January 29, 2011

The House of Folly Lolly

When you're gonna stop breaking my heart
I don't wanna be another one
Paying for the things I never done
Don't let go, don't let go
To my love...

What's up with this?!
Nothing. It's just something that Nat said.

Woohoo! A meet up. It wasn't a full house though. Mors had to work. Nadh came! I think I saw the BLUE moon. Haha. There were only four of us but what the hey, it was still fun.

School ended at 5.30pm. Nina was on medical leave because of her "elephant" leg. The day before, I've told her not to go to school but she refused to listen. I know, I know. Because Fae is the one talking. No one listens. Okay, stop making some sad story. And so she texted me in the afternoon telling me that she's not in school but at home. WHAT?! She was lazy. Only this time, lazy, with a medical leave.

Nat and Nina reached McDonald's first, followed by me and then Nadh. Durh! She's the grandmother, remember. Haha! I was late coz I took the wrong bus. It's not surprising actually. Once, I lost my way searching for my own flat. LOL!

See Nina's face? Yups. This is one of the pictures in 'Moments of Folly', not 'House of Folly Lolly'.

We talked and laughed. Not sure what we talked about but I was rushing for time. I had to go home to finish up a Tutorial Test thingy. So troublesome. And then.... I realized that Nat had her lappie with her. We walked into Mcdonald's searching for a plug for the lappie because hers couldn't stay long without it. We looked high and low, still no plug.

We ended up standing outside McDonald's. Uhhuh! Found it. Earlier on, I saw this woman charging her Iphone next to the pillar. It was a plug! So we sat directly in front of Subway, doing a test. How convenient. Haha.

Nat helped me out with the whole multiple choice thingy. After that was done, Nadh had to go home. Next, Nat. Left with Nina and I. We didn't wanna go home because Gordon and Keith dropped by. Why?! Why not tomorrow..? I had to leave, didn't wanna miss the last bus.


January 28, 2011

The Ultimate Value Tits!

Shit I'm late by a day!
I'm ruining the balance...

Come to think of it... I'm not. Hehe.

Soooooo... How's your day? *Awkward pause* Hahaha! Stop it! Aniways, we had a short meet up yesterday, the 27th of January 2011. Nina just got back from the hospital and I came from my home. Didn't go to school because of some... disorders. Brain dysfunction, so to speak. :P

Saw Nina's foot. Oh gosh! My eyes! Hahaha.. According to her, it looked like an elephant's foot. No offense to the elephants. Nat didn't come down to meet us coz suddenly she remembered last minute that she had something to do. Geez!

We talked and laughed about TITS! I was explaining to Nina that I heard an 80's song from this really weird video. Why is it weird? It has tits flashing about, that's why it's weird. Tits of celebrities. Oh my mind has been tainted by the boobs that were everywhere. Anne Hathaway, Reese Witherspoon, Sigourney Weaver, Angelina Jolie (expected), and some other women with armpit hair. Traumatized.

Nina and I were trying to figure out what she wanted to say. Something along the word - TITS! Haha.. Not sure about that, but before that we were talking about tits. What else would she be thinking other than that right..? We stopped thinking for a while and went to eat at KFC. Still, while eating, she was thinking about what she wanted to say earlier. Rest woman! Before you hurt yourself...

Couldn't recall what we talked about at the 'dinner' table. Moving on, we headed back to our previous seat which was at McDonald's. Mors dropped by after work but... No ring! Boohoo. He talked about his babies and this question; "Between wealth and love, which is your first priority?" To most the answer was love.

When he wanted to explain his question. Every question he asked must be backed up with a tale. LOL! At the corner of my eye, I saw a woman waving madly next to the traffic light but knowing me, in my head was just some nyonya waving to her friend. I ignored. The next thing I knew, it was Nina's Mum. Ooopppsssiiieee...

"I waved at you and then you didn't wave back!"

I'm sorry. I don't go looking around to see whether there's people who randomly waves at me, you know. Hahaha... Nina's Mum talked to Mors about incense and what not. Mors was taking a breather and it was so obvious he was trying to hide it from her. Fail! LOL! She didn't mind coz she knows. She saw it on our table but she didn't start looking at us one kind. Awesome!

After Nina's Mum left, Mors finished his stick and continued with his story. It was short but he dragged it to about a good 10 minutes. Nina was flowing while he was taking his own sweet time. Niiiccceee... We left at about 11pm. Emergency called.


January 26, 2011

Days Without the Gees

It's been three days we've not met.
And I'm feeling lonely already...
(put aside the love life part)

Nina has not been feeling well for the past few days because of her purplish-pink cankle. Not too sure what she's got. Jeng jeng jeng! We were suppose to meet yesterday but she canceled it. Thought of meeting today instead. Still not happening.

She went to see the doctor in the morning and was advised not to walk a lot.
*insert whatever sound effect you want*

Mors is working today and Nina is probably resting or something. I'm not too sure about Nat, and Nadh especially. That woman has not met us for a long while now. I think she has been busy knitting or chewing on scarves at home. Always M.I.A. with... I don't know what. She better be reading this. Haha! Apparently my other self, Mak Jah, is out. I'm sorry.

Here's a song for the Gees to listen to...

Aniways, thought of just updating about The G Word's well-being.
This will make up for the "No REAL post for 3 days".
Hopefully we could meet up soon.


January 23, 2011

We're Feeling Drizzy...

Hot and dangerous
If you're one of us, then roll with us
We'll be forever young
You know we are superstars
We are who we are!

Very 'powerful' song. Gets stuck in the head easily.

It was a very last minute meet-up. Nina was bored. I can't really describe how bad the boredom was. I shall give a picture of how it was... Write on the Facebook wall and Twitter about being bored. Can you see where I'm going..? That BAD!

She texted us, so we met at White Sands McDonald's at around 6pm. We thought Nat wasn't coming but a few minutes after I grabbed a chair to sit, she arrived. YAY! I was having a bad flu while Nat was having her syndrome. Haha. She took down some 'dangerous' medication because she was feeling effed up the night before. Very clever Nat.

She was feeling drowsy, didn't eat. Apparently she was on a liquid diet. According to her 'Liquid Dream...' LOL! Nat, you're gone. No doubt about that. Talked a lot about schtuff. Crappy schtuff most of it.

Yup! This kinda crap! Mors dropped by to meet us after he ended work at 9pm. Darn it, he didn't bring my beloved ring. It's that feeling of emptiness when you have worn something for so long and it's not there anymore. Have you ever felt that naked-ness? Of course I have. Haha.

Mors was story-telling about his babies. The story goes like this; he went for a jog at 8pm and heard something flew on top of him. Trees started to look like monsters, to me I mean. Isn't that scary? Well, we were except for Mors. He said his babies did that. If I were him, I would've run for my life. Once I step in the house, go into the room and pray. Hahaha..

Nat left early again. I think for every meet-up post you will see this line, "Nat left early". Hais... I couldn't remember what we talked about but we had fun. Wait, we ALWAYS have fun! No matter how boring it is.


January 22, 2011

Wongo Wongo Wongo!

I'll try to decide when
She'll lie in the end
I ain't got no fight in me
In this whole damn world...

Nice song... But the slurring has to stop dude.

Nina and Nat came over to my place today for a little music meet-up. Practicing for our upcoming performance and also brushing up some tune for the new Queery Fools' song, Let Me Let Go. After everything was somewhere in place, I showed them the recent Shaycarl's video which was Rocktard's first crawl. Katilette is so PRETTY! Hnnnnngggg... I wanna hug her.

We hung out under the void deck opposite my block with the guitar again, while taking a breather and Nat entertained my little sister at the playground. Nina was jotting down a heck load of phrases and words. Apparently they were all jumbled up in her mind. Inspiration gush!

We talked about men... And women! Haha. Questions asked and answered.
Later on, we watched a hilarious but offending, in some ways, video.

As the hours went by, we started our deep talk and continued on with crap. We were talking about eating, "I want to eat you." But Nat had taken it a bit too far. Eating somebody tryna give birth. Gosh woman! That's sick! Really sick!

Aniways, for viewing pleasure.
To take off the eating up pregnant women image.
Here's a picture of Katilette.


January 21, 2011


Baby please don't go
If I wake up tomorrow will you still be here?
I don't know...

FRIDAY baby!
Let me hear a, "What what!"

Mors and I met at Tamp. Such a "hectic" day. Firstly, my phone died. That led me to not be able to contact Mors. You know how miserable I felt? Of course not. Haha. I was just standing around the train station waiting for a miracle to happen. And that miracle was to bump into a friend who would willingly lend their phone. Luckily for me, miracle happened.

I texted Nina coz she wouldn't pick up any unknown numbered calls. Asked her to pass a message to Mors. Waited for Mors for about fifteen minutes. Gosh! Waiting for him was like waiting for the moon. Some people yawn because they ARE tired, but I yawned till I BECAME tired. LOL!

Nina came at around 7.30pm. Mors and I took turn to sleep. Yes, we were that tired. Wanna know where we slept? ...Under the void deck... Haha. While Mors was sleeping, I was talking to myself, about some gals trying to take one of their slippers in the drain. Interesting... Mors thought I was talking to someone. I'm crazy like that.

Well, recently the Gees have been high, especially Nina! Irritating but good. That's how it's suppose to be. We talked about THE exciting news and how it has been going according to 'plan'. *takes a deep breath*

Nat arrived a few minutes later after her selling ceremony. Got into talking about love whereas Mors went to sleep. Haha. We've realized that whenever one of the Gees is in a particular situation, it is highly likely that the other Gees are going to be in the same situation. Love~

Nat and Mors left earlier. After 11pm, that's when the deep talk started. But, we had to get going before Nina's last bus. We should have a night out soon....


January 19, 2011

News on G!

Now I've got a confession
When I was young I wanted attention
And I promised myself that I'd do anything
Anything at all for them to notice me...

Today is one of the happiest moments in my life!
We have been working so hard towards a singing career and today is the day, 19th Jan.

The story:
Callie Moore, the sister-in-law of Shaycarl. Katilette's, Shaycarl's wife, sister. So... Callie was from the States and she had moved here, Singapore, due to Dave's, her husband, job. She's a singer/songwriter. She will be staying in Singapore for 2 years. Oh-no! We pity you!

She invited us to her Christmas/New Year's party at her home last year. Lovely home by the way. She was asking some of the fans whether there were any songwriters in the room. Apparently, we were the only ones. She asked if we could play one of our songs but it wasn't our place to be playing. Plus, the fans were looking at us in such a way that any moment we were gonna be eaten.

As I got home, I sent her a message on Youtube telling her about our original song and have her take a look at it. A few days later, she commented!

At that very moment, I froze! Every part of me, including my balls. Haha! I couldn't seem to breathe. "Take my breath away...." *starts serenading the entire flat*

After a few hundred views, some comments and likes later, I received a message from Callie. Because I asked her about what instruments we should use to do a professional recording and this was what she said:

"I'll be getting my studio soon... and an employment pass so I can legally use it :) My original intention before I started youtube was to start my own record label (which I still plan to do). I'm sure we could record you for super cheap :) Maybe even help produce and add instruments if you wanted. Let me know! I really think the song "try" is beautiful. It kind of has a 3 doors down feel to it, but so lovely with female vocals and still it's own unique sound.
(hearts) Callie"

Such a lovely woman she is. We've responded to her and awaiting her response to our response. Hahahaha...


January 18, 2011

Read WrongRy

I know...
I'm finding it hard to breathe
And I've been drowning in my own sleep
I feel... A hate crashing over me
So rescue me!

Oh yes...
If you haven't realize, I usually introduce a song in the beginning of the post.
It may be an oldie or the newest song. =D

Today, Mors had an off day so we decided to meet at Paris McDonald's. Nina ended school around 5.30 to 6pm. Mors was roaming around the East... Haha! Not really roaming. He called me to meet him earlier. Went to 'OCH', according to him, before heading to Paris after his haircut at Tampines. It was a very confusing trip.

Aniways, I met Mors at 6pm and he started story-telling. Remember he's 305 years old, he's a grandfather. LOL! He mentioned about enchanting stuff. I shall not get in deeper into the subject. All you need to know is a recharging box.

"A box that recharges..??"

Nina arrived about an hour later, and Mors started to repeat the whole story. Haha. Yup, he has Alzheimer's disease... But not in this context. He repeated himself because he wanted to tell Nina the story. I listened the second time, of course. It has happened to me most of the time.

Mors was feeling really hungry so we went down to KFC. It's been a long time since we stepped into that place. We usually go to Subway or Anana's but not today. In there, we talked and laughed and talked and laughed. And eat, like DUH! So many jokes that I couldn't even remember.

We saw Hazimah's look-a-like, eating her chicken oh-so politely. Mors laughed till his snort almost came out. Eeeewwww...! Then Mors wanted to bite some dude's lips. Sadly, he has a wife. A pregnant wife.

After we were done, we sat at the end of the interchange. It's been five years now. Memories. Nina was high as a motherfucker. Mors felt like hanging her on the ceiling so she wouldn't move so much... And then slaughter her. LOL! Just kidding.

Not surprised if Nina were to do this... Coz she's high!
We talked about where we were heading. Is there gonna be a back-up plan? We can't see ourselves in any other job except being in music. A music career. Now, we are just waiting for our performance day, 20th Feb. Hope it will go smoothly.

WHO ARE YOU...? *TRIP*! (:

January 16, 2011

Party Like A Rockstar

"Let's party baby, tell the DJ get the party crazy
I'm feeling faded like a classic pair of Ben Davis
Music bangin'... Hella ladies
I'm navigating through them girls like a new Mercedes"

It's our first clubbing night for the year 2011 and Nad's first clubbing experience ever. Deprived? Yeah. Hahaha... Nat and Nadh have never went clubbing before but at least Nadh had visited CHIJMES while Nat... NEVER! You have lost to a tudong-ed woman, Nat. LOL~

Mors, Nad and I met at Nina's place around 6pm. Had our dinner there. Make-up and out we went. Zirca, here we come! Traveled all the way from Paris to Clarke Quay. Ta-da! We were there, walking pass a whole lot of people. Sat by the river, snapped some pictures while waiting for the time to tick 9.30pm.

Disgusting? I know. We do that all the time... Hahaha!
After the three of us, except for Nad, got our last breather, we walked to Zirca. Complication happened. The management, RACIST! Nina and I got in first. Nad was behind Mors, but he couldn't get in. The bouncer scanned his identification card and then told him that he's not allowed in. What the mother of holy flying fuck?!

At first we thought it was because he's a policeman. Then later we found out that some other Malay dude couldn't get in too. See the link there. So aniways, we heard that if we were to get in through Rebel, we were able to get into Zirca but if we were to get in from Zirca itself, we're stuck in there. It's this interconnected thingy where one can get into another and the other can't. Whatever!

We planned on going to Play. That was the last place that we had in mind but we thought, "Let's try Rebel". We tried and BAM! We were in and Mors paid $15 only, same price for ladies. Yeah! Put our bags in the locker, took out the necessary things and out we went again to sit by the river. We just wanted to get our chops, that's all. Hehe.

Nad was getting sleepy. She ain't a night person I must say. She was conserving energy while Mors, Nina and I were talking about going to Helipad and getting a high rise apartment building. That will be awesome!

Around 11.30pm, we headed back to Rebel to PARTY! Well.. the dancefloor wasn't open yet. We got ourselves a drink, especially Nad. She needed a Redbull badly. Eye closing slowly... Haha. We stared at some fine ladies in there and some hot men too but their club ethics are such turn offs. Mors and Nina got stomped on their foot with heels. OUCH! That must really hurt. Yada-yada-yada.. Dance dance dance.

The night only ended till 2am. Didn't wanna wait much longer. Went outta there for good, sat at our original spot watching some Indian ladies stumbling over and what not. Sounds like fun huh..? It was.

After feeling a little 'chill in the grill', we got into a cab and headed to Nina's place. Ahhh... the nice comfy seats. Nina was having trouble in the cab. She couldn't stabilize herself. Hahaha. I suggested that she could just spread her butt cheeks to have a more firm grip on the seat. She wouldn't listen. Of course, I understand. LOL!

We were feeling kinda drunk in the cab even thought we didn't drink. The cab driver thought we were. Instead we felt that he was the drunk one. He drove like a maniac. He was scared I guess. Hahaha..


January 14, 2011

Dhoom Her Tits

Oh what's love got to do, got to do with it?
What's love but a second hand emotion
Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken...

Woohoo! It's Friday babe!
Met up with Mors at 4.30pm to get a ring. After that, we just chilled under the void deck while waiting for Nat. She had a really bad migraine but Mors healed her. Magic...? Yeah, you can say that. Haha.

Talked a lot of nonsense. And I really mean NONSENSE! We talked about tits here and there, and the funny laughter of an old man. I'm sure all of you have heard the old man, Uncle Joe, laugh. I think he has the most contagious and hilarious laughter ever!

Yes yes. It's funny.
Nina came later at about 7.30pm and the nonsensical conversation got worst. I have no idea what I did, I forgot, but Nina threw a can of tea on my head. Ouch. Actually, no it doesn't hurt at all. Haha. Next was Mors. He chased me just to put a sock in my mouth. His used, smelly sock! Only a dumb person would still be in their seat and let a sock be inserted in their mouth. Haha!

Joke of the day would be about an old Chinese woman who feeds cats. In Singapore we call these type of women, 'Nyonya'. She was busy calling for the cats and I had to comment on her floral blouse and her lips that were like Angelina Jolie's. Haha.

This 'nyonya' reminded us of the woman that I wanted to unclothe. And... lay her on a mattress. I know it's disturbing. Somehow every 'nyonya' we see, that image will just pop up in our heads. Tainted! Such innocent old ladies. I just had to make them 'naughty'.

Talked a little bit more. Played with a kitty cat. Awww.... Such a cute cat. If only we had a house of our own where we can raise cats. Hahaha... Not a field, filled with Olives. The cat bit Mors' cheeks like he was a soft toy. That's a pretty big soft toy you got there, kitty.

Oh ya! I was telling them about celebrities with armpit hair. OMG! Seriously..? I mean I don't really care if women want to keep their pit hair till their elbows but... Celebrities?! Really?

Nat had to leave early. Why?! If only you could stay longer and listen to more of our crappiness. Hehe. Dr. Ninakh made an appearance today to share some stories and gave love advices. Very useful that woman, in this kind of situation.

"If you wanna get into the pants of another person of the same sex, you're definitely GAY" - Dr. Ninakh

Such a powerful quote. This is for those of you out there who are... ehem... confused.


January 13, 2011

'Re-Ceiling' Our Hearts

It's automatic
Everywhere in your letter
A lie that makes me bleed...
There's no real love in you!

I swear he looks like Kumar... Don't you think so?

12.01.2011 :
We had a meeting today. It's the same process for me. Waited for Nina at White Sands' library to kill time. Was reading 'Bad Behaviour of Celebrities". It was the most hilarious book I've ever read. Gosh! I didn't know that some celebrities were that dumb, and still are. Haha!

David Bowie on Adolf Hitler:
"He was one of the first rock stars.."

Seriously dude! Are you flipping with me?! He was a dictator for God's sake. Okay, back to the whole meeting. A whole lot of things happened. Firstly, Nina went to Archer's to get a haircut. Bumped into her sister. Next, we went to Burger King to grab a bite.

Then, we headed to McDonald's to chill after buying a pack of ciggies. Nina shared some bad news, talked about funny Tumblr moments and later at night, Nad came to join us. YAY!

This described the whole situation I'm about to tell.
Nad finally let go of that 'appliance'. She saw the light. "Head towards the light Nad. I'm on the other side reaching out to you.... to give a torchlight coz it's kinda dark in here." Hahahahaha! Laaaammmmeeee......

Aniways, yeah that was what happened. After that, we became crazy as usual. There were a few tears shed but Nad is a strong girl. She can handle it.


January 7, 2011

Sunny D & Yum, Mak Rum

"Do you really want?
Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead?
Or alive to torture for my sins?"

30 Seconds to Mars!
Their song "Hurricane" had been stuck in Nina's head for the night.

Guess what day is it today..? It's Friday! GONGZ meeting. It was a day filled with laughter. What's new right..! It's a new year but still, that's what we do. Well, they always say this, "Laughter is the best medicine."

I couldn't agree more. I had a really bad migraine just now when I met the dudettes. But the laughter definitely eased the pain, a little. The supposed time for us to meet was 6.30pm. Since I didn't go to school today, I met Nina at Paris McDonald's around 5.30pm. She went to take her jersey from Downtown East.

The jersey was super duper awesome! It was orange and black! Like the color of Tron Legacy's identity disc.

Nat and Mors came around dusk. Somewhere there. We started our little stories. Hehe. Every meeting, there will be stories to tell. I made us sound like some grandmothers and grandfathers. Haha. We are actually. Deep, deep inside. LOL!

Mors told us a paranormal activity that happened in his home. Wait, was it paranormal? Hmmm.. I think I'll just put it as paranormal. It's a complicated scenario. Nina had an interesting love story going on at the other end of the 'world'. Nat? Did Nat tell a tale yesterday? I forgot.

Does news about getting a job, a story too? I shall take that as a yes. Nat had a call when we were chatting. She came back with a wide smile on her face. "From ear to ear.." HAHAHA! She got the job at Sentosa. Guess who else got the job? ME! *smiles*

Misty's expression

Sidney's expression

Now the story begins.
Sydney and Misty are Mors' babies. Uhhuh. Dragons! Cute huh?! If only I could hug them. Mors taught us how to feel their presence but if a stranger were to walk pass us, I think he/her will think we're crazy. Coz it looks like we were feeling air~. I wanna see them.

I'm guessing that's how Mors' babies were reacting towards our touch. "What's that...? A hand..?" Hahaha.. Not forgetting, energy balls. That was another 'stupid' moment, from the public's point of view. We shall not do that outside from now on.

You're messing with my zen thing, man! - Kevin Flynn, Tron Legacy

We went home a few minutes after Nat left. She had a minor headache from watching a crystal spinning on top of my hand. Gendeng! Hahahaha...


January 6, 2011

News on G!

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Especially to Mors. Since he's in HTA now.

One of our lovely G, Nat, has helped us expose the Queery Fools to OLD Singaporeans. Yes, we are from Singapore and no, not that kind of exposure. No one is going to be naked anywhere. Wait, maybe me. Haha. Just kidding.

"How have she helped?"

Nat has been dancing since God knows when and she is part of a Community Club. As in she will be called to perform if there were any events. She had mentioned us to her I.C. to give us a slot so we could perform. Isn't that exciting?! Well, I am definitely excited.

It has been confirmed by her that we were given a slot. We will be performing at some CC for old folks. Hilarious? Yup, I think so too. Well, it's a start.

For readers who are in Singapore, I'm not sure if you can come but please do.
I have no idea if we have supporters.
Just acknowledging!


January 5, 2011

Let Me Let Go

Verse 1:
You said goodbye and that was that
Now you're standing here on my doorstep
Asking me to let you in
Begging me for one last chance

Yeah I missed you too but it doesn't change a thing
Without you here, I can finally breathe again

So don't you come back
Didn't you hear what I said?
I don't need you no more
I'm doing fine on my own
It's time we moved on
Please let me let go

Verse 2:
This love is not worth fighting for
I'm reaching out for something more
It's time to see it could never be
It's time you see you never needed me



And if you do come back, I won't be here
I'll be on my way, I'll be already gone


January 4, 2011

Welcome to EVOKE 2011

So wild, so beautiful and pure
All elements divine
The essence of all life
Savage but glorious...

What a day!
Like I said, blog post for every meeting. So here it is!

Today. What happened today? Where do I begin...? *sings a tune from the Godfather* Ah-ha! We met at Nina's house for a ritual. Okay, not really a ritual but it looks like one. And no, it's not a witchcraft ritual.

It started off with Mors spending time at the library reading about crystals. How about you Fae? I was in bed. Hahaha... I met up with him. Eventually. Nina and I tried texting him but he wouldn't reply. I thought he fell asleep waiting for me. NO! He was too engrossed reading. MORS reads?? Yup, surprising right. I was like a surprised Komodo dragon too.

Back to the meeting. I went to buy Nina her bubble tea and we went over to her home. Ritual started. Nothing much happened there. It's classified! Haha! While Mors was waiting for the tea lights to burn out, he slept by the way, I was playing Nina's game on her Iphone. Nina was just doing her work.

Boring much? It was so-so. After the whole thing ended, Nina was still not done with her work so Mors and I slept. More of a nap actually. We ate for the second time before we headed down to chill and took a breather.

Chatted about Mors' new guy. Oh yeah... And some love advises from Dr. Ninakh. LOL! Mors had to leave at around 10pm coz he had to iron his clothes, pack his stuff and what not for the next morning. Sighs. He forgot his flippin' ciggies! GEE-ZUS CRIES!

Wait wait! The day ended with me embarrassing myself. You know how it feels when you can't control your bladder anymore and then.... Well, fill in the blanks yourself. Fa-La-La!


January 3, 2011

Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Famous

And on the road,
I sleep alone.
And I can't wait until I'm home...

Today, 3rd January 2011. I have decided to blog every single meet we have no matter if it's short or long. Okay the long ones have to be blogged. Fae, have you lost your mind?! Apparently.

It started out with me waiting for Nina at the school library. She had some project meeting and such. Wasted time. Maybe not wasted, SPENT some time on the internet. I swear there's nothing on the net that interest me anymore, apart from listening to music. So as you can see, I was listening to Tegan & Sara.

Aniways, Nina and I met at Paris McDonald's before heading to Subway to grab a bite. Both of us started talking about our music that has been put up on Youtube. For those readers who are unaware of our music, go check it out. We are the Queery Fools. I think by now you should know that most of us in The G Word "embrace the rainbow". If you can get what I mean. *smiles*

Not as bad as The Village People though. We're still maintained. We came up with a plan and that was, if our music video for 'Try' hits 500 views, we will celebrate by having a seafood dinner together as the wonderful Gees, featuring Nad. Sounds good enough? If a thousand views, we'll go sit on knives. Hahahaha... Just kidding.

So many plans with so little time. Aaaarggghhh! Calm your tits. We shall proceed with the plan once we're done with school. We're graduating soon. Yippee! Can't wait to be famous. Haha. That's a stretch. We'll try to make it out there with the help of you guys.

Remember this band here?

Who doesn't right? They made it big!

Did you smell that..? Gay-ness. Hahahaha... Well, it's not about who you are anymore. It's all about the music and whether the audiences love ya. Pretty faces on the rise. We can be that too. We totally have that look. You wouldn't believe your eyes! Pretty hot huh?

Our New Year's Ritual

January 2, 2011

Our Mors Has POP-ed

January 1, 2011

Let's Celebrate Kat's Birthday!

Happy New Year!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And Auld Lang Syne!

It's 2011 people!
GEE-BEES! How time flies by fast... Okay, updates. We celebrated our 'New Year' celebration at an unusual place actually. Unusual as in, kids our age won't be hanging out at this kinda place. It is... *drum rolls*... the Community Club! LOL!

Yes, we spent our day at the community club and not because we didn't have anywhere else to go. We went there to support one of our fellow G, Natashah. She had a performance with her dance crew. Very interesting mix - hip-hop plus Malay dance. Ah-ha!

Nina and I got to Anchorvale CC at around 7pm. We were supposed to meet Nat at the "Dome" but we were already late. And it's because of ME! Ooopsss.. I'm sorry. I had to wait for my Mum to come home. *innocent look*

While waiting for the performance, which was pushed from 9.45pm to 10.40pm, we walked in and out of 7-11 four to five times, bought cheese sticks to be eaten by the river and took a walk around the boulevard to get some ciggies. Niiiicccceee.. We were just in time for the performance. Wow! We spent almost 3 hours of doing nothing apart from doing the crew's make-up which only took half an hour.

There were so many kids cause it's like a New Year 'family thingy'. Into the whole introduction, the emcee started to talk about lucky draws and made the dancers stood there in their positions like WEIRD-ASSES. Damn you emcee! Die! No, I'm just kidding.

The performance was great but there weren't enough space since the kids are all seated directly in front of the dancers feet. BUDGET. It sounded awesome when they said, "Celebrate New Year 2011 by the River Side" but it was more like by the drain. Still, a good performance by the crew.

Sat outside for about an hour before the fireworks started. Talked and laughed and talked and laughed. That's what we usually do aniways. Hahaha! It started out with the teachers, then it went on to their wardrobe to powders. What?? Where's the link? There is, only you don't see it. LOL!

Back to the fireworks. We waited for 10 minutes while taking a breather and another 6 minutes watching the fireworks. AWESOME! It was really pretty. Sadly, I didn't take any snapshots of it. Greeted a few families 'Happy New Year'. We got different reactions. Some hilarious, some irritating. You feel like you just wanna throw them off a bridge. *5 seconds* We were on a bridge actually. Haha.

See this stuff? Garage sale? Nope. These are the stuff that we are going to... BURN! Muahahaha... Except for the slippers of course. Those are Nina's. If we were to burn those, she will be burning us instead. You might be wondering, "Why are you burning all these, Fae? The bear, so cute.."

I shall start with why. We are burning this stuff because it's Nat's ex-boyfie's belongings that he didn't take from her home. He prolonged the process of the exchange, so we are going to burn his things. By this time, it's already burnt. Next, about the bear. Uhhuh, he is care bear and all, cute and cuddly. Firstly, all I'm picturing is the bear being Nat's ex-boyfie and secondly, it is not green anymore. It looks like it has been rammed by a truck ten times.

And the burning began!
Yay! No king, no king. La-la-la-la-la-la.

Before hand, we cut it up into smaller pieces. We don't want to start the New Year by getting arrested by the police for vandalizing public property. Or worse, littering. Haha! It went on and on and on. We took some artsy-fartsy pictures of the fire and got the hell outta there. Coz Nat wanted to pee, and Nina and I were at the park alone with some drunkards. Geez!

Walked from Anchorvale to Compassvale. Not far. Just walk straight, then straight again. And straight. Oh wait, I forgot, straight. LOL! Nina took a cab home at 5am whereas Nat came over to my home while waiting for the first bus. She played QWOP for a while. After a few failed attempts at trying to figure out the game, she headed home.