October 11, 2011

Got-Ham City

Excuse me (Excuse me)
And I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight
And I might take you home with me if I could tonight
And baby Imma make you feel so good tonight
Cause we might not get tomorrow!

It was Shisha Night! We don't have a shisha night. I just made that one up.
So anyways... Nina, Mors and I didn't have any plans last Saturday. Mors decided that we could go shisha. Ohhh... We went to a new place. Was it Sufi or Sifu? I'm not sure. I think it's Sufi. Sifu sounds like a rodent with long mustache.

We met at around 7plus at Bugis. Before that, Mors told us to dress appropriately. Hmmm... The shisha place is at Bugis which is somewhere near Arab St. You tellin' us to wear a thawb and head gear Mors?! I can't imagine us walking around in that outfit and having a photo shoot. MAY be awesome but not. We'll be looking a lot like this parading around Bugis.

Okay enough! Once we got seated, my legs were cramping, Nina's and Mors' stomach were straining - menstrual and IPPT reasons. Respectively of course. Like DUH! We ordered a really really strong shisha for ourselves - grape mint. Oh, it was so worth it. It felt like weed. Not that I've tried. Ask Nina. Haha. We talked while snapping pictures of dilapidated buildings in the background. LOL!

We sat there till about 10.30pm. Wow! Actually, I'm not surprised at all. Remember the time we sat at McDonald's from 7pm to 7am? Yup! We are so capable of just sitting down and talk till the wee hours. And when I say talk, I mean TALK! We can't run out of things to say. If ever, *touches wood*, we run out of things to say, then that will be a huge problem. It's either one of us is sick or there are some politics going on. DUN-DUN-DUN!

Nah. We've passed that. If there were ever be politics, we'll talk it out. Don't bottle it up man. It's not good for ya. Back to the shisha-ing, we went to Parkview Square. As we call it, Gotham Tower. Seriously, it does look like it belonged in Gotham City.

While we were walking, Nina came up with crap. Instead of "Got Milk?", she said "Got Ham?". Haha. And the mustache is suppose to be ham instead of milk. What the! Tsktsktsk. We found a place for Mors to snap some pictures and I was the "BAGman". I took care of their bags while they were running around posing. LOL! See what I did there? BAGman in Got-Ham City. No? Forget it.

There's no picture of me. Boohoo. What? I was the BAGman remember? Haha. We left at 11plus to catch our last train. The stupidest thing happened in the train. It was Mors' stop but the train doors that not open at where Mors was standing. I was facing the opposite side so I didn't see the whole thing, when I heard Mors' voice. I turned and there he was still in the train. I thought Mors was suppose to alight? Yeah, he was. He tapped Nina and said, "The door didn't open". Haha. He had to alight at the other door. Stupid stupid. I meant the situation, not Mors. LOL!

Here's a video of our childhood Batman series (90's):


October 8, 2011

In The Aftermath-aaattthhh

Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough

Nina's Mum invited Nad, Mors and I to a Post Raya open-house at her Aunt's place. I still remembered how Nina's Mum actually invited us. She asked us whether we were free on the 7tha couple of times without actually telling us where we were supposed to be. Haha!

Nina's Mum: Faezah, come okay on the 7th.
Fae: Hmmm... Yeah sure. You keep telling me the date but where am I going to?
Nina's Mum: To Mami's open-house.
Fae: Ohhh...

We met at the bus stop at 5pm. Nina and Nad were already there. Mors was late. He made fun of me just because I brought an umbrella. What the? He was late! Of course he wasn't caught in the rain. Haha! We settled down in the Karaoke Room. Woohoo! Had the room to ourselves. The kids were busy playing with their Xbox and some of them were playing pool. No, this time they weren't playing with themselves, if you know what I mean. LOL!

Nina's Uncle kept on disturbing us, cause I think he has nothing else better to do.It was all fun. At least we have someone else to make jokes with. I don't we would wanna make jokes with the kids. Firstly, they wouldn't get it and secondly, I think they would cry after the third joke. We play rough! Haha!

We had dinner at around 6.30pm. There were so much food! Yay! While we were eating, Nina's grandmother came. Awww... I missed her! When she arrived, Nina's Mum called out my name to tell me that Grandmum was there. Haha. I almost cried. Because one, I miss her and two, she had an eye-patch on. Boohoo. She looked so cute! After a few minutes, Nina's Aunt came to me and asked whether she saw Grandmum. Everybody knows that I missed her. NINA! Okay, enough harassing the grandmother.

We went back into the Karaoke Room to continue our shrieking and screaming. Haha. But before that, Nad updated us on a few happenings in her life. Going back to the singing bit, we went from The Pussycat Dolls to AC/DC to a lot more oldies. There weren't much new songs. Nad had to leave for tutoring. Again! Hais... That girl works too much. She needs to have a little bit more fun. Actually A LOT! We sang Cher's "Believe". Couldn't stop laughing. I believe she's the first to use the auto-tune before T-Pain.

We were ruining almost all the songs. Our voices went deeper and deeper as we sang. The next song we ruined was Faith Hill's "This Kiss". What a disaster! It started nicely and then it ended up into an Indian version of the song. Goodness gracious!

We hogged the room for a good few hours and got bored after that. So we took some pictures with Grandmum's camera. Old school. The ones whereby after you snap, you can't review nor delete. Mors wanted to take a sexy picture with that camera. Jeez! Just imagine after the pictures are processed and Grandmum is looking through all the pictures. Comes across that one. I think she would have a heart attack. *touches wood or head*

We packed everything up at 10.30pm. Nina's Dad sent us to Tampines One to catch our bus. Spent some time at the void deck, taking a breather and talking. Mors left first to catch his bus whereas, Nina and I grabbed a cab home.


October 5, 2011

With Nothing But Your Shitted On

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run better run, faster than my bullet.

Photoshoot! Hmmsss... Nature is the theme. What colors do you come up with when it comes to nature? Green. Brown. Okay, my brain's not processing properly. All I came up with the day before was spreading mud all over my body. Haha! I could be an Earth Bender - inside joke. At the end of the day, all of us will smell like crap. Literally.

Nina, Nat and Mors met at Pasir Ris MRT Station around 3pm, I guess. I came 2 hours late because my place was raining heavily and I didn't want my boots to get all wet and muddy. It did end up in that state anyway. Scheiße bauen! Nina and Nat were putting on their make-up at the multipurpose hall in the park. Yeah yeah, I know. The park. We don't have a room to put on our make-up, okay.

Nina and Nat nailed the nature theme wear while I... I wore a grey t-shirt and cargo pants. Spoil much. So I had to change into Mors' red low cut top. Yup, he's gay. That's why he has a low cut top. Don't judge! After changing, we put on our respective fur coats. Hahaha... You'll see how the pictures turn out later. Patience.

We walked into the swamp, heading to the "woods" area to get that "wood-y" feel. I hope you get what I mean. We didn't really went into the real woods. We just found a place that looks like we are in the woods. FAE, YOU ARE RAMBLING!
I know!

Here are the pictures:

Our boots were... Let's just say that they looked like we just went hiking. Disgusting! Walked from the break water to Downtown East. Took a breather or two under the drizzling weather. Wow! So emotional. Haha. After washing our shoes in the toilet, we went to have our dinner at Fish & Co Express. Mors couldn't stop complimenting on how soft the fish was and how tasty it was to eat the mash potatoes with tartar sauce. Tsktsktsk.

After we finished our dinner, we sat outside Burger King talking crap. Our forte. We discussed some other themes we're going to do for our photo shoot. No no, I'm not gonna tell you guys what are the themes we've discussed. It's gonna be a surprise. You'll just have to wait.

Nina and Nat were sharing opinions about universities. Hais... It's gonna be a long way for me. Nah, just next year. But I'm going into the military. Urgh! So gay! Haha. Well, Nina and I are taking career paths that supports the alternative lifestyle. I might be helping Nina to be the clerk at the front desk. LOL!

WHAT?! I can't see myself in any job that is under Chemical Engineering, so I've decided to get a job that serves the nation. That's what I call it, serve the nation. Nina is gonna be a psychologist under the teens sector. Specifically, teens that have a problem defining their sexuality. Isn't that great?! Mors is already a policeman, nothing much going on there. I have no idea what Nadh is going to be. Opening a curry puff business? Hmm...


October 3, 2011

Celebrate Good Times

I've been afraid before to reach for something more
But now I see it's mine
I'll take it, just go ahead and try
You're not gonna change my mind
There' s no such thing as too late...

Oh gosh! It's been months since I last blogged. Actually, nothing much happened. Everyone's working while Nad and I are busy schooling. We didn't really get too hang out a lot. Except for last Saturday. We celebrated Kak Kai's birthday at Holiday Inn Atrium. Awesome night!


Anyways, for this birthday party, the theme was Hollywood. So you'll have a rough idea what we're gonna do. We choose one celebrity to become. Haha!

Nina as Nicole Scherzinger:

Mors as Adam Lambert:

Nat as Haley Williams:

Nad as Avril Lavigne:

Fae as Amy Lee:

Nat, Nad, Mors and I met at Tiong Bahru MRT station before heading to Holiday Inn Atrium. We waited for about half an hour so that Nina and her family could make their way there first and settle down. After alighting the bus, we walked around Outram Road like some toots. Haha! Luckily, we were not in our costumes.

We asked some old man in a bakery shop for the directions. Hais... Once we reached the lobby, we were sweating like pigs. HOT! Nina fetched us up to the room and we got ready. Nina was busy with so many people's make-up that she looked so stress, like she could pass out any time. LOL! Nope, she didn't, of course.

The party started at 7pm. Everybody rushed like there was no tomorrow. LOL! Mors forgot how to put on his eye make-up. Understood. It's been a while since he wore it. I don't think it would be appropriate for him to put on eye make-up while he's on the job, with his uniform on. That will be awwwkwaaarddd. Haha!

We took lots of pictures during the party and most important of all, the after party. We had our own photo shoot outside the hotel. The people working at the check-in counter were looking at us, as if we don't belong in there. Just take a good look at us! If we were walking near Orachrd Towers wearing this, I have a good feeling that someone will come up to us and ask, "How much for an hour?"

Here are some of the photos:

The only ones that stayed over for the night were Nat and I. Nad and Mors had to go home cause they had work the next day. Boohoo! It would have been more fun. Well, Nat, Nina and I did have fun. Sleepless night. What do you expect from us..? Rhetorical question. Stayed up from 3.30am till the sun rose at 7am, taking a breather downstairs after watching a HORROR movie.

Here's a song dedicated to our AWE-GASM night!


April 6, 2011


But you can't feel me disappearing
And you should take this for what it's worth
This is it and it fits
And it feels like this is good enough for me
Could it be that the grass is always green?

Oh I feel like passing out due to sheer excitement!
Okay I shall start with yesterday's meet-up first...

It was a damp cold evening... I wanted to meet up with Nina and Bam at White Sands McDick's but I couldn't make it coz I have to do babysitting duties. Sighs. The meet-up on Monday I had to pass and guess what happened? I felt damn guilty that I dreamt Nina came attacking me with a meat cleaver around my house. Now I'm wondering how the hell she got into my house. Stupid guilty conscience.

Anyways, I met up with her. She came over to my crib to do a little audio recording. I did a profile page for our band The Queery Fools on Reverbnation. Still under construction due to audio upload and schedules of performances. Haha! We have to wait a long time for that to happen. After we did a few recordings on Nina's Iphone, recordings that needed a lot of work, we went to have a breather.

Got under the void deck and talked about our music career. Most importantly, Callie's reply to producing our music. It has been half a month! Feels like forever. Boohoo. Nina asked me to twit her but I don't wanna be those girls who keep bugging the celebrity. How about a direct message? Came out with a bunch of right words to say to her. Don't wanna be too gay about it. Ended up not doing it because I wasn't on the com.

News on G!
Finally Callie Moore replied.
I went to check my e-mail to see whether Nina had sent me the audio files and lyrics. Then I saw Callie's name. Yay! Was just talking about her the day before. It proves that we really have salted lips.

"Sorry to take so long. That offer still stands! When Dave is back from the US next week and sorts out his schedule I'll contact you about a good time to come over and meet. The first time we can just brainstorm and you can play the song for us, we can show you you our equipment, and we can plan a time to get a song done!

Love Callie
I'll keep in touch."

Thank you Callie & Dave. We'll be waiting...


April 2, 2011

Mind Eff-ed

What to do with this love that I'm in?
I have given you all of my soul
Hang on to me tight, and a rose in the wind
Will be with you wherever you go...

A beautiful Indonesian woman who is now staying in France.
She's French! Go Anggun!

Woke up from sleep at Nina's crib around 1plus in the afternoon. We fell asleep around 7 to 7.30am okay.. Don't judge us! Haha. Nina was still asleep. Played with her cat for a while, washed up and went on a guitar searching rampage. It wasn't really a rampage. I was bored and I didn't dare to on the television. I wouldn't know if suddenly Nina just appeared out of nowhere asking me to off the television. That's creepy.

Found the guitar in the room and started strumming away. The sound quality of the guitar wasn't what we wanted. It doesn't have the Queery Fools' element to it. It sounded more like the guitars played by the Mats under the block. Very crispy kinda sound. Yucks!

Spent some more time lazing around the house, watching The Fairly Oddparents till 5pm. Nina went to take a bath... And I continued rolling around the bed. We had to leave to run some errands at White Sands before heading to my place to do some music brainstorming.

I love how our newest song has a "rock" feel to it. Like Breaking Benjamin and Hinder; sad and rock. It won't suit my voice of course, but it can definitely fit Nina's voice. We audio recorded some of our previous songs. Did a little touch-ups here and there, addition and cancellation of words, and chords for the bridge. Darn! We hate the bridge. Bridge is the part where your message is really brought across to the audience so that they could feel the emotions. Umph!

We should make more "rock-ish" sounding songs. That will be fun to sing. Nina has this fierce thang going on and with this kinda songs, it shows a different side of Queery Fools' music. It'll be far from what we used to do. This reminded me of Kate Nauta from Transporter 2. She's the armed and dangerous bitch.

Look at how scary-psychopathic-fierce-looking she is. She's hot actually. Started modeling since 15 and now she's 28. At the end of the post, I'll put up a video and maybe by then, you will get what I mean. Different.

Nad reached my place at 10pm. We talked about our "Series of Unfortunate Events". It's sad really. Explained to her about my unreasonable job situation. I'm considering on taking another job. Job that doesn't involve screwed up management. PISSED! Aniways, we were thinking of going to Play today, which is Saturday. Had to cancel because Mors has to work night shift. Scheite!

"I was born in a Muslim country. I am Muslim.
But I'm very concerned that my country is becoming backward in this way.
Because Islam is known as a tolerant religion.
I don't support countries that frustrate the young generation."


April 1, 2011

So Much For Setting The Floor On Fire

If you go hard you gotta get on the floor
If you're a party freak then step on the floor
If you're an animal then tear up the floor
Break a sweet on the floor
Yeah we work on the floor...

That is one hot mama right there!

Nina, Mors and Safia went to Play. I'm so jealous. It was kinda last minute. I didn't get any messages coz my phone couldn't receive any calls or texts. Nina reached me through Twitter. I really wanted to go but I have no idea what to wear. Plus, I'm lazy! Haha. What?! A girl can't be lazy on a Saturday night..?

Nina went after she ended work. Reached there at about 1am. The party was still ON! No warm-ups, just on. Haha. It was Gay Night. There weren't any hot ladies to hit on, so I've heard. Mostly 'Chubsters'. I'm so screwed for saying this. Chillax, I'm a chubster too. Used to. Teehee.

Not so sure how they ended the night but Safia had some tongue action and, Nina and Mors had drinks offered by straight guys. The irony... Straight guys hitting on girls in a gay club. Hello.. the girls may not even be straight.

On this glorious night! Nina, Mors and I wanted to try our luck partying on Ladies Night. Free for ladies of course. Every Wednesdays and some clubs on Thursdays. We were already hyped up to get on the dance floor until we reached St. James Powerhouse. We were refused in! WTF! The bouncer didn't even checked our identification cards. He wouldn't explain the reason. Son of a holy fuck! To cut the story short....

Plan A: St. James Powerhouse
Plan B: Azzura Beach Club
Plan C: Play
Plan D: Rebel
Plan E: Le Noir
Plan F: Le Baroque
Plan G:

Tell me who wouldn't be pissed. Six plans and it's either no entry, empty or CLOSED! Except for the last plan, which is McDonald's. We asked Quorra about it and yes, that night we weren't fated to dance. Haha. Should have danced in McDick's itself. Bam tagged along with us. At least she got to drink at Le Noir. We have to bring her out to party with us the next time. She was fun to be with especially when she's tipsy.

After Powerhouse waiting for Bam's reply

In Sentosa, on the way to Azzura Beach Club

Queuing up to get into Rebel

We feel that our luck really wasn't on our side. Sheesh! We still couldn't find any valid reason on why some of the clubs were closed. Especially PLAY. It was Lesbian Night.

We sat at McDonald's from 2.45am all the way to 5plus. Waited for our "Break-Donald's". Bam was perspiring and feeling crazily dizzy. Durh! That woman was tipsy. She looked effin' pink. Haha! But, I have to say that we had so much fun walking around Singapore. It would have been better if we danced that night.

Thought of taking the first train but Bam wanted to grab a cab and Nina's toe was blisterizing. We shared a cab to Simei then Paris. Mors alighted with Bam while I crashed at Nina's crib. It was all gooooddddd...