February 19, 2011

It's Been So Long...

It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I've lost all control
And I need you now...

Wow! It felt like a decade that I haven't been blogging.
Honestly right now I'm blogging during my break time. Unbelievable!

"Fae! You should go back to work!"

Chillax mother-effers... My supervisor gave me the green light. :D

We went to Le Baroque. I know, I know. It sounds like we have no other place to go. WE DO, OKAY! It's only that it has been too long. Wait! How long has it been since Nina...... Hehe. And yeah... I'm not gonna continue that sentence. It's a very complicated story. A Singaporean love tragedy. Haha.

So, while butterflies were flying everywhere in Nina's stomach, I was searching for a nice top to wear. Hectic moment! Okay, let's just call it an Interview Test. I wore my office clothes to meet Nina right after school and I didn't bring any extra clothes to go for 'clubbing'. Ain't I a smart girl..? Rhetorical question. Don't answer. Sighs... When stupid just isn't stupid enough!

After trying like a billion tops in the house, I finally found something that I could wear. Yup, I'm that big. The first top I tried on was Nina's and I swore I looked like a sushi. UNAGI... LOL! Took it off immediately. Was too embarrassed to even show them how I looked like. Second came the vest, looked like a waiter. Third was two different jackets. Still couldn't fit; large arms. Lastly, a sleeveless top. Freaked out because my LARGE arms were bear.

What the hey, Fae... It fitted just nicely. Only I was feeling a little uncomfortable. Maybe a little is an understatement. A lot. Met up with Mors in the train. Forgot what we talked about. Most of it were crap. Haha! Once we arrived, Nina went to the toilet and we waited outside. Before proceeding to CHIJMES, took a breather for us to calm our tits, especially Nina's. Breathe in, breathe out.

All of us were feeling kinda lalalalalala... We got there a few minutes earlier. The band have not got up on stage yet. Could understand what Nina was feeling. Durh! Love of her life, God damn it! Sadly, when the night was over, it became a teary-eyed one. Wasn't what she expected it to be. The band was great as usual but...

We'll see about that...


February 18, 2011

Sho Sallow

I'm beautiful in my way
Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way...

Look at this picture!
Back then when she hasn't reach the term, no offense, "WEIRD".
Okay, before people start bashing me up, I apologize in advance.
In my defense, every one is entitled to their own opinion. So it's alright.

Yes, I agree that she's different. Weirdly different. But not someone who we'll deify. That's just... wrong.

Anyways... Last day of training for me. Yipee! I thought of going home but Nina was bored and she couldn't sit still for just one more day. Hais... Understandable. So I met Nina at 7.30pm, White Sands McDonald's. "Don't you have other places to go..??" No! We don't! Haha.

Initially we wanted to meet at Tampines coz I had to submit some stuff and this and that. Yada-yada-yada. Nina was there already but she saw Lissa. "Who the hell is Lissa?!" Relax, I'll tell you who she is. She ran away from home for two weeks, roams around under the block every once in a while and irritates people. People like us!

I'm not sure if I have told the story here. Whatever. I'll summarize. The day that I went to meet Nina and Mors at Tamp, there was this girl who walked by and sat at the seat next to us. First, she asked for the time. Next, she asked whether she could sit next to us. It was "Huh?!" at first but we felt bad so we let her sit next to us. Awkward! All were fine till she asked for a stick of breather and went on to borrowing Nina's Iphone to check her Facebook. What the hey right?!


Nina got more irritated when she started asking for another stick. If I were her, I would know where my boundaries are. Sheesh! You can call us whatever you want, but try be in our position and visualize. No embarrassment at all. Yeah that's the summariz-ation. Haha.

Ruth, Fathiah and their friend suddenly dropped by. What the what?! I know. Another awkward moment! While we were talking, Gordon walked past and didn't even say hi. We found out that he was catching the movie 'Black Swan'. Wooooo... We are so gonna watch it since there's THE scene.

After Nina's friends left, we started talking about weight loss and sheeze like that. It can really turn into a deep talk if you think about it. Haha. Gordon came back at 11.50pm. Talked more crap as usual and then we went home at 12am.


February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Cause when I needed a place to hang my heart
You were there to hang it from the start
And with every breathe of me
You'll be the only light I see...

I'm so happy that they had launch an album after so many wonderful covers they did on Youtube.
They deserved it!

I had a bloody training just now from 8.30am all the way to 5.45pm. Sheeze! Nina went for the interview at 3pm but it was closed right on the dot even though there were only THREE people in front of her. Stupid or what?!

Mors traveled down to Harbourfront to meet Nina. Coz, if not, Nina will be roaming around Vivo City alone while waiting for me to end my training. Nina and Mors sat at the stairs near St. James Powerhouse. I thought of meeting them there but I told them to proceed to the interchange coz the staff bus I took will drop me off there.

I took a breather for a moment and we went to buy food. Okay, it was Nina and Mors. Nina wanted to order 'Roti Prata Kosong' but it came out 'Roti Prata Keling'. LOL! No offence to the Indians.Of course, she didn't say that to the stallholder. She would have got an oily slap on the face from him. Hahaha...

Oh the yummy-ness... At this point I'm full but maybe tomorrow when I see it, I might be hungry. We spent almost one and a half in the bus, on the way to my home because of the traffic jam. Damn! We could have recorded our song 'Let Me Let Go'. That was our initial plan. Next time then. What a great title for a day like today. 14th February! V-Day!

I can say that, for the whole journey, we were the loudest. Actually anywhere, we'll still be the same. So many jokes accompanied with so much laughter. Back at my neighborhood, I bought some snackers for myself and some cheeeeeessssseeeeee.... Slurps! It was a cup of heaven. According to Mors, 2 girls and 1 heavenly cup of cheese. Technically it was that, coz Nina tasted some of my cheese. Hmmm, I shall stop here NOW! I realized how wrong this whole thing is.

We got to talking about senseless stuff. Mors was happily playing angry birds. That game, I can sense, is freaking addictive. I shall not even start to play it. Haha. At around 10.30pm, everyone left. Busy day tomorrow, with school and work. Hais...


February 13, 2011


Like every tree stands on its own
Reaching for the sky I stand alone
I share my world with no one else
All by myself I stand alone...


The thought of us being 31 really frightens me. Whoah! I wonder if we'll still be friends by then. Let's hope so. I think we will. Well, we've already said this time and time again; we have limited friends. Haha! I know it's sad. We used to have seven people in a clique. A lot huh..? Yup! Slowly they disappeared into thin air. Haha. Nah.. It's the quality, not the quantity. You may have so many friends in the world but if they are there for the sake of being there, then forget it. It should be because they want to be there to spend time with you.

Okay, cut the crap! Aniways, it was Nina's uncle's birthday, Fairuz. Such a buff guy. Haha. The location was... hmmm... how do I put it? Next to a sex hotel..? Ooppssiiee. It was right next to Hotel 81 in Bugis across the Sim Lim Tower. "Nice" view by the way.

I met up with Mors and Nina at 4.30pm. Had to go out with Mummy before heading to Bugis. As I was crossing the road, Nina called me up describing what I wore. What the phuck?! How the hell did she know that? Felt like I was being watched. I was actually but no, Nina is not a stalker. She's the person behind the sniper. What are they called..? Snipist? I don't know.

I can imagine Nina having this awesome job. Stealthy Nina.
Once I reached the lobby, I was lost. There was like four floors and no elevator. What?! Actually there is. It was a door. A freakin' door. COOL! But the elevator was kinda slow and spoilt. Haha. Beautiful place. Sadly, there's no phone in the unit. In all the units! *shakes head*

First thing I asked for: FOOD. I was hungry. I'm such a pig. Werepig. There were so much food to choose from. Aargh! Fried rice, nuggets, satay, mini burgers and, lots and lots of chocolate. Yummy... Mors didn't wear the party hat because he thought he looked dumb. He said I looked okay in it. Haha. The next time you see me wearing a hat, it won't be a fedora but a birthday hat.

Nina's family successfully surprised Fairuz. It was a great expression coming from a guy that size. We sang a birthday song and went out to the balcony to cut the cake. There were so many epic moments, I don't even know where to start. I guess the most priceless moment was when Mors talked about the caterer.

Mors: They gave the food with the plates??
Nina's Mum: Of course. How do you suggest they give it?
Mors: So are they taking the plates back?
Nina's Mum: d-_-b
Mors: I don't know! Maybe they gave it for free. Like souvenirs.

And... that explains why we are friends. It's the little stupid things that made us laugh. HARD. We left at 9pm. We ended up sitting at Bugis Junction talking and watching the fireworks. There was an event at the flyer, Chingay 2011. I have no idea what was there but the fireworks were gorgeous!

We went off at 11pm so I could take the bus at Paris. In the train, we saw Jeremy. Sheesh! For fifteen minutes, I was looking at the wrong guy. Cause I kept telling them that he's not Jeremy. Apparently, the one I was looking at was some fat dude with the same hairstyle. Uh-oh. LOL!


February 12, 2011

Fetch Bit

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing...

What day is it today people?! It's... FRIDAY!

It wasn't so much of a busy day. Phew! Thank God for that. Nina and Nat did not have school whereas I, did not GO to school. Very complicated story altogether. Haha! Mors had an appointment at Changi General Hospital. For any of you who wants to stalk him, feel free to drop by every once in a while. LOL!

Mors' appointment was at 3pm. I thought of meeting him at the hospital but I don't wanna be draggin' my guitar all the way there. So I thought, why not just meet him at Tampines instead. It'll be more convenient. I reached there at about 3.30pm, Mors arrived later and next Nina. Yay! She was done with her project.

We talked about a few issues here and there while walking to the usual place, the void deck. Wait! Before that, we went to the salon for a haircut. Remember Mors' fluffy hair..? He was happy that he was gonna cut it but later he wasn't. He thought it was a bad haircut. Sighs...

"Mors, it's good enough that it wasn't cut this way"

Nat called me asking where we were, but I asked Nina to pick up the call. She was imitating some guy's voice that Nat thought it was Mors. Haha. It was an honest mistake. Nat was already under the block waiting for us.

Once we have settled down, we were feeling uncomfortable coz there were people sitting next to us. We wanted to jam, so we moved to the gazebo. We finished the last bit of our new song, "Too Easy" and proceeded on to making another song, "I'm Alone, But It's Okay". The latter had not been confirmed yet as to whether only Mors should sing it or do a duet with Nina. That will be really fun to make.

We talked and sang a lot of crap. Serious sheeze! Then Nina told us something about Tumblr. Haha! Interesting. Weird celebrity crushes. There was a girl who beat Nina's weird crush for Kesha. This girl's weird celebrity crush IS Donald Sutherland. Wow! I thought Kiefer was bad enough. LOL! Now, I've moved on to Jeff Bridges, younger version. Okay, more to men from the 50's, when they were young and gorgeous.

Jeff Bridges

Mel Gibson

Alec Baldwin

Richard Gere

And it will go on and on and on and on......

Nad dropped by at about 10pm. We had a mini performance of our songs. But we stopped coz Nina's voice was starting to "deteriorate". Haha! My head was spinning so much. Luckily, Nad was there to massage me. It was heavenly.

Not much talking there. Everyone was getting tired I guess. Nad left at 11.30pm; she has to send her friend to Australia at 7am the next day. We part our ways... That sounded sad. The usual, 12am. Don't wanna miss the last bus.


February 10, 2011

Isn't Me

Verse 1:
Our story goes like the old cliché
I was always there to fix you
Every time someone broke you
I thought in time you'd realize
The one you needed was here all along

But time and time again
I find myself left in the dark
And I'm here listening, pretending I'm alright

And when I close my eyes it hurts to see
You holding hands with someone who isn't me
My dreams are filled with thoughts of you
Falling in love with someone new
It kills me inside how I lost the fight

Verse 2:
You don't know how I feel
How could you when I hide it so well?
There's no one else to blame
Coz I've been holding back all this while

I'm trying hard to put on a smile
When the truth is with every word you say
I find myself slowly falling apart
And I'm here listening, pretending I'm alright



I was weak, I gave it up
But still I'm haunted
By those thoughts of you
And someone who isn't me


And I keep waiting for you to see

I'm Alone, But It's Okay

Verse 1:
All this while,
I've been looking for that something
To make my life complete
Just when I thought I've found it,
You left with no say
Hanging on to nothing

Now being blinded by love
With doors locked tight
I go where I think

Things seem appeasing
Though it doesn't last
So as long as I'm happy
Even when it's only temporary

Verse 2:
These repetitive phases
made me sick wanting
Til I've turned away from that world

Now being blinded by love
With doors locked tight
I go where I think



I don't need you now
I'm alone, but it's okay


Too Easy

Verse 1:
It isn't easy to find the answers
To questions I didn't dare ask
No it isn't easy
To search for a place in your heart for me
And only to find none

So, baby, I'll take my leave
And I won't take no chances
Cos that's what you believe;
That I should know where my place is

Then you may spend your nights
Thinking what went wrong
Have your regrets sing every song
You may search for my face in the crowd below
And maybe you'll realize that I've let you go

Verse 2:
It's not always easy
To erase those thoughts of you
If everything I think about keeps leading back to you
No, it's not always easy
To find some comfort in the dark,
When the only comfort I keep dreaming about
Is right there in your arms

Still baby, I took my leave
And I took no more chances
Cos if that's what you believe
Then what's left to be spoken


Time will never rewind
And neither will we start again
For a cut always heal
But it's the scars that remain


Paranormal Swift

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for the night
And I'd go back to December all the time...

Taylor Swift in Singapore! Woohoo!
We didn't go, of course. But I heard it was a blast.

I admit it. Taylor CAN sing. Only that her voice is lower, but in tune. We might be covering this song. We'll see. Can't wait for the performance on the 20th of February. Those of you who have heard of us or just wanna come down, please do. We need all the support we can get. And gain a little fan base. Haha!

My phone died. Again. Geez! They're so dumb. It's okay, I'll deal with them later in the morning. It was hard to contact anyone. In the meantime, contact me through Facebook or Twitter. (:

We thought of meeting, so I texted Nina but she have to do some project thingy with her friends till 6pm. While waiting for her, I went home first to grab my guitar and do some other stuff. At around 3-4pm, as I was watching TV, I heard this loud flapping sound next to me followed by this blue fiery ball. What my heck?! That fire ball zoomed into my room. I don't think that's normal at all.

The color wasn't this light. It was a little darker. Like durh, I was shocked! All the hair on my body was standing and couldn't stand anymore. The second I turned, my ring burnt my finger! That will be another, "What the phuck?!" Exactly!

I quickly took off my ring and threw it. It went right under the bed. Yes, Mors. This is creepy shit! Even I'm scared too. Aniways, I'll start a story that doesn't have paranormal sheeze in it. Nina and I met at the interchange around 7.30pm. Sorry to keep you waiting, Nina. I whipped out my guitar and we composed a new song. Yay! Nina got to write another song whilst awaiting for my arrival. Haha.

We rehearsed 'Try'. It was the rock version. We liked it. Nad came after to listen to our little performance. It's unbelievable when she said that she's a FAN of our band. Never in my entire life being friends with her that I've ever heard her say she's a "fan". Wow! That's huge. I think she's more towards the groupie side. LOL!

It's interesting how a song going out for a woman from another woman can be felt by a woman for a man. No, you don't understand? It means that our songs are 'versatile'. Everyone from any gender, sexual orientation, race or religion can listen to it and cry. Haha! Ignore the last two.

After rehearsing, we went to eat at 10pm. Uhhuh, that's right. 10pm. We got ourselves some Anana's. Nad doesn't like KFC and, Nina and I didn't wanna eat McDicks. Burger King is too ex. That's how we eliminate food places. Haha.

We talked a little but moved over to McDicks to get a breather, and we continued talking there. About the ring thingy, Nina felt it was a sign for me not to wear it. DANGER! I shall not wear it then coz it's triggering something I don't wanna see. Jeng-jeng-jeng.


February 9, 2011

Roaming A-Rone

This is the way I am
No one said you had to like it
This is the way I jam
I won't hide it...

What's up with the random picture?
I, Fae, am now working at Sentosa. Looks fabulous huh..? Yeah.
Can't complain much.

Nina was planning to go for the interview at Vivo City but she canceled coz she had some demographics to do. Next week then. So after school, I went over to my friend's place to kill time waiting for Mors to reach Tampines MRT station. He wanted to cut his hair.

We reached the salon at about 7pm but it was closed. Chinese New Year! We forgot about the holidays for the Chinese thingy. It will be opened on the 8th, the next day. Too bad Mors. You have to cut your fluffy hair some other day.

On the way to Paris, meeting up with Nina, I was telling a story about my miserable work life. It was really a "pissing-me-off" story. If you have heard it, you would agree too. But I don't blame anybody except for one. Uh-oh. Story stops there.

While we were busy talking about I-don't-know-what, we heard "Phantom of the Opera". Darn it! It made me feel sad. Weird? I think so. I miss going back and watching the live band. We all miss them. Maybe one day... Nina watched the old videos of Shagies and it made her cry. Awww.. Just imagine if she were to be there. I shall bring a towel, okay? Hahaha!

News on G!
The chalet dates have been changed to March instead because Mr. Ithnin didn't get the chalet. But I have given another form to him for March. I hope that this time we could get it. BUT! It's at Costa Sands. It's kinda creepy there, I know. Well, it's three nights if I'm not wrong, for $24. Nadh couldn't make it at the beginning of March since she has some school trip so I've written 18th - 21st.

"Woman! You have graduated. What school trip?!"


February 1, 2011

Whose The Hell Is Lewin?!

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you...

Nina, Mors, Nad and I had a 'girls' night out. We were awake the whole night, except for Mors. Randomly, we would plan a night out for us to share little bits of stories that eventually will make us cry. Mors doesn't care about that anymore. In his head right now is money!

Nad really needed a night out after the break-up and all. It was hard for her. So we decided to make this one for her. She never had a night out like this, especially with us. This is her first time.

Mors arrived at Nina's place without texting me. That dude! He hid behind the couch and I swore I didn't notice him. Might be because he was big as the couch. Haha! Just kidding. We thought of bringing the guitar down but it was drizzling quite heavily. No, no. Not rain. Drizzle. I was super hungry at that moment so I brought otak-otak. Yumz! Nina didn't wanna try it. It was really good. *whispers* I think she knows that I dropped some poison in it... LOL!

I tuned Nina's brother's guitar to rehearse some of our songs while waiting for Nad to reach Paris. We were considering of covering 'Just Tonight' by The Pretty Reckless. And Nina's guitar is perfect for that sound. Her guitar had this "cranky" sound that it put off the whole song. Hmmm...

We made our way to White Sands at around 7pm, meeting Nad at KFC. Hungry! I wasn't. I had my otak-otak before. Mors, Nina and Nad bought their food. We spent about one and a half hours in there, talking and laughing. You should know us by now. We can't live without laughing for a day. Haha!

There was a Chinese lady that sat right in front of us. She was okay-looking but damn! Her armpit hair went right out of her sleeves. I saw it but the rest couldn't see it or don't wanna see it. Geez! It was long!

This is the fastest way for you to destroy a modeling career. Haha! The woman's armpit hair wasn't this bad. Nad went on about this Indonesian guy who has been texting her even though he has a girlfriend. He customized a shirt for her with HIS name at the front and her name at the back. Who's gonna wear that?! Apparently, it's Nad. She collected the shirt coz she doesn't want the shop owner to keep calling her. We suggested not to take it. It's a waste of time and energy. What the hey.

Once we were done, we sat at McDonald's. The usual spot. Where else do we go right? We have no lives! Haha. There were too much stories being shared that I forgot what we talked about. Mors filmed me while I was happily eating my apples and caramel. Slurp! I look stupid, I know. But it was delicious.

A few laughter later, we saw Nat's ex-boyfie. That scumbag! Suddenly, Nina started giving off heat. By that I mean anger. Mors and I felt the negative energy. Whoah! Intense. I was perspiring like hell while Mors' stomach was in pain. We are empaths now. Uhhuh! Weird much?

A few minutes later, Mors went to sleep and we started our "talk". Nad was the one who cried quite a lot. Emotional, I must say. At 4am, Julie came by to have a little chat. Afterward, we continued on with our "talk" again. All the songs that were played hits hard. Damn! How do they know?!

It's okay. We're fine now. We waited for Mors to wake up from his sleep. Such a grandfather! We ate our McDick's breakfast. Yay! It has been a while since we got it aniways. Mors bought Nasi Lemak. We could see that he was really hungry. Nad asked him a question, he didn't even look at Nad when he answered. He was more concerned about his egg. Haha!

Oh by the way, Lewin is my brother's friend. Lewin Cheng. He has really small eyes. Even smaller than Nad's. And inside that "slit" lies a pair of chameleon eyes. Haha! Okay, I'm sorry.