February 27, 2010

Smile When You Still Have Teeth!

260210; A day to remember.
Usually we'd have a chalet but this year, it's a little different.
Little is an understatement. A lot actually. hehe.
We had an outing! An awesome one!

The day started off with me dropping by Republic Polytechnic, Nadh's school. I had too much time in my hands I guess. Got lost searching for the school but with the help of some people sitting at the station, I finally found it. I spent two hours doing nothing basically. haha.

After her school ended, we went to Tampines Mall to meet the rest; Nina, Mors and Au. Nat couldn't make it coz she had to work. Anyways, since Nina already arrived, we got up to Swensen's first before the queue is long. Mors and Au arrived a few minutes later. We ordered our food and while waiting for it to be served, we got to snap pictures.

In the process of taking pictures, I had no effin' idea that the rest of GONGZ were planning on a surprise for me. How can I not see that coming..? Gendeng! It was so obvious and yet I couldn't sense it. I guess I didn't care much about celebrating my birthday coz I'm 19.

When the food's done, Nina got up. I thought she was going to the toilet.. but no.. she was walking to and fro waiting for the surprise. She didn't want to miss the fun. haha... I was shocked when suddenly the waitress came and brought ice-cream with a candle on it.
Awwww... Thank you so much! (:

They even gave me a card. It was so nice of them that I almost teared. Seriously.

Cute right..?!
The card is so not for a 19-year-old but what my heck.. I don't even act like one.
It takes time. hehe.

We headed to Cash Studio later for some karaoke! Woohoo! We had a hell of a day!
Here are some pictures:

3 hours of singing wasn't enough. We still had more songs to sing but it was already 1am.
It was time to say goodbye to the mics.


February 26, 2010

You're Such An Expiration...

The soft supple breeze sets on the horizon as the ocean silently whispers to its prey.
One day the last of all of you who mourn for the death of those that rose above the ashes will come and that day will be called ARMAGEDDON...

I have no idea what I'm talking about.
I just typed whatever word that come to my mind. hehe.

Today, we went shoe shopping! Smart shoes to be exact. Nat had to buy shoes for work and she asked if we could accompany her. Like durh we can. But first, we had to go to her house to 'consult' her parents whether she can go out with us. Complicated story.

It felt as if we went there to take her hand in marriage. haha. Scary okay. I still remember the last time we saw Nat's mum was in 2006. That's like 4 years ago. Her fierce face is still imprinted in my head. Her mum and her Mee Goreng. I mean, the noodles are not fierce, it's just the mum. She just cooked for us Mee Goreng. HAHA!

We met Mors at Tampines since he was from school and couldn't make it to Nat's house. Walked around Century Square and Tampines Mall to look for shoes. In the end, we went to Isetan. Tengok punya tengok, we found two pairs of shiny heels. Just nice. We asked Nat to buy the nicer pair from the two but it cost more than $100. Never mind, just forget it, take the other pair.

After that, we went to McD next to the CPF building because I was craving for ice-cream. HUNGRY! I bought Strawberry Sundae, Nat bought Oreo McFlurry and Nina bought Milo McFlurry. It was awesome! We sat there for a few minutes, talk talk and laugh laugh. Then, Nat had to leave. So fast!

We beredar from McD and sat at the spot where we used to sit. Took a breather or two. And got to talking about Pastor Rony-hole. Such a fucker! It shows how small his brain is for a 'PASTOR'. For those who wants to feel angry for the fun of it, you may click here.


February 25, 2010

Priceless.. Classic.. EPIC..!

WOW! I feel like the blog macam dah berhabuk!
*kesat-kesat dengan tissue*

After a while of not going out, finally keluar jugak. Nadh, Nina, Au and I went to watch Dear John. Woohoo! It was a preview before coming out in theatres tomorrow. Nina had waited since December and it was all worth it. She was the one who cried the most. Went out of the theatre, tengok-tengok ada Rudolph next to us. hahaha...

It was a sad romantic movie. Sungguh menyedihkan. But, the movie got quite a lot of bad reviews even though it knocked Avatar off the box office list. Hmmmm...??

I read some of the reviews and some sounded ridiculous.

"Halfway through the movie, I decided a better title for this weepie contraption would be The Hurt Letter. Tatum is stolid and semi expressive, Seyfried widens her eyes to saucer size."

"Indecently exploits 9/11 and throws in autism and cancer for unscrupulous measure."

"The biggest surprise here is Tatum, whose butch reticence has never been put to better use: His saddest farewell isn't to his lady but to a man even more uncommunicative than he is."

I got to agree with the latter. Never mind. I shall not give out any spoilers. For those of you who haven't watch it, go watch it. But if you don't like crying, then don't. hehe.

After the movie, the four of us went to Fish & Co because Warung Pak Mail dah tutup. There wasn't any chairs and all the stalls were cleaned. Boohoo. We're gonna miss that place so much. I still remember the times we went there to break fast. Almost everyday. Let's hope that they are just renovating the place.

We sat there till 10pm and headed to White Sands. Nadh had to go home. Nenek katakan. Must go home to clean her dentures. HAHA! Chatted with Gordon. Talked about a lot of stuff and one of them was about bunnies. Gosh! Vet Tech students, they only know how to dissect innocent animals. Gordon, you should just stick to killing those monkeys out there. Follow your dream. Teehee.


February 20, 2010

Temple Of The Apes

Finally, it's Friday!
And what day will that be..?
GONGZ Meet-Up Day!

This is what I'm good at I guess. Oh muka burukku.. What the hey. Nina, Mors, Nat and I sat at White Sands McD today. No. Yesterday. Yups people, you heard me. Only Nat was down. Nadh couldn't make it because of the reason, which I didn't know and still don't. Au wasn't there too. Seriously, I have no idea why she didn't meet us. Hmmm..

Mors and I met first at my place before going to Paris. Apparently he didn't know where to go after he finished work. Well.. Clarke Quay and Sengkang is on the same line after all. hehe. Nina ended her paper early. I thought she would be finishing at4.30pm but she only took an hour. WOW! I saw her question paper and honestly, I will take the whole 2 hours given to finish the paper. Very the hard. Like durh Fae, you don't take that course. haha.

Nat was late because she had to run some errands. So, we had our dinner at KFC and of course, you all can predict whatever happens next. Talk. Laugh. Dance. Mating call here and there. The usuals. HAHA! Mors bought a pack of ice-cream after that which he didn't finish and called a bunch of people to meet him at McD just so he could give them the leftover ice-creams. Gross Mors!

We sat at McD and continued on with our merepek-ness. And this time when I say merepek, I really mean MEREPEK! Nina and I did a little interpretive dance when the song "My Immortal" by Evanescence was on. Yes yes, there were people watching us. We didn't care. Got used to it already. haha. Then after a few minutes, I embarrassed myself by talking to a girl who did not talk to me at all. MALU! She had a nice bod but face.. boleh lah tahan. hehe.

We got to jiggle Mors' babat. NICE! For those who haven't tried jiggling it, you should. Macam tengah promote pulak. HAHA! We also disturbed him when he fell asleep. Kesian. The poor boy is tired. Morning shift, that's why. We left early, before 10pm. Siang kan..? We know.

Oh. Oh. The final piece for GONGZ crest is done. Thanks to Mors for being a great artist and Nina for that cute gryphon. I forgot to explain why we chose the gryphon. Gryphon is the hybrid of the "king of birds" and the "king of the jungle". Senang kata, ruler of both land and air lah. Macam malas pulak aku nak explain. Tidak mengapa. For those of you who wanna read more, click here.

I don't know about you guys, but I feel that the font macam kelakar gitu. Like not fitting. Maybe it's just me. What do you think..?


February 18, 2010

Laddie In The Sewage

Now I just like small children.
Hi... Do you kids want some candy..?

Come for a ride in my van! I got some candy and a pony.

Okay. That was just effin' hilarious. Me and my pervertic/pedophilic face. Gosh! Let's take a look at Mors' interpretation of a pervertic face. He was inspired by me. hehe.

HAHA! All I can say is.. Good job there boy. haha.
Aniways, Nina and I met at McCafe DTE today. While waiting for Mors, Nina studied and I was.. Well, I was busy trying to find a nice comfy place to put my legs so I can sleep. I'm tired! These few days both of us have been studying so much. At our own time of course. I had my exams already and there are 3 more papers to go. Nina is having hers tomorrow.


By the way, we have been discussing about a GONGZ crest. We came up with a few ideas here and there. By we, I mean Nina and Mors. I'm just the follower. hehe. The person who sees what goes well with what. It's still helping okay..!

This is just a draft. Cool huh..? There's a picture of a gryphon in the middle overlapped by a crescent moon and a Sun. The moon and the Sun represents us hanging out in the day till the late night. Woohoo! We should make some GONGZ merchandise or maybe a T-shirt. Whoah! Pure awesomeness!

I almost forgot about one thing. The Powerpuff Girls! Actually more to The Gang Green gang!
Each of us owns a character.
Mors is Big Billy, Nina is Snake and I am Grubber.

A clip from Powerpuff Girls - Super Wedgie:


Ringa Ringa

Ninaaa! Morsss!
Runs towards them. Jumps and morphs into a pig.

Mors, Nina and I went to Simpang today. Wait. Yesterday I mean.
We were suppose to meet Nina at 5pm but were late as usual and this time, it's because of me. Most of the time, it was Mors. hehe.

I had to study with my friends at Starbucks. Went to meet Mors at Bugis first but he was so the slow. Bersolek. Waited for him like a goon outside Topman. We walked all the way to Fullerton Hotel. Ooopps.. Wrong venue. Called my friend, he said next to Esplanade. We went to Esplanade next. Called again and he said it's at the Merlion. Waduh! Heart pain! Forget it.

Reached Tanah Merah at 5.45pm. Nina and I were both so tired coz Mors asked us to listen to a song which we really believe it drained the energy out of us. haha! Seriously.

Hungry! Thirsty! When the drinks came, mine was the first to finish. hehe. I felt so full after that, that I couldn't finish my food. Nina had Mee Goreng and Plain Prata while Mors had Dosai. Siapa jugak yang habiskan kalau kita tak habis..? Morsyid! Dalam diam-diam, he is still our tong sampah. "BAK SINI". HAHA!

We left and headed to the playground. Dah macam routine gitu. Before that, bought us some Root Beers. Slurp! Sat for a few minutes and Mors had to go relieve himself. Mors and I went to MRT Station leaving Nina behind to guard the stuff. When we came back, it started drizzling. Apa lagi, berangkat lah. We went back to Simpang, Mors bought a drink and Nina went to relieve herself.

The best part of it all was Nina tersandung. HAHA! We have learn that whenever an embarrassing moment happened, we MUST act cool. Tak sah kalau tak act cool. It just makes us look as if we are not in the wrong. hehe. AS IF!

We went back to the playground after the rain stopped. And macam biasa, sat there till 12am. Oh yah! We planned on doing a GONGZ crest. AWESOME or what?! And the answer will be, WHAT?! haha...


February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Chinese New Year!

I, Fae from The G Word, would like to dedicate this video to the rest of the members on this wonderful day.


February 13, 2010

Grey's Atanomy..? No..?

Valentine's Day! Awesome!
Nina and I watched it before we started studying at McCafe. The movie was.. Funny. Sad. Everything! And there was a twist. Unexpected.

After the movie, Nina was blisterizing. HAHA! The word is BLISTERING, Nina. We went to NTUC but apparently, they didn't sell any plaster. Kesian. Or maybe we couldn't find them. So we walked to Watson's. No! I walked. Nina limped. LOL!

We grabbed a bite at Burger King and questions popped in our heads.
"What was McSteamy's real name?"
"What was McSteamy's name in the show?"

Fikir punya fikir and the only word that came to our heads was ERIC. Was it Eric Dane..?
And yup! It is Eric Dane. Hot stuff!

We studied in McCafe and Nadh joined us after that. Nina and Nadh continued studying while I slept. Sedap kau tidur. Sampai berbekas. haha. I was tired. Waited for Mors and Au's reply before going to Warung Mail. Mors came down but Au didn't reply so.. we proceeded on.

Done with eating, Nina, Mors and I played at the playground. Nadh went home. Curfew. Hais..

We berangkat from there as usual, 11plus.
Aniways... For those who haven't watch Valentine's Day, it's a MUST-WATCH movie.

Here's the trailer:


February 12, 2010

Mini-Pearls... Or Me Nipples..?

Tomorrow will be my last day of school while Nina has no school at all. Yahoo!
It's today actually. haha.
And next week will be our mugging week. Nooooo!

Nina and I ended school kinda early, so we met after school but before that I met Syafique first at East Point. Nak try-try angin baru. HAHA! Syafique was feeling so bored coz I was doing work instead of layan-ing him. Budak Poly katakan. Stress!

At around 5plus, Nina arrived with a bag of light bulbs. haha. She's the man, fixing the lights in her house. How nice... We walked to the nearest playground and got to talking about the *ehem ehem*. You know, the commotion about the Singaporean actress, Nadia Fazlini. I think that that still can be swallowed in but about the RP student who posted her nude pictures, with her boyfie at Bedok Reservoir. THAT was OMG!

Firstly, posting your nude pictures at your own blog is like, WTF!
Secondly, the fact that we know her is... errmm.. *speechless*

For those who don't know what the heck I'm talking about, kamu boleh dipersilakan menekan link yang terletak di bawah:


Ooopps.. sidetrack terjauh. haha.
We waited for Mors' reply. Nowadays, we have no idea what time his work shift is like. Susah lah gini.. After he replied, we went to Paris to meet him. Sat at the interchange till 10.15pm coz Nina had to fix the lights.


February 11, 2010

Most Of Us Are Potato Couches, Not Couch Potato

Faeee Zhaaa isss hhheeerrreee.. *Suara wayang pekji*

Just got back from Simpang. Woohoo! Macam best pulak balik lambat gini. hehe. Mors and I went shopping at TM and Century Square before meeting Nina at Tanah Merah. Mors wanted to buy Victoria's Secret perfume but he ended up buying some Paris Hilton perfume.

I had the first one, so he bought the second one. Smells really sweet. I can't put the smell here of course.. DURH! haha. We went to Montip to buy cekak. Apparently Mors calls the shop MonDip. Weird. After we bought it, he complained that it wasn't the same as mine. Cerewet betul tau ini anak.

We met Nina at around 5plus pasal shop here, shop there. In the bus, Mors asked me to text Nina that he couldn't make it last minute coz he had stomachache. What a lame excuse! I know! But for some reason I was freaking out to face Nina. All because of this stupid prank.
Geez! It's Nina people! She could have just used her "devil" hands to pancung my head!

We ordered our food and didn't really sat there for long coz we finished our food fast. Define long.. One to two hours at least. hehe. We laughed A LOT! What to do.. This is what we are good at. Talk. Laugh. Errmm.. There's more.

Anyways, I've been getting jittery lately.
First, there was this Apek who sells tissue for a living and he came to us. I was like, "OMG!"
Second, the freakin' menu flew and I went, "OMG!"
Third, a bee passed by and hit my hand. "OMG!" again.

That was just at Simpang, belum lagi tempat lain. haha. We walked to the usual playground and on the way there...

A kid cried plus a dog barked. I jumped and ran in a very Lady Gaga manner towards a tree while at the same time stepping on Nina's foot.
Next, still shocked by the whole thing. A car horned. I screamed at a low voice, "Errgghh" and wanted to run some more.
Lastly, with a group of ITE boys at the back, an effin' bug had to jump on my cheek. Tepis punya tepis, nothing was there.

Hais... I'm sorry guys for embarrassing you. Tak sengaja. I have no idea what's wrong with me. At the playground, we sat and Datuk Morsad bercerita while I played the monkey bar. Story-telling till 11pm coz Nina had to pee real badly. We can't look at Wak Haji the same way anymore. HAHA!

Relieved ourselves at the MRT station toilet and a freaky ass shit had to happen in there. SCARY!
Continued our story, took a breather and went home after that.


February 8, 2010

Morsyid Nak Jadi Kak Ziana

February 7, 2010

Nina Playing Hide-N-Seek With Shahirah

Morsyid Menjilat Ais-Karim *Ehem Ehem*

Gimme Gimme Gimme A Man After Midnight

Finally my internet connection is back! Yipee!
The previous post was published through Nadiah's lappie. hehe.

Nina, Mors, Syafique and I went to St. James Powerhouse last Friday. I felt tired to go at first because of training. But Nina wanted to bring Mors over so that he could sit on me. Didn't want to take that risk. haha. Nina and I had Mee Siam before we met Mors, pasal dah lapar sangat. Actually we had to wait a little while, Mors had to massage his mum. Veeerrrryyy nniiiccee..

We met Mors first at Tanah Merah. We thought he would just come into the train when it reached Tanah Merah but he was on his way to the station when we were at Simei. Snapped some pictures.

We reached Harbourfront at 9.30pm. THAT was early! Wanna know what time Syafique arrived at Vivo? 6plus. Kemarok katakan. He called me four times asking where we were. Ish ish ish.. We got our chops, took a breather outside St. James and snapped more pictures before walking to Vivo to get some food.

We sat outside Vivo, facing Sentosa. Windy. Eat. Talk. Laugh. At 11pm, we walked back. People already started dancing but podiums were still empty. Slack at the corner. Move here and there. Pergi balik toilet. haha. Lembab!

At 11.30pm sharp, we went up the podium. WOOHOO! We opened the podium again. The feeling was awesome. The crowd took a little more time to dance than the previous one. Hmmm.

We danced like there was no tomorrow. Mors had a fan who bought him drinks. Nina danced with a HOT dude. Sizzling hot. haha! Syafique was everywhere. Didn't know what to do I guess. We forgot that he was a guy-guy. Oh what the hey.


February 6, 2010

The Beginning Of A Broken-Hearted Gay

It's already been two days since this blog was last updated.
OMG! I've lost my touch! Haha...
Fae! It's only two days. Not two months.
But still...

Last Thursday, Nina, Mors and I met to discuss about GONGZ chalet. There were a few complications. Nadh and I can't make it on the 25th and 26th because of attachment and exams respectively. So Nina thought of doing it on 26th, 27th and 28th - 3days, 2 nights, but some of us are considering the price. Hmmmmsss...

Aniways, lepak at Paris McD for a while and then went to the end of the interchange to eat. We bought Anana's of course before that. The way I say like as if there's a hawker center at the end. HAHAH! After sitting for a few minutes, finished eating, we went back to McD pasal si dugong tu nak ice-cream. Gatal betul!

We left at around 10plus coz Mors dah mula ngantuk. Si dia tu, besarkan tidur jer! Kumpul lah taik mata banyak-banyak. HAHAHA!


February 3, 2010

So Lonely Inside, So Busy Out There...

Yo! What's happening Angels...?
Since Fae's here, you people will be my Angels.
Fae's Angels. Muahahah!

I didn't go for my last lab lesson today because I was frustrated with the test that I took. Suddenly no mood! I have a lot of careless mistakes! Geram aku! So.. I called Mors whether he was free. Apparently, he had his check-up at CGH. Went there to meet him before going to East Point to eat at Banquet. Mors berpeluh-peleh eating yong tau fu with sambal. So the gross!

After eating we walked around East Point searching for a note pad and perfume. Hais.. Mors, Mors. I got to say that East Point is so BORING! Macam ter-senyap banyak. Aniways, we went to Tampines because I wanted to cut my hair. About my hair.... AAARRRRGGGHHH!! It's short. But not the usual spiky short. Girl version. haha..

You will see my new hair when you see me. haha! I had to cut it short before growing my long hair because it looks retarded at the back. Remember the tail I mentioned..? That's the one. You might ask this question.. "You trim your long hair, make it thinner. Then you let it grow lah. Why must cut short..?" Pasal... kalau I don't cut, my long hair will grow even weirder with the stupid tail. So after this haircut, I can grow my hair as long as I want. And it will grow NORMALLY! Yay!

We went to Paris Park and ate two TUBS of ais-karim that were bought from NTUC. I had choco-mint while Mors had his raspberry but ended up, he eating both because mine were all melted. Liquefied ice-cream is so UN-DELICIOUS!

Sat there till 9plus. Sing sing. Talk talk. Laugh laugh. haha.. Dropped by Aliyah's shop at DTE. Mors is planning to buy a shirt for Mr. Jackson. Awww... Lagi lama lah dey. Eleven more days to go. So the kanchiong spider. It's this kinda thing that makes him stress. Ish ish ish... Bawak bertenang.