2 weeks! I'm not being all melodramatic here. I'm being serious. Boohoo....


June 3, 2010

What's Rump..?

Do you still remember this?

Here I am
Drowning in this love
Crying in the dark
Won't you save

Like I've mentioned in the previous post, we wanna be FAMOUS!
More of rock stars really.

You can see the resemblance of Nina and I in here. Obviously Nicole Scherzinger is Nina, can't possibly be me. I think I might just get that pretty little dress ripped because of my fatness. Haha. Slash would be me because I play the guitar and also, by looking at his glasses, that's just Nek Jah's trademark right there. Big fat chance for me to grow long hair and wear a magician's hat but it's worth the try. LOL!

Nina, Mors and I met for a little jam of our own. Nina and Mors were to meet at my place but then, Mors couldn't make it, so I went all the way to Mors' place. We finally got together under a block around 8pm and we started with the songs we've planned to cover. There were like 8-10 songs altogether. Whoah!

We tried a few of the songs. Some of them didn't sound right I must say, because of the chords I played. hehe. After a really good warm-up, we sang songs that had duets in them so Mors could have a part to sing. A PART not back-up. haha. There were two songs - Broken Strings by James Morrison featuring Nelly Furtado and Need you now by Lady Antebellum.

La-di-da-di-da! We moved on to singing our originals; Here I Am. That was a blast! Firstly, Nina forgot how the song went. And secondly, she forgot the lyrics. I wrote down the lyrics confidently after which Nina found an error. Okay, I edited it. Then, she found out the error I made before was changed into another stupid error. How interesting!

First error:
I'm still loving you and your selfish yours

Second error:
I'm still loving you and your selfish waste

Correct Version:
I'm still loving you and your selfish ways

That cracked us up for a good 2 minutes. Nina and Mors laughed till they jumped off the chair. Awesome shit! I wish we could have recorded that priceless moment.

At 10pm, we went to the nearest coffee shop to get some food. Prata! We ended up with more than just a prata. HAHA! Snapped pictures here and there. Talked and laughed a little. Normal.

It was still early. We decided to go back to the previous place to sing but there was a dude sleeping peacefully so we didn't continue. We sat next to him, not really next to him, and shared ghost stories. The way we shared was as if the place we were sitting wasn't next to a cemetery. Yups! CEMETERY!