January 31, 2010

Abang Globe Knows...

Nek Jah and Nek Imah went to Le Baroque yesterday, a Saturday night. Sunday lah kirakan. Datuk Mors didn't tag along coz he has work. Stupid work shift! 5am to 1pm. Nak mampus! If he doesn't faint one day, I don't know what to say.

Reached Nina's place quite late. Duty calls. Chey... It was around 9plus. I thought I was late but Nina's mum was still siap-ing. So I had time to rest for a few minutes and sambil-sambil tu, talk to her cat. She didn't layan me aniways. Just lick her fur. Hish..

Got to wear my "leprechaun" heels. hehe. Surprisingly, they are one hell of a shoe. Very the comfortable. Took a cab and when we got there, The Shagies already started playing their first set. Boohoo. Ordered drinks. Mesti! If not, kena halau! hahaha!

Thank you Nina's mum for treating me Shirley Temple and Sotong Balls!

Nina's mum had to leave at 1am to meet her friends for supper. Unfair! They get to eat. Fae, makan jer tau. hahah! At that point, I was hungry. So it's understandable. After she left, we got into the groove. Mak dah tak ada, baru joget mcm nak setengah mampus. haha. Nolah. We didn't dance to that extend. For Powerhouse maybe.

Nina got someone's number. Wait! She didn't ask for it. Someone passed his number to a friend who then passed it to Nina. Don't want to say the name coz his name very the bapak-bapak. haha! He can only shuffle. So all the way, he wasn't dancing. He was shuffling. Even to rock music. WEIRD! Well.. I got this Indian dude dancing in front of me. Dancing with me I don't mind, but he was blocking my freakin' view. My Abang Globe was blocked. Joget dahlah macam dayak. Mood all gone. Pfft!

The set kind of ended early, or maybe it's just me. They sang a new song! Woots! "All the Right Moves" by OneRepublic. Awesome! And... I got to take a picture with Abang Globe. Yipee!

At first, I didn't want to take pasal malu. HAHA! This is all because of Nina. Memandai jer dia tu tau, go and tell Olynn that I call him Abang Globe. Then Olynn told Abang Hashim! Oh no! He looked at me and said,"Kurang asam eh kau". hehehe.. Cute! Olynn pun slow, didn't get why I called him "Globe". haha.. Never mind. Gembira banget aku. (:


January 30, 2010

It's Mors. It's Fae. No! It's a hovering SHIT!

Waduh! I'm so tired layan-ing my sister.
Had to carry her from the bus stop all the way home.
WHY..?! Because she's asleep.

I planned to cut my hair today because my hair looks like a mushroom. The back is fine, I guess. Wait. No. It isn't fine. There's an awkward looking tail at the back. MUST CUT!

Went to White Sands with little sister to withdraw money because I THOUGHT I misplaced my card. But nooooo.. I found out that my mum took it. That woman. *Shakes head*

The bank was closed of course. It's a Saturday! So Nina, little sis and I waited for Mors for a few minutes before taking the bus to Tampines. Just wanted to try my luck to see whether the bank in Tamp was open but I could already smell it from afar that it was closed. HAHA!

Aku rasa sungguh papa kedana. It's like opening my wallet and, literally butterflies and moths coming out from it. haha... We bought bubble tea from Tampines MRT station and went to Snip Avenue. Mors wanted to ask whether they do cornrows but apparently they weren't educated on that. LOL! Mors' words, not mine.


And then, we went to sit under the void deck while little sis play at the playground. Sat there from 4plus till 6.15pm. I didn't cut my hair. Like I said, papa kedana. hahaha...


January 29, 2010

I Dream Of Rain.. Ya-Ley-HE-Ya-Ley!

Yoohoo... Fae is back alright.
*to the tune of BSB's Everybody (Backstreet's Back)*
Aaaarrrghh! Electrons and neutrons are invading my head. They're killing me slowly.

Just got home from town with Mors and Nina. Mors wanted us to accompany him shopping. Biasa lah.. it's Mors. He doesn't shop alone. Not that I know of. hehe. I met Mors at Tanah Merah around 3.30pm because Nina will be late.

We had time to snap a picture coz the train was so darn slow.

Reached our destination. Met Nina and headed straight to Far East. Not that we want to shop like gila-gila, but it was because we were HUNGRY! Maybe not them.. ME! Lapar gila babi!

After eating, we walked around Far East. Mors didn't know what he wanted since he just want to shop, but nothing specific in mind. Tawaf punya tawaf, he finally bought something.
A fur jacket! A warm and cozy fur jacket!

I, the accompany-er, wasn't suppose to buy anything. And WTH! I actually bought "leprechaun" heels. Gosh Fae!
Well.. I really wanted it anyway. They look so cute!

Since Mors already got his fur jacket and I got my "leprechaun" heels, a lot of money spent, we went down to Takashimaya. There was a fair on Wii and we saw my classmates. The boys I mean. They were working. Got to talk to them for a while and after that, Mors, Nina and I went on to sit next to this "lion-looking" gargoyle. Snapped a bunch of pictures - stupid and sexy ones. HAHA!

Sat there from 6plus to about 10pm. Going home, we got more laughs in the train. Mors had "quivering lips" disease while I am becoming more makcik. I should walk around with a biscuit in my hand or maybe kuih tart. HAHAHA!

Show me the meaning of being lonely.
Is this the feeling I need to walk with..?
Tell me why I can't be there where you are.
There's something missing in my heart... ):

Morsyid Geram With A Toy. Giler!

I Am Maghrab Sinus!

Boo! Aaarggghhh! Hahaha!
Ok. That was so unnecessary. (:

Mors, Nina and I had a very last minute meet up today. Nina ended school at 5pm and Mors finished work at 1pm.
What about me..? Well, I had an MC. Went to school to take a test but I ended up crying and banging my head on the table because of a MASSIVE migraine attack. Geez! Got to resit for my test another day.

After a whole lot of resting and sleeping in the library, went to meet Mors at the station. Walked around TM, TMone and Century Square to shop for clothes.

Do not go into SAN Bookshop. Just

Terserempak with Nina's aunt at Times. I'm so proud to announce that Mors bought a book for $32.10. A BOOK! But it's not a storybook. Some AVATAR crap. HAHA!

Around 6plus, we met Nina at Simpang. Go eat lah then do what. haha.

Laugh, laugh and laugh. Every small little thing also laugh. Aper entah yang kelakar sangat. A freaking fork BROKE and we laughed. WTH!

Even though I wasn't laughing in this pic, doesn't mean I wasn't laughing before that.

Laugh so much until our stomach hurts. I couldn't finish my food but was stuffing it down pasal sayang kan... Chey! Nina didn't finish hers. Mors was busy wiping snort off his cave. HAHA! Sampai meleleh kat meja. YUCKS!

Then we talked a while. Mors sedang khusyuk menonton televisyen and there was this cute little boy! Oh, so the cute!!

The datuk had to hold his head because he was moving too much. LOL! Budak-budak kan. By the way, the datuk looks like Mufasa.
I mean James Earl Jones.

Mufasa (left) ; James Earl Jones (right)

We went to the playground to get some fresh air. Love life stories here and there. Played a little monkey bar. Nina and I got blisters! And I, apparently, have blisters on my knees too. hehe. I started to walk like a chimpanzee according to Mors.
A chimp with a voice of Chubaka... UUUHHHGGG-rrrrRRR!


January 27, 2010

Damn Cow!

As The Bells Chime.. The Wind Blows.. Across The Epic Beard

Hello WORLD! Fae's here!
Went to bed early yesterday. Was too tired coz of my eyebags.
They are having the best times of their lives growing under my eyes. HAHAHA!
Oh well... aniways...

We had a FULL HOUSE GONGZ meeting at Paris McD. Woohoo! Finally! It's like once in a blue moon that ever happened.
Nadiah was there too. As mentioned by her, "The G Word featuring Nad". (:

We all met as usual at 6pm around there. Nadh, Nina and Au bought food.
While eating, got to snap some pictures - burok and un-glam Fae.

Started our meeting at 7plus. It was about GONGZ chalet! Yay!
Nina was the one who did most of the talking while I was busy playing with Nadh's Iphone. haha.
Very addictive game.

Eh, I was multitasking ok. I heard what she said.

Our budget will be $100, to buy all the foods and drinks.
$90 will be used from our GONGZ fund to pay for the chalet.
We'll be doing a little bbq-ing and maybe at night, we'll catch a movie. Most probably Dear John.
Playing games is a MUST! If not, I'll start disturbing anyone of you.
Better watch out! Muahahaha!
No lappies allowed.
Oh yeah! And Nadiah, will be joining us!
That's about it I guess... I'll update you people again when the list is done.

Nat, Nad, Nadh and Au had to leave at 9.30pm. Nina, Mors and I were left.
We started to talk about beards! Mors and his casing. Hahah! Tak habis-habis.
Dengar-dengar orang dulu-dulu pakai gel eh Mors. Bukan kat rambut pulak tu. Kat janggut.
Hais.. Sakit perut ketawa. Waduh!

The thing that is jutting out of his chin is the casing we were talking about.

Ok. Now moving on to a more serious topic. Let's be honest here.
We know it has been awkward lately.
I don't want anymore of that! No no! I want us. The old happy-go-giler us. Actually we still are. hehe.
Fae! Stay on track!

*Clears throat and serious mode*
Dengar eh anak-anak, yang pentingnya Mak Jah taknak tengok nie semua. Kalau nak kawan, kawan. Jangan gaduh-gaduh. Nanti Mak Jah lempang korang semua satu-satu. Faham?!

Fuh.. Lega sikit hati Mak Jah.
Kan the mother in me dah keluar.
Ingat! Jangan masuk telinga kiri, keluar telinga kanan.
Dah sudah. Mak Jah mintak diri dulu.
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu.


January 24, 2010

Happy Birthday!

It's 24th of January 2010!
We, The G Word, would like to wish Olynn from The Shagies, a very happy 39th birthday!

Well, we miss you
Yeah yeah we know
We know it's kind of lame
But Happy Birthday! (:

January 23, 2010

Turn Around.. Every Now And Then..

Morsyid Berdengkoh Tak Maintain

Morsyid Is Datok Rafiki

Licking Is Morsyid's Forte

Damn! You'se A Sexy Bitch!

That was the word for the day. In any context - sick or unsick version (If you know what I mean) haha!

We went to Powerhouse babey. Woots! I am predicting that we might be regulars there.

Met Nina and Mors at Nina's place at around 8.30pm. Mors and I were so hungry that we went to NTUC to get some buns. It's NTUC! How un-glam was that..?! LOL!

On the way to the MRT station, we bumped into Gordon. He said I've shrunk. Sad huh..? My boobies... ):
Anyways, as usual, got into the train, we laughed and laughed and laughed. Mors was feeling insecure because he thinks that his babat can be seen. Sheesh boy! But we still played with his babat nonetheless.
There was the "RIPPLE EFFECT". HAHA!

Snapped some pictures before reaching Harbourfront, with our buns. (:

We reached our destination a little early. Got our chops.
This time Nina didn't try to grab the chop which was GOOD! haha.
Went to 7-11 to get a bite and some drinks.
And snapped more pictures.

I guess we reached there really really early. haha.
Coz we still have time to play at the little kids corner.

At around 10.50pm, went back to Powerhouse and the party started. We opened the podium. Woohoo! The girls-guys podium, of course. Got to know a few new people.

All of us got a little somethin' somethin' that night. *kening vibrate*

And oh yeah. Before I forget. It's someone's birthday today.


January 22, 2010

Mak Jah Al Petom Joyah

You might be wondering why the hell I'm blogging and, it's not even Friday yet.
Well... Nadh and I have been planning to meet since Monday.
That woman! She abandoned Nina and me.

We planned again to meet on Wednesday but as usual, our nenek, forgot about the meet.
Maklumlah, nenek dah tua. Tak larat nak merayap nie semua. Hehe.

We didn't give up! We met today! Nina, Mors and I. Nadh couldn't make it because she was caught up in school.
Wow! Sibuk betul nenek kita tu yer. (:

Nina and I waited for Mors at McCafe DTE. While Nina was finishing her assignment, I was aching all over after playing touch rugby.
Dah sakit-sakit pon nak main sports. Ish ish ish...
Tired and sleepy, I played with Nina's phone. CSI: NY! Woohoo!

Went to warong after that. That's where the fun begins. I swear to God there's a problem with my mouth. I've been spitting all over! Excited..? Maybe.. Talk talk. Laugh laugh. Mors' ass started to sweat so we headed to..

McD! Durh! Nina and Mors took a breather. You know I know. *Kening naik turon* haha!
Shared a stupid and embarrassing picture of ME! Gross!
Anyways, we started talking about erected nipples. Urgh! I feel like killing you both! *Image stuck in my head*


January 18, 2010

Legends Of The Hidden-nary Temple

Damn! It feels like it's been a long time since this blog is updated.
Anyways, Fae's here. (:

Had an awesome day! Mors and I met first to get his eyes a "MAKE-OVER". Now, Mors is a new person. Not really. Only his self-confidence ada up sikit. haha! Waited for his eyelashes to get fixed like about an hour plus. Sampai tersentok-sentok aku kat kerusi. Lucky I never snore. So the sleepy...

After that, we went to Marina Bay to meet Nina. Where else can we go, right..? Apart from MARINA BARRAGE! Woohoo! Like finally we got to see that place together. On the way there, I, with so much confidence, thought that the shuttle bus was a mini-van while Mors thought it was some random VAN with a sliding door. LOL!

Upon reaching, look here and there. Hmms, there was nothing much. We can go for a picnic there probably.
Sandwiches. Kite. Mors' kain meja. haha.

As usual, we took pictures. Well. That's a MUST!

We were supposed to meet Nad and Arif at Simpang. Since there was nothing, we went back to the station. In the bus, we laughed as if it was ours. Made fun of black pearls. AND. We saw Genghis Khan!

With so much confidence AGAIN, I said that he wasn't wearing his crown. Dengar-dengar, Genghis pakai crown per.
Didn't know he was a king. LOL!

Reached Simpang on the dot but Nad and Arif were late because they had to go find parking. See! That's one of the reasons why I don't want to ride bikes. Parking! We ordered first of course. Satu-satu semua dah lapar gila babots.

After Nad and Arif arrived, we talked. Laughed. I think that's normal for us to talk and laugh while eating. If none of that happened, there must be a huge problem. haha!
Mors started to talk crap. Standard. I'm officially a Bayam Lembur'anj that rears prawns. (:

Babi + Ayam + Lembu + Beruk + Anjing = Bayam Lembur'anj

Around 10 plus, Nad and Arif went home and we headed to the playground.

Spent some time there. Got to talking again. Hais.. Tak penat ke mulut kita nie..? Apparently not. Our stories are always never ending and we usually don't run out of topics to talk about.
This time we went home at 12 plus. Woooots!