March 26, 2010

Oh My God!

Ya Ha-BABI Yallah...
*to the tune of Meet Me Halfway by BEP*

I apologize for not updating the blog.
Have been doing a lot of sleeping. Teehee.

The three of us took a trip to Pulau Ubin!
It was AWESOME! We planned before that we wanted to go cycling. Doesn't matter day or night, just cycling. And FINALLY! We fulfilled it. There's still a long list of things we want to do. We shall find time.

We met at 11am when we were supposed to be at Changi Village at 10am. I was late. Oops. Mors was practising his speech for me to hear. Not really an angry one. You get my point. He usually practises everything before he said it, like ordering food. hahaha...

We went to the boat place to go to Pulau Ubin. Searched for a while but we got it in the end. When we arrived at the boat place, it's like somehow they were waiting for us. The Uncle asked us whether we were going to make a trip to Pulau Ubin. We said yes and he called for the other passengers to board with us. Efficient. I like it.

Once we reached our destination, we were acting all tourist-ish. haha. We were snapping pictures here and there, with the beautiful scenery. It's nice to step outside of Singapore for a change and away from Paris. There were mostly apeks around, fishermen.

We went to the information counter to get a map. I think going in without a map is like inviting trouble. haha. It was hot as hell. We haven't even start cycling, not even rent a bike yet, we already got all sweaty. Geez..

We surveyed all the rental shops to find the cheapest bike we can get. It ranged from $2-$5. Walked some more and found the cheapest we could get, $2. It's not bad for a bike at that cost especially when it is for the whole day.

We checked our bikes before we got on it. Nina and Mors checked the height of the seats while I checked the wheels. I was afraid that it couldn't carry my weight. hehe. Hey, you'll never know when the wheels would give in and burst in the middle of our trip. Better safe than sorry.

There were vans going in and out of this little path. Goodness. They should make it bigger. We were so excited that we didn't know which route to take. We followed our instincts, so we took whichever route possible. Of course not the creepy looking ones.

It was 12pm. There were not many people cycling. We went up the hill, back down, right turns, left turns and finally reached a dead end. A toilet was located there. Altogether 5 people there including us, lost. When the two of them left, we were left alone. We went to relief ourselves before riding back to where we started.

It was such a good work-out I must say. After a long time of not working out, I think this was a killer. We were sweating like pigs. Wait, I don't know about them but I was. It was tiring but fun! We enjoyed the breeze there. Nice!

Continued cycling about half an hour when we ended up at the same place twice. That was scary shit! I thought something paranormal happened but nah... We just cycled the same place. It was almost 1pm and there's no one there. Just imagine that we were there in the afternoon. I don't know what will happen to us if we were cycling at night. Dam-dam-dam!

We had to ride up this steep hill. OMG! The Chinese dudettes in front of us were pushing their bikes. We continued our journey till we found a shelter at the end of the island. Not really at the end but it was the end in our map. We killed time there. Had our lunch, listened to some music, talked crap and don't forget, LAUGHED!

Mors was happily feeding the ants his bread. GROSS! Nina brought sandwiches which some of them tested like soap. It was good, just tasted 'clean' that's all. haha. I tasted it but the rest didn't. Weird.

It started drizzling after a few minutes there. Some cyclists got to the shelter but we were occupying the whole place. haha. They wanted to stop but then they turned and rode back. We treat the shelter like our little house. Lied down, smoked and what not. Now it just sound like the pakciks at the coffee shop. LOL!

We got out of that place after 3pm. Found out the shortest way back. What the heck. Rode in like some mad person and got out so fast. Less than half an hour. There were more people there apparently. Anyways, it was great fun!

We waited for the boat. Got to snap some pictures. Everyone looked like zombies and our thighs were sore like fuck.

We reached Changi at 4plus. Got up the bus, and went straight to Paris to meet Au and Nadh. We sat at McD, waited for the two of them. I was freakin' hungry but wasn't that hungry after Nadh came. I think I waited too long till the hunger went away. Good.

Nadh reached around 7plus after her work ended. What else can I do when she comes? IPHONE! haha. Updates, of course. Talked crap and laughed again. Mors was kinda busy at the end of the meet-up. Businessman.

Nina introduced a song to Nadh. Funny song. Okay, it wasn't funny but I made it funny. HAHAHA! The song was from the movie 'I Can't Think Straight'. I watched the movie and it was so touching. The movie is about a woman, Tala, who is going to get married. When she saw Leyla, they fell in love. That's when complications happened because both of them are women.

Nina is going to lend me the book when it arrives. She bought it online as it is not sold in Singapore. Damn! If only Singapore legalized gay marriage, I would totally go for it. But I don't know what my parents would think about the marriage. Hmmm...

This is the trailer for those of you who haven't watch the movie.


March 23, 2010

Semput. Terkejut. Mati.

Awesome hair right..?! Well, to me, it is.
Aqilah tagged along to Bugis with us yesterday to do their hair. Us? The usual trio featuring Nad. Mors wanted to do cornrows since, I don't know, 300 years ago. haha. Just kidding. Since late January. Finally, he grew his hair and got his cornrows. But it's temporary unlike Aqilah's.

We were to meet at 2pm but plans suddenly cocked up when Mors had to go to Clarke Quay to take his certificate. So I took my own sweet time to Bugis after 3pm. Nina was already there, reading in the library to calm herself down all due to Mors. Kesian.

While Mors was getting his hair done, I was in the East waiting for Nad. We got lost for a while on the second floor of Bugis Street as I was busy searching for a freaking escalator down when we were suppose to use the staircase at the exit. haha. Selenger bacin! We saw her at the second floor up the new escalator. Hais.. Fae, Fae.

Nad and I got in and we were in awe. Nice! I don't think I can do what the man is doing because firstly, I have Parkinson's. When my hand shakes, the parting will just go off. And secondly, my hand is clammy. I swear to God, the customer's hair, from dry it will become wet. HAHA!

Nina was busy flipping through the magazines looking at hair colour and the different hair styles in there. We saw quite a few crappy-doodle hairstyles and even more crappy-sheez models. Ada yang terperanjat beruk, ada yang nak tido, ada yang penat. Macam-macam.

Nina, Nad and I went to see some of the stuff that they sell like fingernails, hair extensions and fake eye lashes. There was a whole collection of it. From short to long and even bushy ones. I'm talking about the lashes. haha...

Once Mors was done, it was Aqilah's turn. Woohoo! Aqilah's hair was just... *finds word but don't know what it is* Anyways, we all went to Raffle's Hospital to eat at Banquet. After that, Mors left with Aqilah to Kallang while Nina, Nad and I took the bus to Paris.

On the bus, Nina and I were making fun of so many people. About vampires with mustaches, kepala bulat with selipar jamban and about the Indian man who sings "Thriller". Gosh... Stomach pain from laughing too much. Nad was just leaning against the window, stoning. She looked darn shagged. Get some rest, girl.

Nad alighted at Tampines and we continued our journey to Paris. We waited at McD for Mors and saw the Gay Buddies. Kieth looked so buff now. So very the different. He's in NS. It will explain the buff-ness but he is a clerk. Hmmm...

Sat around at the smoking area till.. you all should know what time by now.. teehee.


March 21, 2010

Tonight I Celebrate My Love For You...

I said if you're thinking of being my brother, it don't matter if you're black or white.
Oh Michael Jackson..
Sorry for the random-ness. teehee.

Today was a very long day!
From morning till the evening, Nina, Mors and I had a seminar to attend to. It was more of an award ceremony than a seminar. There were a lot of Malays I must say and from different sexual orientations too. No, no. It wasn't a GAY seminar, it was business.

I was suppose to meet Mors and Nina at City Hall MRT station by 10.30am but I overslept and ended up meeting them at 11.30am. HOHO! Sorry... We got to talking with Mors' cousin. Very the friendly. There were some other people too.

We had to follow a dress code for the seminar. White top with black bottom. But what the hey, there were some who wore red, grey and whatever not. We had to be seated inside Victoria Concert Hall by 1pm so siang-siang we already went in. Once inside, we just sat there and did nothing basically. Talked about smelly shoes and made stupid noises. haha!

We were seated at 12plus and were so restless. Mors was starting to feel sleepy because he went clubbing the day before. Mors took a little nap while Nina and I took out our books to read. Imagine from 12plus till 2pm, just sitting inside watching the others get seated. It felt more like a Malay convention instead. hehe.

Few minutes before the seminar started, there was an irritating song being played over and over again. Gosh! More than five times. That song was annoying enough but they didn't stop there. They had to annoy us more by playing another irritating song when the promotees were going up the stage.

After the first badge have taken their respective certificates, they played a new song. It sounded like BOND but a more screechy version. We couldn't take it anymore and just had to leave our seats to take a breather. We went out and were very relieved. Got to stretch our legs a little.

We talked to Fauzi and got to merepek here and there. Anyways, we realized that the food on the table outside were gone when we got out of the hall. That was fast! Like what Mors said, we should have "bukak sikit". haha! We tangkap glam for a while before going back in.

It was the directors turn to give their speeches. I was so bored that I asked for Nina's phone, to play games. At least I didn't sleep. That will be rude! haha. Khusyuk main until I finished the game. Yessa! The whole thing ended at around 5plus and we started to make our way to Lau Pa Sat. It wasn't far.

Satu rombongan walked there. Sempat we stopped by this apek ice-cream, to buy ice-creams. We were hungry! From morning till nearly 6pm. It felt like fasting, I swear. We were left behind but we catch up, eventually. There were free flow of satays. 4,00 sticks altogether. What my heck! I'm just imagining one person eating that much satay. Eeeww!

Chillax, there were like more than a hundred people there. We had a great time, with people standing up on chairs, people carrying chairs and more. We thought, since the others carried chairs, why not we carry the tables..? haha! We did a little Kallang Wave that felt never-ending. Nyonyas and apeks around were kind of shocked and some were cursing under their breaths. Kecoh habis!

Mdm Yeay made an appearance today while we were eating satay. It's been a long time since she last appeared. Hais.. After the satay session, Mors had a debriefing. Then, it was time to go home...


March 20, 2010

Tepuk Commando!

Friday babe! GONGZ day!
Just a small reminder for the members of Gongz;
From now on, Nina won't be texting us whether we will be coming down on Fridays because by now we all would've known that every Friday is specially for GONGZ. Unless we are told otherwise.

Apart from the three of us; Nina, Mors and I, Natashah came down to meet us. Nenek couldn't make it because she had attachment/work till late. Oh not forgetting about Nat's friend, Amin. He came down with Nat too. Nice boy. Very decent. haha.

Okay... Yesterday, it was raining the whole day. We thought of meeting at Simpang since you know, Friday, can go home a little late. But the venue changed to Paris McD instead. The actual time to meet was at 5.30pm and I was at McD alone waiting for them to arrive. Nina came at around 6plus. We bought food first while waiting for Mors.

After we finished eating, Mors texted Nina asking us to go to his place. So we went to the interchange, board the bus, texted Nat and already on our way to Mors' place. In the bus, we talked and laughed about Nadh and all her funny comments on Facebook. That woman cracks me up all the time. HAHA!

When we reached Tanah Merah, Nat got into the bus but she didn't see us. She was concentrating on her phone. Hais... So the serious. As we alight, dekat depan pintu jugak Nat had to introduce us to her friend. haha.

We walked under the shelter till we reached under a block. We sat down there and waited for Mors to come, at the same time making fun of a woman exercising at the fitness corner. The woman was very semangat on the walking course. After a few minutes, we saw Mors walking under the shelter with his baggy orange shirt. HOT STUFF!

We moved to another seat under the block and automatically started talking. Nina wanted to buy some Reds so Mors directed her to a shop leaving me behind with Nat and Amin. Amin didn't talk much, end up only Nat and I talking. Results for TP and RP already came out. Sad. Stressed. Angry. All the possible emotions there is.

When Mors and Nina came back, we laughed some more talking about Kota Tinggi, Nat's cheer at camp, malay dance and a lot more. I've got to say, when you're stress, you HAVE to meet GONGZ. If not, you will just be more stressed.

Nat had to leave early because she have to reach home by 11pm. Curfew. Anak Ustaz kan. We talked a little bit more about life and berangkat at around 11.45pm. And! Mors! Your house is like so AWESOME! teehee.


March 19, 2010

I've Got Spoon In My Pants..

Sorry for the late post.
Have been busy lately, with sleep.
Tired lah...

Anyways, Nina, Mors and I met last Wednesday, with Nadiah as well.
It started off with the three of us at Tamp going shopping. I know what you all are thinking, "Asyik shopping jer, banyak duit!". Haha! Nopes. We went to a reject shop. All the stuff there are like five to ten bucks. Hmmm.. Budget sikit, recession katakan. hehe.

Mors bought some shirts and bubble tea. After that, we went to search for a mama shop before going to Simpang to meet Nad. On the way there, sempat we berbual about apeks and nyonyas and what not. haha. Satu bus kecoh!

Walked to Simpang. We went into Shop N Save to get ice-cream but tak jadi. A lot of shit happened in there. We talked and laughed, and the topic was mostly about margarine. Just margarine. hahaha... All this because of Mors! Hish!

We got out of Shop N Save and terus went to find seats. Hungry! Nad and I bought Roti John, Nina bought prata and Mors bought Thosai. He and his Thosai. Tsk tsk tsk... As usual, we ate, talked and laughed. Tak sah lah kononnya kalau tak berbual and ketawa.

We sat there till around 7plus pm after laughing as if that place was ours. Chillax, the laugh was loud for a few seconds only. The reason was because of a stupid flying cup. Mors is going to take over the position of being the retarded one from the Gang Green gang. If you know what I mean. HAHA!

Mors went back to Shop N Save to get his ice-cream and some yogurt stuff. Ewww... He wanted to eat it later at the playground. Gross... He didn't even use a spoon. He wanted to melt it and hirup it. For those who doesn't know what hirup is, it's like drinking soup. Get it..? Uhhuh.

We went to the playground to take a breather and continued on with stories that made our hearts boil. Each of us had stories that will just make us explode. Different stories of different scenarios but the anger was all the same. Heart pain! All about lovers, friends and grandparents.

We didn't get to sit there till 12pm because Nina had to reach home by midnight. Her grandmother was at home. Everyone was tired when we got into the bus, just felt like sleeping...


March 10, 2010

Morsyid Tertipu, Nina. Morsyid Tertipu.

Numi ya habbi ma tibki
*to the tune of Yassin's song, 'Salsabila'*

Yoohooo! Fae here! As usual.
Haiz.. Mors has been working and his work shift didn't give us time to hang out. But we get to meet today. Yeah! See the picture above..? Of course. Siapa tak nampak, pendek umur. haha. Do you think we had an awesome shit day?! LIKE DURH!

I met Nina and Mors at Paris McD. Where else can we meet right.. Before that I was with Nadiah at the beach so I was very the selekeh and so were the other two. We are sick, people, you've got to understand. Sick people don't have the energy to dress up. haha. What kind of logic is that..?

Anyways, I was wearing my Sec 4 class T-shirt with a blue horizontal striped jacket over it and FBT shorts. Mors was wearing a yellow jacket with nothing inside and grey jeans. And Nina was wearing a white tank top with blue denim jacket over it and jeans.
Guess who's more selekeh..? Such a bonus question.
Whoever doesn't know the answer ought to get a tight slap on the face. Penampar nabi!

Okay, back to the story for the day.
We sat at McD only for a short while. We were there just to tell our stories that were kept since our last meet. Whatever stories there are. hehe. Got angry here and there before we went to have our "dinner" at Anana's. Or Sanana - Mors' word, not mine.

We continued telling some tales while eating. Lepas makan, we went to NTUC. Mors bought two packs of ice-cream which contained EIGHT cones in it and I bought Teh Bunga Kek Wah. We walked over to sit at the end of the interchange and the crazy began.

Chillax, there are nice ones too.

We moved back to McD because the mosquitoes started to feed on Mors and the ants crawled out from their homes wanting to attack Nina. Not really attack lah. haha! Left that spot at 9.30pm coz Mors has work tomorrow. 5am shift. Hmmph.


March 7, 2010

The Roof Is On Fire

What's up ma homies?! How are ya?!
If you're thinking that I just woke up, you're wrong!
I'm feeling very weak that's all.

Nina, Mors and I went to St. James Powerhouse yesterday. It was a very DRAMA-tic night.
Okay... Let's start from the beginning.

Mors has been planning to go to Play. You know..? Never mind for those of you who don't. haha. Anyways, Mors wanted us to meet at Tanjong Pagar control station by 8.30pm because he was afraid that the cover charge will be on. Nina and Mors have already reached except for me. Sorry you guys for being late and especially to Mors for letting you not get lucky. hehe.

So we had a back-up plan. St. James Powerhouse! Mors called his friend but he didn't reply. Hmm... We snapped some pictures on the way to Harbourfront. Actually not some lah.. Two. haha! I wanted to go and withdraw money because there wasn't any in my wallet. Satu sen pon tak ada. Tsk tsk tsk..

Before we went to do our "errands", we went to queue for our chops. WOW! We walked pass the smoking area and we already saw a lot of people there. Well.. it WAS a Saturday. Gonna be a full house. After getting our chops, went in to the lockers to place our bags inside. We were being KIASU. We just didn't want to panic if we were to come back from our "errands" to find no lockers left. hehe. Dancing with our bags is troublesome. Got out our money, ciggies, lighter and last but not least, camera.

We went to search for an ATM before getting us some food and drinks. It's a MUST to buy something before we dance. If not, we'll just die of thirst or our stomachs will start growling in the middle of the dance "session". LOL! We stood at the bridge for a while waiting for Nina to finish her sandwich. Made fun of some Indians and girls there. haha!

At around 10.55pm, we already lined up to get in. Oh-Am-Gee! Sampai jer, there was a huge crowd at the entrance, it felt like we were going in for a concert. Made a fool of myself again. haha. Did a Bangra and a little monkey dance. Once we got in, the dance floor was still quite empty. People were waiting for one another to open the dance floor. Snake woman was there!

And again, we danced on the podium. Woohoo! But an hour into the dancing "session", we started to feel annoyed and irritated mostly to those of them who danced TECKTONIC to almost all the songs there is. Bodoh punya orang! The most funniest was that they danced tecktonic to Buttons by PCD. What my heck! Is that even possible..? I guess not.

We went down the podium eventually because one by one started to stink and there was too much pushing. A-holes! Got to the smoking area to get a breather and did some complaining about our miseries on the podium. hehe. At the same time, Nina and I were checking out this lady who looked like Rosalind, body and leg wise. Muka pecah!

Sadly to say, that Lady Rosalind or as we call her, Keping, got into a big fight. We didn't know what the pandemonium was all about. There were flying jugs of ice and of course a whole lot of "Come ah! Wanna fight is it?". While we were standing at the back, quite close to them actually, I was hit with an ice cube on my face. Didn't see it coming. DURH! It was flying fast. Tak sempat aku nak elak. I was in pain for a moment and another ice had to hit me on the head. OUCH! It gave me a headache.

Haiz... Aku dah sakit-sakit, they had to do this to me. We didn't had that much fun as of the usual because I was going to be sick and Nina too. We went in and out most of the time looking at the whole drama that was happening. There were police cars and ambulance. Total awe-gasm! I would really like to record the whole thing but I think I'll might just end up in one of the ambulance. hehe.

Went in back to dance. It was already House. Nina and Mors did most of the dancing, I was just shaking my bum feeling the beat. The headache was killing me slowly. I found a seat to sleep while they continued on dancing. We got out of Powerhouse by 4plus and on the way out, there was another fight, but with the bouncers. And yeaps, ambulance came again. Stand-by mode. haha!

We sat on the parapet to watch. Typical Singaporeans. Ah, what the hey. Must be proud to be a Singaporean. haha. We walked back slowly to McDonald's to have breakfast. Nina sibuk makan, Mors and I tidur. I wasn't sure what the time was because tidur sadar-sadar. Moved to sit in front of Vivo and then tukar tempat lagi, in front of the train station. Like homeless people. *shakes head*

Finally we got in the train at 6.25am. Alhamdulillah! Only problem was that it was VERY cold!


March 6, 2010

The Pleasure Is Momentary

It's already the holidays and it feels like we've not been going out.
Ish ish ish..
Sorry people for the late post. My computer broke down.
Haiz... Macam-macam betul hal.

Well.. We did meet on Thursday. It started of with Nina meeting Mors and heading to City Hall. Woohoo! Mors bought an awesome super skinny jeans. Nice colour too. I didn't tag along because I had to go to the hospital. Long story...

Around 6pm, I went to Paris and had dinner with them at KFC in White Sands. Nadiah was with us too, GONGZ featuring Nad. hehe. As usual, talk talk, laugh laugh. After eating, Mors bought some drinks and Nina bought BABY food. What my heck!

Nadiah headed home after that and we continued our stay. Mors, Nina and I sat at McD and started talking about Siglap! Oh my God! I don't know what has happen to that school. It doesn't give off that Siglap vibe anymore. It looks more like a "pussy" school. The paintings are all gone. The general office and HOD office have been extended. GROSS!

Duduk duduk, Syikin happened to pass by and she scared the begeebees out of me. Semangat aku lari entah ke mana. Damn that woman! We took some BURUK pictures but it wasn't that buruk. hehe.

Anyways, I was pissed with some NS guys. I swear if I had some back-up with me, I would have made a big commotion in McD. The story goes like this - I was queuing up to buy an extra small coke and I was standing behind this NS dude. After him would be my turn but! He selit-kan FOUR of his friends in front of him. Siapa tak bingit?! Menyirap darah aku.

Okay... To end off, we went home at 11plus. Like durh..
Exceed the time limit and Mors will be doomed. haha!

This post is brought to you from Nadiah's lappie.