March 25, 2011

Remedy of the Broken Souls

Hey Juliana
Will you give it up and come to me?
Cause everything's gonna be alright
Time to be a little be more dangerous
Cause this is all about tonight...

Can't believe this band no longer existed.
Love their music.
Miss you Acceptance!

Finally! A day where I could bring my guitar and we could jam. The usual place - Paris Interchange. Met up with Nina at the CPF building in front of KFC. I was with Nelly while waiting for her. We had quite a good laugh when I asked Nina to buy me a G-string. I know what you people are thinking...

Her reply was,

And then it went to,
"What size..? LOL!"

Geez! I felt like smacking her face but... it was funny. In the first place, why would I even ask her to buy me a G-string? Of course it was for the guitar. Tsktsktsk. The three of us took a breather before heading our separate ways.

Dragged the guitar from Tampines all the way to Paris. Very convenient, I suppose. Sat at the back of the interchange, jammed a little, waited for Nat and Nad to arrive. We thought of recording but it got dark. Gosh darn it!

Mors came later. Wasn't really in a good mood. Saw a few of his Facebook statuses but didn't really quite understood what he was referring to. At first I thought we were being irritating. You know, it's that feeling when you're down and all your other friends are happy, you just feel like punching their fats outta their face. Yeah!

Found out that he was sad about a dude at work. So we combined the three of our lovers' names and it became "Juliana". Nat actually believed that Mors was feeling tired after waking up from his beautiful sleep. With us, there's no hiding. When you're sad, you're sad. Don't give us that tired or sleepy crap. Just pour it out to us babe. Don't be afraid....!

Look at the girl on the left, Nat. She has pretty much fallen head over heels in love with her boyfriend and still is doubting him. I have nothing to say about that. I can see the difference in their faces. The girl on the right, Nad, is wondering whether her best friend is falling for her. NOT ME! I know I'm her bestfriend but the one I'm talking about is a guy. She's straight and I don't fall for friends. Haha.

After Nat left to visit her granddad, Mors started talking. It's about time boy! And mostly, we don't have much time even though we kinda meet almost every day. Haha. Our stories can never end. If we ever run out of things to talk about... That will be a sign that we are no longer friends.

We felt sad for Mors because the guy he's crushing on is acting weirdly in front of him. No more Bubbly Brian. Quorra was there to help. Mors didn't wanna know the answer but Nad and I wanted to know. She texted to us the answers and we were like, "I see..." Poker face mode switched on. While Mors was pouring his heart and soul, Nina and I were being irritating. Playing a tune and blasting out some music. Music that didn't even fit the situation. Hehe.

We came up with a few reasons why he was acting that way. Nad was giving some ideas but Nina went on to give different ones. If I were him, I'd be confused. You have to understand. These ideas are coming from two different sexual orientated people - straight and gay. Whatever the case maybe, listen to what Nina said. It's her forte; giving love advices. We call her Dr. Ninakh for a reason.

Aniways, I would like to dedicate this video to my dear Gees.
We are only freaking 20 years old and we've gone through so much.
Rather than think of us as 20, think of us as "The G Word 2.0" LOL!


March 24, 2011

Just Do It

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain...

I swear to God it's really hard to find a decent picture of Dolly.
Too much surgery woman!

The night before, Nina told me that she will be free the whole day for Monday. I won't be going to work coz I have revision. Yeah, I wrote that for the previous post. Just a reminder. Teehee.

Nina came over to my place at about 6pm. She said she'll be arriving at 5pm but she didn't. Haha. It's normal for either one of us to be late. By an hour or an hour and a half, at most. I remembered that year where we actually waited for Mors' friends to reach East Coast. Waited from 9am all the way to 3pm. Imagine that!

Anyways, I just got home from fetching my sister from school and Nina was walking slowly to the door. Right timing. She was pissed! Jeng-jeng-jeng... Her woman didn't give a reply. Or wait, did she? One way or another, it wasn't what she was expecting. No wonder Quorra dislike her. Look what she's doing to our Dr. Ninakh. Haha!

Watched a little Spongebob Squarepants before heading out to jam under the void deck. It was raining quite heavily but we still have our ways to get to our final destination. Don't worry. We didn't use any magic. There were a lot of shelters. Hehe. Singaporeans like us always want shelters, everywhere. Let me tell you a secret... We are afraid of the rain... LOL!

Okay, cut it out. So... We took a little breather and proceeded on to making some hot music. We thought of recording our songs but the guitar had only five strings. Apparently, the G-string was gone. Woots! Haha. Plus, Mors wasn't there. We talked for a bit about lots of stuff. The "taking a step back" advice is still on going. Couldn't help but to check the phone most of the time. Sheesh!


March 21, 2011

Concrete Expect

'Cause something's changed
You've been acting so strange
And it's taking its toll on me
It's safe to say that I'm ready to let you leave...

We had a meet-up. By we, I mean Fae, Nina and Mors. But sadly, Mors couldn't make it coz he had some other plans. It's kinda sad right..? I know. Ended work at 8pm. We were suppose to meet at 9pm but I went out from Sentosa at 9pm. Had to count some cha-chings. I arrived at 9.45pm close to 10pm. Oh what the hey, I still made it, didn't I? Haha.

Anyways, we talked and talked. Long story, short, we talked the whole night. A little laughter this time coz it was a heart to heart talk. Whoah! I'll repeat.


Period. They give us the hardest time. Nina's woman is... Dumb... And mine is... Actually they're both dumb ass-es. And such cowards. Gosh! Really vented like it's no one's business.

We played with Quorra. Some question and answer session. We discovered some hidden 'excuses' behind one of these two. Nope, not reasons. EXCUSES! LOL! What did they do to deserve this? I have no idea.

Just imagine two years, TWO YEARS, of waiting. And I had three months. They are like wild horses. We play nice with them, they'll be fine but when we say/do the wrong things, they'll run. Mine is more towards the wild boar side coz she sleeps the whole day through. Haha!

I asked Nina if I should ask her out again but after we found out the answer, Dr. Ninakh advised me to take a step back. Nina was really considering whether to ask her woman out to the movies. Knowing her, when she starts considering means she will do it. Her woman's 'soon' is the same as my woman's 'one day'. If you're not gonna go out, then don't give us false hope. Can't blame them. They ARE women after all. Only the opposite species will tend to be straightforward.

We sat at White Sands McDick's till about 2-3am. Awesome! I didn't wanna go home actually but I had to coz there was revision class the next day.


March 18, 2011

Hold-ed My Hand

Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday
We, we, we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today...

It IS technically a Friday since it's already morning.
Okay... All I can say about the song is, "It's literal".

YAY! An off day for me. FINALLY! I have been waiting for this day to come to chill with the Gees. Just slacking at the usual place, White Sands McDonald's. Nothing much. A lot of catching up to do.

Our initial plan was to record our new song. Oops, sorry, TWO new songs; "Let Me Let Go" and "Too Easy". Gosh! It's already been two months since we posted our last video on Youtube. Sunday it will be. Nina wanted me to bring my guitar to Paris but I didn't coz firstly, it was raining and there won't be any seats at the interchange. Secondly, I was already out of the house when Nina texted me. Hehe. And lastly, Mors wasn't there for the recording.

Did a lot of talking and laughing. Yups. Only the two of us. What else can we do right...? Wait, that's not an appropriate question. *awkward moment* Haha! We had our 'lunch' first while waiting for Nat to arrive. KFC! We miss you! Nina bought her favorite snack; Rollers. The best damn thing that happened to KFC. Now I'm getting hungry. Sheesh! No eating, Fae. Your boobies will get bigger! Haha!

Recently, Nat posted a movie trailer on her Facebook page. A horror Malay film. It actually can be based on a true story coz there's a lot of people from our own race who does that. Correction, any one in the world but most of them we know are Malays. Tsktsktsk.

So, I explained to Nina how the story went. I watched it a few days back with my brother at 1am. Lights off. I must say that the movie was kinda believable. As in, the ghosts were really scary. You know how some movies portray fake-looking ghosts? Hate it. If it's a horror film, make sure that when we watch it, it's pee-in-our-pants kinda scary.

After the whole story-telling, we went back to McDick's. Talked and laughed more about... Something I forgot. When it got a little darker, around 7pm, flies started to 'roam' around. In the day, it was the pigeons. According to Nina, they crawled under the table. Creepy sheeze! At night, the flies. Why do they do this to us?!

Nat came at about 9pm. We started talking about our love life. Speaking for Nina and I, WOMEN are such a pain in the ass. So hard to figure them out. Worse than a Rubik's Cube. Jeez! Anyways, we, "The Holy of Polies" encouraged Nat to say the word 'yes'. Isn't it great?!


A song dedicated to the both of you;
By The Script, "I'm Yours".